News and web site updates
April 2009
Pat has been working in collaboration with Brasy, a Polish Maritime Group, based in the Southern Silesian region, to produce Rolling Home. The CD was released at the end of 2008 and the notes on the songs are available in Microsoft Word format here >>.
We have run out of space on this website so are unable to upload any additional photographs. However, we have created an external public gallery on Google's Picasa for new photos. Click here >> to view new photographs.
August 2008 The Press Gang will be peforming at the World Fusion Music Festival in Sosnowiec, Poland which takes place from 5th-7th September 2008. Further details available at http://euroszanty.sosnowiec.pl (in Polish).
New photos have been added to the website, check out Polish Maritime Song Festivals.
September 2007 Some photos have been added to the Cobh Gallery and a new Gallery has been created for Polish Maritime Song Festivals.
July 2007 Szczecin Tall Ships Race, Poland, August 2- 7 The Press Gang will be performing at the festival in addition to other performers such Bananaboat, Tom Lewis, Dair, Stonehenge, Grupa Furmana and many, many more. For some information on the festival visit http://www.szczecin2007.pl/regaty2007/chapter_42101.asp.
May 2007 The 4th annual Cobh Maritime Song Festival is being held from June 1st to 4th 2007. Among the guests will be Sharon Shannon and Declan O'Rourke from Ireland, Banana Boat from Poland and Dan Miller and Bob Conroy from the United States.
December 2006 Krakow Shanty Festival, Poland, February 22 - 25 The Press Gang will be in concert at the Festival, in addition to other performers such as Groms Plass from Norway, Segars and Banana Boat. For some information on the festival visit http://shanties.pl/pl/index.php?id=1044&m=1044.
October 2006 A new photo has been added to the Ships section of the Photo Gallery. To view the photograph of the Ouzel Galley and read some information about the ship, click here >>.
May 2006 Incorrect links in the links have been amended and the show section has been updated with Press Gang performances in 2006. The crew, and the general gallery and Cobh Gallery pages has also been upated.The Press Gang and Jimmy Kelly in concert in the Teacher's Club Theatre, Parnell Square, Dublin on Friday 19th and Saturday 20th May 2006.
Following the concert in Dublin, Pat Sheridan is travelling to Poland for a week to participate as an adjucator in a shanty competition with Iwe Van der Beek of the International Shanty Singing Association and will also be performing with the group Segars in Krackow and running several shanty workshops.
April 2006 Cobh Maritime Song Festival, Cobh, Co. Cork, June 8-11 2006 This years performers include Jimmmy Crowley, the Press Gang, Banana Boat, Jim Mageean, Johnny Collins, Eleanor McEvoy, Phil Callery and the Canniffe Family.
July 2005 Photographs from Cobh Maritime Song Festival have been added to the gallery, click here to view the thumbnails.
June 2005 Cobh Maritime Song Festival, Cobh, Co. Cork, Ireland, June 10-12, 2005 Featuring performances from Liam Clancy, Jimmy Crowley, The Press Gang, Dan Milner & Bob Conroy, Banana Boat, Jim Mageean & Johnny Collins, Baggyrinkle; storytelling with Pat Speight; art from Kenneth King; and lectures from Tom Munnelly and Dan Milner.Further details from the Sirius Arts Centre, telephone +353 (0)21 4813790 or visit the website, www.iol.ie/~cobharts.
April 2005 The Press Gang are appearing at Cobh Maritime Song Festival, Cobh, Co. Cork, Ireland, June 10-12, 2005.
February 2005 The list of festivals in the links section has been amended and updated.
August 2004 View the new gallery for photographs of Cobh Maritime Song Festival, 2004 here.
March 2003 The links section has been updated and contains new links.
February 2003 More photographs have been added to the Mystic Seaport Gallery. Click to view thumbnails here. The list of gigs and festival appearances has also been updated here.
September 2002 Some new photographs have been added to the Mystic Seaport Gallery following Warp Four's performance at Mystic Seaport's Sea Music Festival, June 2002. Click to view thumbnails here.
May 2002 New line-up for Warp 4 featuring Tom Crean, Pat Sheridan, Seán Corcoran and Niall Fennell pictured below: 
April 2002 The web site has been recently redesigned and now contains a links section and a comprehensive gallery of pictures. Click on the buttons opposite to navigate the web site. If you have any information you think may be of interest or would like to submit photographs then email them to Pat Sheridan (Please note that if you are emailing a particularly large file that it would be of benefit to compress the file using compression software such as WinZip.) |