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City of Cork V.E.C

February, 2003  content-link


Cork a City of Learning.

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The definition used throughout the Green paper on Adult Education "includes all systematic learning by adults which contributes to their development as individuals and as members of the community and of society, apart from full-time instruction received by persons as part of their uninterrupted initial education and training.

It may be formal education which takes place in institutions, e.g. training centres, schools, colleges, institutes and universities, or non-formal education which is any other systematic form of learning including self-directed learning."


Lifelong Learning is about changing the way we think about learning, teaching and training. It stresses a high level of participation by all age groups and emphasises the relevance of real life. It involves focusing on Initial Education/Training and on the needs of individuals.

Cork the Learning City is attracting into lifelong learning, those adults who left school early without qualifications thereby minimising individual exclusion and isolation.

The task is great and urgent as people with an inadequate educational base and poor qualifications are those most likely to be unemployed and socially isolated during their lives.

Individual needs are complex and diverse so a voluntary flexible and progressive learning pathway is required for individuals within and between education, training and work.
This learning pathway should promote new learning opportunities offering access to flexible progression accreditation, qualifications, personal and social support.

The City of Cork VEC/Adult Education Board, for many years supported these new developing educational services as a first point of contact for adults re-entering education and training.

Provision is made through the literacy schemes, family resources centres, home school community liaison, elderly, travellers and disability groups.

Community Education Groups are co-operating within their learning localities [networks] to avoid inappropriate duplication of courses and to use resources effectively for the benefit of the adult student.

Financial contributors include, the City of Cork VEC/Adult Education Board, Cork City Partnership, FAS, Department of Social and family affairs, Southern Health Board and others.