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New survey of Clare Island 1989 - 2000
The Royal
Irish Academy, the original sponsors of the
First Survey, long recognized the need for a follow-up study.
In 1989, with funding from the National Heritage Council, the "New" Survey of
Clare Island was begun. To date, the geology, botany, soils, aspects of the marine
biology, zoology, archaeology, folklore and folklife, placenames of the island have been studied.
Research students from Ireland and abroad have spent time
on the island, investigating their field of expertise. Some of the new research has
fuelled lively debates,as in the geology of the island. In other cases, notably the
archaeology, the original work has been completely overturned.
The continued scientific interest in Clare Island through
the New Survey has not only added to scientific knowledge in general but has provided to
those of us observing 'science in action', valuable insights into the practice of
scientific fieldwork.
The original Survey in conjunction with the current work
provide the basis for much of the material in our booklet "Studying an
Island"and what is offered here.
Survey of Clare Island
Executive Committee
Professor M. Herity
President,Royal Irish Academy
Professor R. Kernan (Chairman)
Science Secretary, Royal Irish Academy
Dr. G. Doyle (Secretary)
Dean of Science,University College, Dublin
Dr. J. Graham
Department of Geology,Trinity College, Dublin
Professor M.D. Guiry
Department of Botany, University College, Galway
Mr. C. Mac Carthaigh
Natural History Museum, Dublin
Mr. C. Manning
Senior Archaelologist,office of Public Works
Dr. W.I. Montgomery
School of Biology and Biochemestry,
Queen's University College, Cork |