The Skerries/Guichen Link (Events, 1991 - 1992)
July 1991:
A small group of visitors from the Canton of Guichen arrived on a fact-finding mission. Accompanied by Kevin Thorp, President of the Irish/Breton Society, they saw Skerries harbour with the sun setting behind the islands and decided that this was for them! Subsequently a public meeting was held in Skerries and an ad hoc committee was elected to look into the possibility of forming a twinning link.
October 1991:
Accompanied by Kevin Thorp, a delegation visited Guichen as guests for their
twinning ceremony with Spanish town Villafranca de los Barros.
April 1992:
Sixteen visitors from the Canton, led by the Mayor of Bourg-des-Comptes spent
six days in Skerries getting to know the area and the people. Links were
established with the secondary and primary schools.
October 1992:
A return visit was paid to Guichen by a group from Skerries. There were visits to many local sights and meetings took place to establish firmer links between
the two communities.