Behaviour Code
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If the school is to achieve a happy, secure environment in which children can develop to their full potential, it is necessary to provide a framework which promotes constructive behaviour and discourages unacceptable behaviour. The aim is to ensure that the individuality of each child is accommodated while acknowledging the right of each child to an education in a relatively disruption free environment. The school code places a greater emphasis on rewards than on sanctions, and the ideal is that pupils will acquire self-discipline. We recognise the importance of a strong sense of community within the school and the existence of a high level of co-operation among teachers, ancillary staff, pupils, parents, the Board of Management and the Parents' Association.


The Code of Behaviour aims to achieve three things:

  1. The efficient operation of the school and the structuring of in-class discipline so that there exists an efficient and stimulating learning environment.

  2. The maintenance of good order throughout the school and respect for the school environment.

  3. The development of self-discipline in pupils based on consideration, respect and tolerance for others.

Planning for Good Behaviour 

It is necessary for teachers to plan for behaviour, and to teach school and classroom rules in the same manner as the school subjects are taught. Pupils have the right to be listened to at appropriate times agreed by the teacher, but not wrongly gained or inappropriately demanded by the pupil.

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Framework for Code of Behaviour

The aim of the code is to encourage good behaviour and to discourage poor behaviour.  In keeping with this aim, the framework is:

  • Fair

  • Supported by all staff

  • Applies to all students consistently, both in class and throughout the school

  • Respects the dignity of all students

  • Is task orientated – clear and helpful directions are given, not implied

  • Recognises good behaviour whenever and wherever it occurs

Expectations of Pupils

  1. Work quietly and safely

  2. Listen when expected to

  3. Respect all members of the school community

  4. Be helpful

  5. Produce your best work in class and for your homework

Pupils’ Expectations of Teachers

  1. to be courteous, consistent and fair

  2. to prepare and mark work

  3. to listen, at appropriate times, to pupils’ explanations for behaviour

  4. to recognise good work and behaviour

  5. to deal with bad behaviour

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School Rules

  1. Pupils must be in time for school.

  2. Wear the correct uniform

  3. Complete all homework.

  4. Pupils walk quietly around the school, and leave and enter the school building in single file.

  5. Keep the school clean and litter free.

  6. All absences of the pupils must be explained to the class teacher by a parent /guardian (by note)

  7. Any form of behaviour which interferes with the rights of others is unacceptable

  8. Follow the school’s healthy eating policy.

  9. Follow school rules when coming to school and when going home from school.

Classroom Rules (Senior Classes)

  1. Follow instructions straight away

  2. Do your work well and on time.

  3. Speak only with permission during lessons.

  4. Sit properly, and you must always get permission before leaving your place.

  5. Have the proper school materials always and use them only when needed

  6. Allow others to do their work without interruption.

  7. Keep your classroom tidy at all times

Classroom Rules (Infant Classes)

  1. Do what you are told straight away

  2. Do your work well and on time.

  3. Put your hand up for attention and wait quietly.

  4. Sit properly, and you must always get permission before leaving your place.

  5. Have the proper school materials always and use them only when needed

  6. Be nice to others.

  7. Keep your classroom tidy at all times

Rules for Outside Play Areas

  1. Follow directions from all staff immediately

  2. Walk in the yard and when leaving or coming into school grounds

  3. No rough play in yard or on the field.

  4. Do not re-enter the school building during the breaks unless given permission

  5. Keep away from the areas that are out of bounds (Shelters, outside toilets- without permission)

  6. Food and drink are not to be brought to the yard

  7. Lining up: all pupils walk to their class line,  line up in roll-book order and await their teacher

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Merit Book (Procedures)

The  main emphasis of the Code of Behaviour will be on affirming good behaviour. It is recognised that the procedures will be time-consuming, but constantly reprimanding pupils is also time-consuming, and does not appear to produce the desired effect.


Children can receive up to 4 stamps daily. When they receive a certain total, they are awarded a postcard, bronze, silver, gold card.


Stamps are awarded on the following basis:

  • 1 stamp awarded at 10.40 a.m. each day (for being on time, for wearing uniform, for completing homework and for good behaviour and effort).

  • 1 stamp is to be awarded for good behaviour and effort at 12.20 p.m. for the midday session

  • 1 stamp is to be awarded for good behaviour and effort during the afternoon session

  • One bonus stamp may be awarded at teacher’s discretion.

  1. Each stage in the day gives the pupil a fresh start. This means that even if a pupil gets a yellow card or other sanction in Stage One, he can still get a stamp in Stage Two.

  2. It is recommended that stamps be given before the end of each stage. It is more effective in reinforcing positive behaviour than giving out stamps en bloc at the end of the day.

  3. Design on stamp is a filled- in star

  4. Stampers are self-inking.

  5. If homework is not fully done, it must be done for the next day (plus child automatically misses a stamp in the morning). If it is not done the following day, the child moves straight to Sanction 4. (Note in Journal from teacher)

Merit Page (Sample)

Name: __________________
Week Starting: __________________
Day Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Signed __________________ (Teacher)
__________________ [Parent(s)]
__________________ Weekly Total: ________

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If pupils follow the rules, they may earn as:

Individuals and as a Class


  • Public praise

  • Star stamps on merit pages


  • Time on PC or special activity (game)

  • Student of the week plaque /certificate  (each class)

  • Letter of commendation to parents

  • Individual /group credits


The following aggregates of stars are required:

  • Homework Pass : 50 stars
  • Cinema Ticket: 100 stars (by mid-term) – 3rd -6th
  • Lucky Dip: 100 stars (1st – 2nd)
  • Party: 200 stars
  • Outing at the end of school year: 550 stars
  • Infant classes receive prizes at the end of each week

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Each teacher will receive the following

  • A set of merit books

  • Postcards / bronze / silver /gold certificates cards

  • 1 self-inking stamper with a design of a star

  • Set of yellow cards

  • Set of red cards

  • Copies of suggested certificates / merit awards

  •  Letter of commendation

  • Letter of censure

  • Penalty sheets. (For not doing homework /for breaking school rules, 4th, 5th, 6th Class pupils will be asked to write out a one page essay on the rule they have broken; 1st, 2nd, 3rd Class pupils will be given the school rules to write out; Pupils in J. Infants and S. Infants will be given a “time-out” or excluded for a short period from some activity. Penalty pages are to be signed  by parents and retained by teachers)

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Behaviour Checks and Sanctions

Children should never be put outside door as a sanction.

The entire focus of the Code of Behaviour is on encouraging a positive classroom climate and rewarding good behaviour. However, when a class rule is broken, there is a clear and unambiguous sequence of steps to be followed.

Senior Classes

Step 1 Warning – place yellow card in front of pupil. Teacher takes back the card when the child returns to the correct behaviour and / or returns to the appropriate task. (No definite time limit) Pupil will not be given a stamp at the end of this stage
Step 2 Temporary separation from peers – pupil works on own at separate desk (20 minutes – ˝ hour). Each classroom should have a table and chair where a child may be sent to work.
Step 3

Second yellow card = Red card. Child automatically receives penalty work sheet for homework. If this is not done, child moves to Step 4.

Step 4

Note in journal from teacher to parents /guardians.

Step 5 Official letter sent to parents (co-signed by principal) requesting that parents make an appointment to meet with teacher
Step 6

If parent does not make contact with school, principal sends for parent ; b) Principal meets with parent (s)

Infant Classes

Step 1

Warning – place yellow card in front of pupil. Teacher takes back the card when the child returns to the correct behaviour and / or returns to the appropriate task. (No definite time limit) Pupil will not be given a stamp at the end of this stage.

Step 2

Temporary separation from peers – pupil works on own at separate desk (20 minutes – ˝ hour). Each classroom should have a table and chair where a child may be sent to work.

Step 3

Second yellow card = Red card. Child is deprived of some activity for a limited period.

Step 4

Note in journal from teacher to parents /guardians.

Step 5

Official letter sent to parents (co-signed by principal) requesting that parents make an appointment to meet with teacher

Step 6
  1. If parent does not make contact with school, principal sends for parent

  2. Principal meets with parent(s)


Step 1


Step 2

Temporary isolation from peers (at wall)

Step 3

Child’s name is noted on clip board, and receives penalty work sheet from class teacher. (3 entries on clip board during week – step 5)

Step 4

Note in journal

Step 5

Official letter to parents (co-signed by principal) requesting that parents make an appointment to meet with teacher

Step 6

Letter from Principal to parents. Principal meets with parents.

Note: 10 Bonus points to best class in yard at each break (nobody at wall, lined up quietly, return to room in a proper manner). Bonus is awarded by teacher on yard duty.

Procedures at each Behaviour Check


When a class rule is broken, each teacher needs to be clear about what happens at each behaviour check.


Continued misbehaviour may warrant moving up a number of steps

  1. More than 2 penalty sheets per day, move to Sanction 4

  2. 5 or more penalty sheets per week, move to Sanction 5.

Move straight to final step for very serious misbehaviour

  • Deliberate continued defiance

  • Verbal and /or physical abuse

  •  Deliberate damage to property

  • Continued fighting

  • Stealing

  • Smoking

Other sanctions


Pupils may be detained in class during lunch break. If this sanction is utilised, pupil must be supervised at all times


Pupils who misbehave frequently may not be allowed to participate in school outings for their own safety and that of the other pupils.


Referral to Principal. This sanction should only be used as a last resort



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Procedures for dealing with serious misbehaviour

  1. The class teacher fills out an incident report form.

  2. The pupil is sent to the principal. If the principal is unavailable, the pupil should see the Deputy Principal or one of the Assistant Principals.

  3. The pupil’s name is entered into the Serious Misbehaviour Book and the incident form is kept on file.

  4. Parents / guardians are informed in writing of the incident.

  5. A note confirming that this procedure has been followed is sent with the pupil to the class teacher.

  6. The pupil returns to the classroom and does punishment work at the isolation desk.

  7. A second appearance in Serious Misbehaviour Book within a month leads to automatic suspension.

  • In cases of very serious misbehaviour, a pupil may be suspended for the first incident.

Principles and Procedure re Suspension

Procedures for the suspension of a pupil are as follows:

  1. Parent(s) are invited to discuss the matter with the class teacher and the principal.

  2. If suspension is being invoked, the parent is informed, and then confirmation of the duration of the suspension is provided in writing.

  3. The maximum period of an initial suspension is three school days, and the Board of Management has given the authority to the Principal to impose this sanction.

  4. A special decision of the Board of Management is necessary to authorise a further period of exclusion up to a maximum of ten school days to allow for consultation with the pupils' parents. In exceptional circumstances, the Board of Management may authorise a further period of exclusion in order to enable the matter to be reviewed.

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Serious Misbehaviour / Incident Report Form

Name: __________________________________ Class: _____________

Date: _________________________________     Time: _____________

Dear Principal / Deputy Principal / Assistant Principal,

This pupil has been very un-cooperative during class time /in the yard. I am reporting him to you as part of the agreed disciplinary procedure.

Signed: _______________

Details of Serious Misbehaviour / Incident



For staff use only:

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Feedback to Class Teacher on Serious Misbehaviour

To: ___________________________________ Date: ________________________________
From: _________________________________
(Principal / Deputy Principal / Assistant Principal)
Re: ___________________________________
Further to your reporting of the above named pupil for serious misbehaviour, the following action (s) have been taken.
  1. His name has been placed in the Serious Misbehaviour Book. [   ]
  2. He has been suspended from school for _______ days.        [   ]
  3. Other action:

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Implementation of Code of Behaviour

The key to the implementation of the Code of Behaviour is consistency among teachers. There should be no doubt in pupils’ minds with regard to the implementation of rewards and sanctions. Constant vigilance is required, and  in this regard, it is important to supervise children until they have left the school premises. At each break, teachers should escort their pupils to the exit doors. If pupils’ names are noted on the clip board, the pupils in question should at the very least receive a verbal reprimand because it undermines the effect of a colleague recording a pupil’s name, if it is then ignored.


Assemblies will be convened fortnightly so that the pupils can be commended publicly and issues of common concern addressed.  Details of  meritorious achievements by pupils will be recorded in the Gold Book. The pupils will be divided into 3 groups (Junior and Senior Infants; First, Second and Third Classes; Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Classes). Assemblies will be held on Thursdays from 1.00 p.m. onwards.

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Behaviour Report Forms (Example)


Pupil's Name


Rule Broken (No.)

Action Taken (Warning No.)

Positive (no.)

1 Adrian S. 7 April 3 W2  
2 John P. 4 April     Letter
3 Patrick 4 May     Homework Pass
4 Colin 2 April 2 + 5 W 2, 3  


Behaviour Report Form


Pupil's Name


Rule Broken (No.)

Action Taken (Warning No.)

Positive (no.)


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Individual Behaviour Plan and Report

Dear Parent /Guardian,

Your child has been placed on an individual plan /report to improve his daily behaviour. Please check and sign the report each day. The report will also be checked by the Principal.





Parent(s) Signature



  1. To respond to any reasonable request made by a member of staff

  2. To remain acceptably on task

  3. To avoid `shouting out’

  4. Details of any problem behaviour

Date/Time What led up to incident? What Happened? Consequences? Signature of teacher

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Contract for Behaviour Management


Date of Commencement: __________
Date of first review: __________
Pupil's Name: ____________ Class: ____________ Date of Birth: ___________
Reasons for contract:
The school will:
_________________________ (Parents/Guardians) will:
_________________________ (Pupil) will:
Signed: ______________ (Teacher) Date: _________________)
______________ (Teacher) Date: _________________)
______________ (Teacher) Date: _________________)

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Letter to Parents

Dear                                               ,

I regret to inform you that ________________ has broken a number of School Rules, and has reached Step 4 of the behaviour checks. He has been given a penalty worksheet to complete for tomorrow. I would like to discuss this matter with you as soon as possible. Please contact me by note or by phoning the Office at 8405132 to make an appointment to discuss this matter.

Yours sincerely,



Class Teacher


Dear                                         ,

I am very pleased to inform you that ___________________ has put great effort into his school work, and he deserves praise.

Well done ___________________, keep up the good work !

Yours sincerely,




Class Teacher

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Letters from Learning Support Teacher / Resource Teacher


Dear _____________,

____________________ has worked very well today. I am reporting this to you as part of the School’s Code of Behaviour. He should be given Stamp for this stage.

Learning Support Teacher /Resource Teacher




Dear ____________________,

______________ _________ has not been co-operative today. I am reporting this to you as part of the School’s Code of Behaviour. He should not be given a stamp for this stage.

Learning Support Teacher / Resource Teacher

Details of misbehaviour


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Penalty Page

Pupil's Name: ____________ Class: ____________ Date: ___________


Offence: _____________________________________________

Teacher: ___________________

You are in breach of the School Code of Behaviour, and you must complete neatly the work below.



Dear Parent,

_____________ has been given a penalty sheet because he was in breach of the School’s Code of Behaviour. Please sign the exercise when it has been completed.

Work to carry out:_____________________________

Parent’s Signature:__________________________

Pupil’s Signature: __________________________


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Infant Classes (Additional Notes)

Merit Books

  • The children must get a full card of stamps (miss no stars) in a week to get a sticker on the class chart. If the child gets one sticker per week for the duration of a half-term, a prize will be awarded to him (pencil, rubber)

  • Children may only miss / lose one merit star per week in order to receive a treat.

  • One pupil per week will receive a certificate. This is awarded to the child who has made that extra effort


  • In cases of extreme misbehaviour, a merit will be lost immediately. If a child misbehaves in the playground, a merit is taken away immediately. Children may be isolated from the other pupils (put to stand at the wall for a specified time) if they are involved in dangerous play.

In the classroom, a yellow card will be given as a  warning when a child misbehaves (talking out of turn constantly,  leaving place without permission, being rough with other pupils). If misbehaviour persists, a red card will be given. This means that their merit will not be given for that period. If misbehaviour persists, time –out will occur

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