John Eagle Art
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Erazed Work


Here is a tour of my studio, your guide for the visit is my white collie Quisha. She will look after you.

'you'll follow me into the woods won't you?'

'Now if someone could kindly reach that bolt, sure would be handy!'

'Well folks this is the workbench, just waiting for me to sit on'

'That's better, now you can have a quick look around. Did you remember to bring some cookies with you?'

'Some of the work.'

'He calls this one Gold, as the men are risking their lives going after the wild Atlantic salmon'

'Heading Out' ....brave fishermen they have here

'Ah yes, one of them Spanish Galleons to export the oil treasures no doubt'

'Tour over, come on or you'll have to find your own way thru the woods..'

Read Quisha's Autobiography click here

In May 2011 my studio was converted into a set for a Japanese movie called Tamatama (By Chance)

Starring Yu Aoi

The film crew descend on my place, the director Myumi is on the right with interpreter in the middle. I have never seen so many people at my house

Yu Aoi

Yu Aoi outside my studio

Scene in my studio

A scene from the movie shot in my studio featuring Yu Aoi

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