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A Short Note About The School

Presentation Secondary School, Warrenmmount is a progressive all-girls school.

The school offers a six-year programme.

Together with the traditional Junior Certificae and Leaving Certificate the programme includes the following options:

  • The Junior Certificate Elementary programme is offered as an alternative to the traditional Junior Certificate.
  • Transition Year (Fourth Year) is offered to students after the Junior Certificate.
  • The Leaving Certificate Applied is offered as an alternative to the traditional Leaving Certificate.

Sports played in the school include Netball, Basketball, Tennis Badminton and Athletics.

The girls can also take part in Debating, Public Speaking and Table Quiz's.

The girls may also join the School Choir, which has built up an excellent reputation - having featured in recent years in "Joseph and his Amasing Technicolour Dreamcoat" and on the Late Late Show.

Extra-Curricular activities and clubs in the school include Amnesty International and the Earthwatch Enviromental group.

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School Hours

School begins at 8.50am every day.You are expected to be in class ready for work by 8.55am. There are three forty-minute classes before morning break.

  • Morning Break: 10.55am -11.05am

Students generally bring refreshments with them. We have a tuck shop that opens at small break, which sells goodies and soft drinks.

After break, there are another three fourty minute classes before lunch.

  • Lunch: 1.00pm - 1.45pm

With your parents'/guardians' written permission, you are allowed go home for lunch or have lunch out side of school. Our shool tuck shop sells soup, sandwiches and other supplies at this time.

School finishes at:

  • 3.45pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
  • 1.00pm on Wednesday
  • 3.05pm on Friday

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Teachers and Subjects

New Class

You are assigned to a base class in first year. This is mixed ability. Over the year, your teachers get to know your talents and aptitudes very well. At the end of first year, you will be reassigned to a new class, based on your work and participation over first year.

The Junior Certification Schools Programme is different in that students remain in that class grouping until the end of third year. This class, which is smaller in size, allows for a variety of practical subjects and extra tuition.

New Subjects

You will have covered many of the subjects in secondary before. However, some subjects will be new, like French, Business, Science, C.S.P.E. and Home Economics. Look upon these subjects as an exciting challenge. Try not to be worried or anxious about these subjects, because everyone in your class is facing them too for the first time.

Differnt Teachers

In primary school, you were used to only one teacher for all subjects. In secondary school. You will generally have a different teacher for each subject. This is good because you learn in lots of different ways. It also makes the day more interesting and enjoyable. Remember that different teachers require different things of you, so you must learn to be flexible and adaptable in class.

Moving To Rooms

Unlike primary school, you go to the teacher's room for class. This gives you a chance to stretch your legs and work in different rooms. The specialist rooms are rooms like the Art Room, the Science Labratory, the Kitchen and the Computer Room.

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School Uniform

Every student is required to have:

  • A royal blue jumper
  • A white shirt
  • A navy plete skirt
  • Navy trousers as an option
  • White socks
  • Plain white runners or black shoes
  • A plain dark navy jacket

Physical Education Uniform

  • Navy tracksuit bottoms
  • A yellow or white sports shirt

Both uniforms are now avalible in Frawleys Shop, on Thomas Street

Bus Routes

The school can be reached by the following bus routes

49, 49A, 65, 65A, 65B, 77, 77A 16, 16A, 54, 54A, 22, 22A, 19, 19A

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