STRAND: Myself and Other People
(Theme for Oct/Nov)
UNIT: My Friends and Other People
TIME: 30 mins a week plus integrated time
RESOURCES: Walk Tall, Stay Safe, R.S.E., N.W.H.B.
Content Objectives from the Curriculum Statement page 62
That the child would be
enabled to…
- Explore
the importance of friendship and interacting with others and realise that
making and changing friends is part of the natural process of growing.
- Discuss
and appreciate the different aspects of friendship and the difference
between close friends and acquaintances- mutual respect, trust, loyalty, listening, spending time, genuine
communication, laughter, honesty, resolving conflicts, forgiveness, being
just and fair.
- Explore
the differences between boy and girl friendships and same sex friendships- talking
about different things, having different expectations of each other, wishing
to impress his own sex and opposite sex.
- Consider
problems that can arise in friendships and other relationships and how these
could be handled- jealousy,
uncertainty, feeling left out, pressure to belong and conform.
- Identify
the different groups to which friends can belong and recognise what
constitutes a healthy group- healthy
group, inclusive, friendly, supportive, respectful of the rights and views
of others.
- Explore
how the opinions, views or expectations of others can influence how people
relate to each other, either positively or negatively- being
inclusive, respectful, sharing, truancy, shoplifting, smoking, making
assumptions, stress.
- Practise
and recognise the importance of care and consideration, courtesy and good
manners with others.
- Recognise,
discuss and understand bullying and its effects- what
behaviour constitutes bullying, how and why bullying happens, how it feels
to be intimidated and to intimidate others, the effect of bullying on self
and others, know that bullying is always wrong.
- Explore
and discuss how individuals can deal with being bullied, knowing that others
are being bullied and being a bully- who
to confide in, when to tell, how to be assertive.
of recommended lessons:
Lessons to be taken from…
- Walk
Tall: Unit 1- Me and Others page 29- 52
- R.S.E.:
Theme 2- Different kinds of friends page 37- 47
- Look
After Yourself(N.W.H.B.): Theme 2- Getting on with others page 162- 164,
page 166- 168, page 172- 174
- Stay
Safe: Bullying page 12 -15
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