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15 / 05 / '04

The Twinning Year - 1994.

April-May 1994
A return visit was made to Skerries by the students from College St. Joseph.
May 1994: Twelve primary school children, aged 8 - 10 years, from the town of Laille, came for a week-long stay in Skerries. They visited the local primary schools, Milverton, Realt na Mara and St. Patrick’s and went on a number of outings to Dublin, Malahide Castle and the Animal Farm in the Naul.

August 1994
The planning of the previous three years reached its climax with the Twinning Ceremony, which took place Sunday, August 14th. Over 100 people travelled from Guichen for the four-day programme of events. Municipal representatives from all eight communes were present, the Conseiller General of the Canton, the Cultural Attache of the French Embassy, the Cathaoirleach of Fingal County Council, local representatives and councillors, as well as hundreds of local Skerries people gathered at Red Island to witness the signing of the Charter of Friendship between our two communities. A squadron from the Army Flying Corps flew over head and to the accompaniment of the national anthems, flags were raised in a very colourful ceremony.
Brendan Friel & Michel Bachelot, Twinning Presidents.