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Gulid - step by step
Translation by KaiN |
How to create Gulid? |
To create guild we must go to Guild
Master in Devias. He can be easily found , because he's standing in the center of the town
(village?) and isn't going anywhere. To create your own guild you must have at least level
100, but on different servers are different level requirements for example: IceeMu - 180 lvl,
on MuPaker - 300.
Ok, we have required level for current server and we want to create a guild.
We are starting a conversation with GM. |
Guild Master is asking you about
becoming a guild master. |
We are answering, that we want to be a GM... |
When we answer: "yes",
a window will appear, where we can draw optional logo and choose a name of guild. |
Name |
To draw logo, choose a color from palette by clicking on it and then on one of empty squares
to fill it with that collor.
I dont reccomend logos, that can pique someone for example: nazi signs or something. You can
be banned for that. |
Guild and what's next? |
When you have a guild you can take to it your
friends or unknown persons if you wish.
If guild members doesn't work together, it has no sense. This game was created to play in
groups and then there is easy way to leveling up and getting good items.
Good thing is that all guild members are going together to BC and DS and trading items (for
free). Then the gameplay is different.
How to join someone to your guild? Its easy, if player want to be member of it, then he must
type /guild when pointing cursor on actual Guild Master of it.
You cannot be joined to guild by its member, only by Guild Master. |
Gulid War |
There is a option in the game, that gives avability
to wage a war between guilds. If someone have no challenge with Phoenix, then he can fight
with other player, that he dont like.
To start a war Gulid Master types command /wargulid (guild's name) and if invitation will
be accepted, members of guilds are meeting on chosen battlefield and they fight for short
ammount of time. On my opinion
the game have a bug, because after killing player in guild war we have PK status. |
More info |
When we press G button a window with list of members
of your guild will appear and there we can freely withdraw them from guild (option for GM
only), and see their status , are they in game or not. |
How much members can have guild? |
This depends on level of GM. 10% of his level.
So, if GM have 200 lvl then guild can have 20 members. So max avaliable ammount of members
is 35. |