Senior Infants
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STRAND: Myself
(Theme for May/June)

STRAND UNIT: Growing and Changing
TIME: 30 mins a week plus integrated time
RESOURCES: Walk Tall, Stay Safe, R.S.E., N.W.H.B.
Content Objectives from the Curriculum Statement page 18

As I grow I change

That the child would be enables to…

  • Identify some of the factors that promote growth- food, love, warmth, exercise, rest, sleep, affirmation, natural light.
  • Realise that growth and change are part of the process of life and are unique to each individual- physical (eg. increase in shoe size), social (eg. Interacting with others), intellectual (eg. Writing, reading), and spiritual (eg. Beginning to reflect).
  • Recognise that the ability to take responsibility for himself and others increases as he grows older.

New life

That the child would be enabled to…

  • Become aware of new life and birth in the world- new growth in springtime, baby animals being born).
  • Develop an awareness of human birth- that a baby grows and is nurtured in the mother’s womb until ready to be born.
  • Identify what babies need to help them to grow and develop- love, regular food and water, warmth, nappy changing, careful bathing, medical check-ups).

Feelings and emotions

That the child would be enabled to…

  • Name a variety of feelings and talk about situations where these may be experienced- feelings (happiness, love, joy, excitement, surprise, fear, jealousy), experiences (when it’s my birthday, when I started school, when I try something new).
  • Explore the variety of ways in which feelings are expressed and coped with.
  • Begin to be sensitive to the feelings of others and to realise that the actions of one individual can affect the feelings of another.
  • Explore and discuss occasions that can promote positive feelings in himself- making a new friend, receiving an invitation, being affirmed.

Table of recommended lessons:

Lessons to be taken from…

  1. R.S.E.: Theme 8- I Grow I Change page 157-167
  2. R.S.E.: Theme 6- Caring for New Life page 137- 145
  3. N.W.H.B.: Unit 2 Growth and Development page 129- 131, page 135- 136

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