“I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance.”
Conductor Pablo Casals
The Calendar
For more information on any of the following events, see the monthly newsletter, call the Secretary, or send us an e-mail.
HOLD THIS DATE! ...Friday, 16th November Friday 28th
OCTOBER TBA (check September's newsletter and this calendar)
NOVEMBER Friday 16th November: AGM! Annual General Meeting at the Organic Centre in Rossinver, 10-4. We'll have a garden tour and lunch, great information and a few surprises are all waiting for you, and we'll even pick you up if you need transportation: all you need to do is reserve your place, and it's all free. Don't miss it! This is your best chance to let us know your concerns and wishes, and have a say in what gets done, and what doesn't, next year. Wish the coffee mornings were at a different time? Come to the AGM and vote. Want us to get more involved in national Carer's issues? Come vote. Just curious as to who we are and what we'll be up to in 2008? Come and see! To reserve your place, watch for our September and October newsletters, or phone Community Connections at 985 3321.
The Granary Lounge Restaurant, Main Street, Manorhamilton: 11am until noon and beyond Everyone welcome for tea and coffee, chat, group news, personal news, questions, etc. ...........Watch this space for more! |
Thank you for your interest and support!
© 2007 NLWC Carers Group