School Crest
[Student And Amnesty Group] [Activities Of Student And Amnesty Group]

Warrenmount Student and Amnesty Group

   In 1995, in response to learning about human rights abuse throughout the world, a group of committed third year students set up Warrenmount's first Student Amnesty Group. Since its inception, the group has worked hard to encourage all students and staff to join them in their efforts to make a stand against injustice and human rights abuses throughout the world. With the school community's continued generous support, the group has sent a number of petitions to political leaders worldwide, protesting against the torture, disappearance and death of many innocent people. Warrenmount's Student Amnesty Group is very concerned that such violence and abuse of people's rights will continue, unless we speak out for our neighbouring brothers and sisters. As one survivor of torture wisely stated:

      "Because of Amnesty's work, I will shine a constant light of hope to all those caught in the hellish darkness of torture."

   Our Amnesty group believes that if we unite against such abuse of human rights, we can bring about change in our world.

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Activities of Warrenmount Student and Amnesty Group

  •    Over the years, this group has organized monthly petitions in reponse to appeals made in the Student and Youth Newsletter and Amnesty's website

  •    As is traditional every Valentines Day, Warrenmount's Amnesty Group, sell Friendship Bracelets at a cost of €2. These bracelets are made by street children who live in Central America. All money raised goes directly to easing the plight of these children and other victims of human rights abuses around the world.

  •    In past years, we have also organized a poster competition and inter-school debate chaired by Joe Duffy of RTE to raise awareness around justice issues. We hope to work towards a similar inter-school forum in early 2003.

  •    Members have also attended a number of the inspiring annual Student and Youth Conferences

  •    This year, we hope to get involved in Amnesty's new fund raising venture Candle Day at the end of October.

   We hope to continue to encourage our school community to make a public commitment to live out the mission statement of our school; to speak out and take a stand against injustice and human rights abuses throughout the world.

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