John Eagle Art
Home Work on Show Early Work

Erazed Work

Record of best work in 2008

Beara Way

'A New Day'

24x8 inches

After all that rain, the sun returns and we move on

Waiting Out the Storm

'Waiting out the Storm' # 6

30x20 inches

Some days were just to hardy to go fishing, and we'd stay at home setting our thoughts on something magical to calm the waves

Tuskar Rock

Tuskar Rock

20x16 inches

Skellig Michael

Skellig Michael

20x16 inches

Break in the Clouds

'Break in the Clouds'

20x8 inches

Working the fields you put up with the rain, forever falling you took no notice of it, and then suddenly without warning there was a dramatic change which you could not help but notice


Breaj in the Storm

'Break in the Storm'

24x18 inches

Beara Home

Beara Home

Beara Coastline

Beara Coastline


Home is the Valley

Day in the Mountains

'A Day in the Mountains'



Night Train

'Night Train'

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