Fifth Class
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STRAND: Myself
(Theme for May/June)

STRAND UNIT: Growing and Changing
TIME: 30 mins a week plus integrated time
RESOURCES: Walk Tall, Stay Safe, R.S.E., N.W.H.B.
Content Objectives from the Curriculum Statement page57, 58

As I grow I change

That the child would be enables to…

  • Identify and discuss the changes that are experienced in growing from child to adult- changing interests and leisure activities, developing a widening circle of friends, increasing personal independence, increasing personal and community responsibility, coping with transfer from primary to post-primary school.
  • Explore patterns of development and growth, comparing present development with that at earlier stages- physical, social, emotional, intellectual and spiritual.
  • Appreciate the need for individual space and privacy as he is growing and developing- space and time to engage in favourite pastimes, a place to be quiet or to be alone or undisturbed.

Birth and new life

That the child would be enabled…

  • Understand sexual intercourse, conception and birth within the context of a committed, loving relationship.
  • Discuss and explore the responsibilities involved in being a parent and the emotional and physical maturity required to be a parent- preparing for the birth of the baby, taking care of offspring from birth onwards, emotional, psychological and practical provisions.

Feelings and emotions

That the child would be enabled to…

  • Acquire the ability and confidence to identify, discuss and explore a range of feelings, especially those that are difficult to express- joy, anger, grief, exhilaration, frustration.
  • Discuss and practise how to express and cope with various feelings in an appropriate manner- choosing the appropriate time to talk, talking and discussing rather than prolonging a conflict or disagreement by remaining silent, empathising with the feelings of others, knowing when it is appropriate to share feelings with others.
  • Understand how feelings help in understanding himself- understanding that moods and emotions are often affected by physical and hormonal changes, realising that true feelings may often be masked.
  • Differentiate between needs and wants and recognise and explore the concept of delayed gratification- will I watch television now or do my homework first and watch television later.
  • Discuss the different types of love that exist and explore how love is portrayed and defined in music, films, books, magazines and other media.
  • Identify and learn about healthy ways to help him feel positive about himself.

Table of recommended lessons:

Lessons to be taken from…

  1. R.S.E.: Theme 6- My Body Grows and Changes page 82- 92
  2. R.S.E.: Theme 7- The Wonder of New Life page 93-101
  3. R.S.E.: Theme 8- Caring for New Life page 103- 112
  4. Look After Yourself(N.W.H.B.):- page 91- 97, page 100- 107, page 117- 120

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