September, 2002 City of Cork Vocational Committee.[vec] Cork Community & Comprehensive Schools.[cs] City of Cork Vocational Education Committee[vec] Coiste Gairmoideachais Chathair Chorcaí Telephone 021-273377 email: ceo@corkvec.ie City of Cork Vocational Committee.[vec] provides Educational & Training, Artistic, Adult, Youth and Sport services. It administers
The Crawford Municipal Art Gallery please see details in webGuide Second level Education and Training is provided at Junior and Leaving Certificate levels at Mahon in the Nagle Community College, at Knocknaheeny, in the MacSwiney Community College and at Gaelcholáiste Dheisceart Chorcaí, and in Youth Reach and Community Youth Centres. Further Education [fe] subcommittee .Courses are offered in the College of Commerce, Coláiste Stiofáin Naofa, St Johns Central College and MacSwiney Community College. Adult Education Board.[aeb] facilitates extensive activities in Adult & Community Education. Local community education organisations provide courses on a part-time day basis. Schools and colleges provide evening and part-time courses in professional and leisure subjects. WebGuide http://homepage.eircom.net/~adulteducation/vec.htmYouth and Sport subcommittee promotes and develops opportunities for youth in education, training and information services. It distributes youth and sports grants. Sports facilities are provided at sports halls attached to the schools and colleges in Mahon, Togher and Knocknaheeny. The Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme [VTOS] is the Department of Social Welfare's "Second-Chance" educational opportunities scheme and is availed of by an increasing number of unemployed adults returning to education and training in schools and colleges. Training A training support unit [VTSU] for teachers is in operation to advance their in-service training and to help in the development and monitoring of curriculum material. Community Employment A Community Employment scheme with technical training is operated by the VEC from the FÁS funded Community Employment Programme.
Cork Community and Comprehensive Schools Adult Evening, Leisure, Professional and Continuing Education Courses are available at the following Cork Community and Comprehensive Schools. Please make contact with the Adult Education Directors in the schools for up to date and detailed information on the comprehensive range of courses available.