VEB Computer Training

Telephone (01) 4 593 250.

Microsoft Excel

Listed below are the topics covered in this course. Your Trainer is Certified by Microsoft at the Expert Level of their MOUS Certification program.

Microsoft Excel

Following the Fundamentals and Formatting classes, the Excel classes may be taken in any order, although I recommend the numbered path.

Excel Fundamentals

    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Identify the menu commands, toolbars, and screen layout
  2. Select, enter, and edit cell data
  3. Open, save, and close worksheets and workbooks
  4. Select, enter, and AutoFill ranges
  5. Write simple functions
  6. Print a worksheet
  7. Format the worksheet
  8. Identify and format columns and rows
  9. Use the Office Assistant and Help feature
PREREQUISITES: The Essentials course Introduction to Windows or knowledge of file management and mouse skills.

Excel Formatting

    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Format text, numbers and cells
  2. Utilize conditional and custom formats
  3. Apply automatic formatting and styles
  4. Manage large worksheets and multiple workbooks
  5. Utilize normal and custom views
PREREQUISITES: Excel Fundamentals

Excel Charts

    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Create, edit, and modify charts
  2. Create and modify data maps
PREREQUISITES: Excel Formatting

Excel Printing & Graphics

    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Apply, modify and clear outlines
  2. Utilize HTML features
  3. Apply, modify and create templates
  4. Create, view, and print comments
  5. Utilize drawing objects and AutoShapes
  6. Format special effects
PREREQUISITES: Excel Formatting

Excel Advanced Functions and Formulas

    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Link data and formulas between worksheets
  2. Apply range names
  3. Label data and ranges
  4. Utilize advanced functions
  5. Use scenarios and goal seeking
  6. Create and use data tables
  7. Manipulate auditing tools
  8. Consolidate worksheets
  9. Resolve problems using Solver
PREREQUISITES: Excel Formatting

Excel Database and Security Features

    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Sort, find and replace data
  2. Manage files
  3. Create, modify and sort a database
  4. Utilize data validation
  5. View and edit the data form
  6. Enable and clearing the AutoFilter
  7. Apply a criteria range to form conditional filters
  8. Import and export data
  9. Create and revise Pivot Tables
  10. Secure and share worksheets or workbooks
  11. Manage data series
PREREQUISITES: Excel Formatting

Excel Macros and Customization

    Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Utilize the report manager
  2. Define and run macros using Visual Basic
  3. Record and edit a macro
  4. Customize toolbars and buttons
  5. Create, copy, format, move and delete macro buttons
  6. Set Excel options
PREREQUISITES: Excel Formatting

Computer Concepts and File Management MS Word MS Excel MS Access
MS PowerPoint E-mail and Internet

Contact Val Byrne ¦ Telephone: (01) 4 593 250 ¦ Mobile: 087 7663486 ¦ E-Mail: