Portumna Community School

   Portumna, Co. Galway,  Ireland 



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Past Students

Welcome to all past pupils of Portumna Community School, whether you left last year or....well many years ago we are really delighted that you have found us. We hope that this is going to be one of the most visited and active areas of our website our main aims for this section are to provide a means by which past pupils can keep in touch with the school and also keep in touch with each other.

Remember the people you hung around with in school and haven't seen since but have often wondered where they are now? This just might be the way to make contact, as more and more people are coming online everyday. There are two things we would like you to do:

1. Sign our guestbook and if you would like to be included in a directory of "Past Pupils of Portumna Schools"....(This we will take as including St. Mollaises, St. Bridgids Vocational School, Maria Regina College and Portumna College) just leave your email address and we will put you in. This will probably be slow at first but if people pass on our web address it could be very exciting.

2. Send us any old photographs that you have from your school days, if you have access to a scanner simply send as an email attachment (preferably as a jpg file)  or if you would trust us with the actual photograph we would return it to you after addiing it to our photo album.

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