Portumna Community School

   Portumna, Co. Galway,  Ireland 





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Meet some of our second year students

Leaving Cert. Photos

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Visit our ART page and our Engineering page

On this page it is intended to show samples of work by students from the school. This will include poetry, artwork, Home Economics, Engineering and Construction Studies projects etc. We are currently photographing examples of these and hope to have this section up and running by the end of April. For now we have included some poems by our second year students which were entries in The Amergin Memorial Poetry Competition organised by the actor Patrick Bergin.The theme of the competition was Birds



          The Crow

The old crow perches there

On a tall tree top

Everything black

No stars in the sky.

But himself perched safe and high.

The silence is broken

By the sound of his cries

Caw. Caw. Caw.

 Johnny Deely. (13)



The Hawk


As the moon is glowing

In the old dark lane

The tiny mouse

Runs across the grass

As watching from the sky

The fierce looking hawk

Swoops down and catches…




Eoghan Curley (13)



Birds are such beautiful things

Their colour, their shape and their wings.

The sight of them flying so high in the sky

Makes one wish you could give it a try

Some migrate for the winter

you see them arrive back for the summer

refuelled full of glee

The robin, it isn't his nature to go

He hangs around all winter

in rain and in snow

Edwina Ryan (13)



Deep inside me there is a bird

A bird that wants to fly up high

Into the sky

But I can't

Why, Why, Why, Can't I fly?

I try, I try but I just can't seem to fly.

Deep inside me there is a bird

A big bird that wants to spread

It's wings as far as possible

Deep me inside me there is a bird that

wants to float in the sea

along the small waves.

Deep inside me there is a bird

that wants to roll around in the soft white snow



I wrote this because I want you to realise that everyone should not be judged by the outside but what they are like on the inside

Deep inside everyone if you look hard enough you will find an inner animal and mine is a bird.

You are what you are inside, not what you are on the outside.

Caroline Fallon (14)



 The Robin

 The robin flies through the air

Her wings barely flapping in the dark night

She finds her way through the thick bush

But where can she find food this late?

She thinks of her nestlings starving at home

She carries on courageously

It will soon be dawn.

Brian Dillon (13)


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