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STRAND: Myself
(Theme for May/June)

STRAND UNIT: Growing and Changing
TIME: 30 mins a week plus integrated time
RESOURCES: Walk Tall, Stay Safe, R.S.E., N.W.H.B.
Content Objectives from the Curriculum Statement page 28

As I grow I change

That the child would be enabled…

  • Begin to recognise the physical, emotional, social and spiritual factors that promote growth- love, food, warmth, shelter, communication, friendship, sleep).
  • Realise that growth takes place in many different ways and is unique to each individual- physical(growing out of clothes and shoes), social(making new friends, joining clubs, playing sports together), intellectual(improving mental skills and abilities) and spiritual(becoming more reflective).
  • Realise that growing up brings increased responsibility for himself and others- making own lunch, putting away school clothes).

New life

That the child would be enables to…

  • Begin to understand that reproduction, birth, life, growth and death are all part of a life cycle.
  • Appreciate what is necessary in order to provide and care for new-born babies in both the animal and human world- love, regular feeding, nappy changing, careful bathing, medical check-ups).
  • Realise the various roles parents and other family members have in providing for new-born babies- love, time, energy, talking to baby, money, patience.

Table of recommended lessons:

Lessons to be taken from…

  1. R.S.E.: Theme 8- Growing Means Changing page 77- 85
  2. R.S.E.: Theme 6- The Wonder of New Life page 59- 65
  3. Up and Away (N.W.H.B.): Unit 2- Growth and Development page 187- 202

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