Fourth Class
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STRAND: Myself
(Theme for May/June)

STRAND UNIT: Growing and Changing
TIME: 30 mins a week plus integrated time
RESOURCES: Walk Tall, Stay Safe, R.S.E., N.W.H.B.
Content Objectives from the Curriculum Statement page 41

As I grow I change

That the child would be enabled to…

  • Realise that growing and changing are continuous throughout life.
  • Identify the skills and abilities acquired and the interests and pursuits taken up in recent years- developing sporting skills, playing chess, reading, developing critical thinking abilities, making new friends).
  • Recognise the emotional changes that have taken place since infancy- when I need something, what I did then and now, when I am afraid, what I did then and now.
  • Recognise and discuss how feelings and emotions are affected by the physical changes that take place.
  • Recognise hoe spiritual development has taken place in recent years- becoming more reflective, using and appreciating quiet time, becoming more aware through exploring the senses)
  • Begin to appreciate the need for space and privacy in life- the need for personal boundaries, having opportunities for uncluttered space, having opportunities to work individually.
  • Recognise how independence and responsibilities are continually increasing- choosing own reading materials, doing jobs for self and parents, being trusted.

Birth and new life

That the child would be enabled…

  • Discuss the stages and sequence of development of the human baby.
  • Identify the care that needs to be taken while waiting for a baby to be born.
  • Develop and appreciate of the wonder of a new-born baby.

Table of recommended lessons:

Lessons to be taken from…

  1. R.S.E.: Theme 8- Growing and Changing page 195- 205
  2. R.S.E.: Theme 6- The Wonder of New Life page 169-181
  3. Out and About(N.W.H.B.): Theme 1- Growing and Changing page 95- 98
  4. Out and About(N.W.H.B.): Theme 1- New Life page 104- 108

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