School Crest
[5 + 1 System] [Student Forum] [Parents Help]

5 + 1 System

   This group of trained fifth year students meet regularly with their first year group. Their role is to be a role model for the incoming first year group. They will watch out for all first years, making sure that the pupils are settling in and that no student is unhappy or being bullied.

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Student Forum Representative

   We believe that students should have a voice in the decisions being made at school and so each class has a representative at the Forum.

      The objectives of the Student Forum:
  1.    Towards shared responsibility
       - partners in a working relationship.
  3.    Forum to voice opinions relevant to them
  5.    To develop a sense of responsibility
  7.    To give unity to student body

  1.    To discuss matters relevant to students
  3.    To make proposals on behalf of student body
  5.    To organise extra-curricular activities
  •    Head Girl
  •    Deputy Head Girl
  •    6 Prefects (1 representing each year)
  •    Class Captains
  •    Chair (rotating)
  •    Secretary
  •    Executive Members
  •    Representatives
  •    Monthly:           Concurrent Junior & Senior Meetings
  •    Once A Term:   General Meeting
      Reporting to Class:
  •    Pastoral Care class following meeting

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Parents Help

   We strongly believe taht parents have a crucial role to play in the life of our school. As your daughter makes that transition from primary to secondary school, your continual help and support will ensure your daughter is achieving her very best in school.

   Warrenmount is committed to partnership with parents and teachers working together for the good of the student.

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