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Scott's Notes Previous Page Scott's Notes - Graves 261 to 315 St. Paul's Surname Index St. Paul's Bray 10 - Scott's Notes - Graves 361 to 400 Scott's Notes - Inscriptions in Church
The pages on St. Paul's Churchyard, Bray are copied by Bruce Chandler, with kind permission of Rev. Baden Stanley, rector of Christchurch, Bray, from the work of the late Canon G. D. Scott, author of THE STONES OF BRAY, who was rector of Christchurch, Bray from 1912 until his death in 1950.

361 or 362.  Charles Long, Main St.  Age 29.  Dec. 13  1876,

363.	(1)  Margaret Brennan, Ferns.  Age  80.  Jan 22  1897. 
	Probably also:-
	(2)  William Brennan, Ivy Lodge.  Age 70.  Nov. 5  1887.
	(3)  Joseph Matthew Brennan, Seapoint.  Age 24. May 14 1878.
	(4)  Henrietta Jane Brennan, Ivy Lodge.  Age 17. Aug.11 1873.


365.	Old stone with inscription:-
	This Stone was erected by Mary the wife of Peter Cooper, who
        departed this life the 10th day of Sep. 1797 in the 41 year of his

366.	J.A.C. marks this Johnston  (with an illegible note in 
        brackets after it).  Probably:-
	Richard Johnston, 1 Sydenham Villas.  Age 73.  May 19  1875.

	This is correct.  R. Johnston was attendant (and his wife
         cook) to old Mr. Horner of 1 Sydenham Villas.
	J.A.C.'s note evidently means  Horner's servant.

367.	J.A.C. has something written here which appears to be Notly,
        but I cannot find the name in the Register.

368.	Wilhelmina Jane Townsend, only child of the Dean of Tuam and 
        Emma May Townsend.  Age 3 months.  April 15  1883.

369.	Edward Lysaght Griffin, Violet Hill.  Age 55.  April 4 1884.

370.	Elizabeth Hackette, widow of the late Dr. Hackette of Cashel 
        and daughter of the Revd. Oliver Lodge, Rector of Elsworth, 
        Cambridgeshire, 3 Quinsborough Terrace.  Age 79.  May 31  1881.

371.	(1)  Samuel Shannon, 5 Sydenham Villas.  Age 83. May 4 1881.
	Also his brother:-
	(2)  William Shannon, 5 Sydenham Villas.  Age 74*.  Oct. 16
        1883.	* so register, but monument 75. 


373.	(1)  Sara Catherine Walker, wife of Captain Walker & sister
        of the Misses Needham,  Glenbrook.  Age 61.  April 6  1881.

374.	Edward Lloyd, Stoke upon Trent.  Age 45.  May  3  1879.

375.	Thomas Newman, Millview Terrace.  Age 30.  Feb.  19  1876.

376.	(1)  Anna Mackay, Brighton Tce.  Age 70.  Jan. 17  1876.  
	Also presumably her husband:-
	(2)  Alexander Mackay, Brighton Terrace.  Age 71.  Dec. 29
        1876.	But his burial is not recorded on the headstone. 

377.	(1)  Joseph Hamilton Richards, Sea Road.  Age 61.  Jan. 16
	(2)  I am told that Òan old ladyÓ was buried here too, but
           I do not know who she was.  This must refer to :-
	Mary Anne Richards, 11 Moyne Road, Rathmines. Age 74. 
        Aug. 23  1893.

378.	Old stone with inscription:-
        DIED 9th SEPT. 1844
        AGED 49
	(1)  Abraham Dearden, Shore No.1, Tower.  Age 49.  Sept. 12 
             1844. (Father of John Dearden the sexton.)             
	(2)  Margaret Dearden, wife of  (1), Little Bray.  Age 89. 
	See 141 & 273.

379.	Helen Harriet Littledale, child of William F. & Jane
          Littledale, 3 Sydenham Villas.  Age 19 months.  June 12. 

380.	Rev. Simon Charles Foot M.A., Canon of St. Canice Cathedral,
        Rector & Vicar of Knocktopher in which Parish he fulfilled
        his ministry for 51 years.  He entered into his rest on
        June 3  1885, aged 77 years.   

	So inscription.  Entry in Register:-
	Rev. Simon Foot Canon, The Lawn, Bray. June 5  1885.  Age 77.

380a.	About here, at some distance below the surface, covered with 
        earth heaped up here when new chancel was built:-
	(1)  Henry Brodrick, father of old Edward and Henry the lame 
        tailor, Bray.  
		Age 65.  April 17  1847.
	(2)  Anne Brodrick, wife of  (1).  Age 40.  Sept. 7  1830.
	(3)  Samuel Brodrick, son of  (1).  Age 5.  Feb. 16  1826.

381.	Mrs. Henrietta Smyth, Newtown Vevay.  Age 87.  Oct. 20  1877.

382.	Pearce  J.A.C.      Perhaps:-
	?  Anne Pierce, Bray Shore.  Age 36.  June 30  1850.

383.	Packer the Saddler   J.A.C.      Probably:-
	Charles  J. Packer, Main Street.  Age 10.  April 27  1871. 
        Who  must have been a child of the saddler in the Main

384.	Arthur Henderson, Monaghan (Dubedat's grandson  J.A.C.).  
        Age 13 days.
	Feb. 7  1879.

385.	?  Moved from under site of new chancel.  Oval stone with 

	Meriel Relict of Benjamin Newberry Esq. of Leatherhead in 
        Surrey, and daughter of the late John Putland Esq. of 
        Dublin and the Counties of Cork and Tipperary, who on the 
        8th November 1831 passed in 1 day from time to eternity in 
        the 89th year of her age.
		nat.  15th Dec.    1742
		ob.    8th Nov.  1831.

386.	?  Moved from under site of  new chancel: two very defaced
        small marble slabs attached to an upright stone.
        died 11th August
        Aged 5  weeks

	(2)	I   P  MANICO
               - - - - - - - - - - - -
               - - - - - - - - - - - -
                ?  VIII YEAR ?
	(2) has a long inscription, but I cannot decipher more than 

	Register contains the following two entries under this name:-
	(1)  Charles Pulling Manico, aged 5 weeks, of this Parish. 
        Aug. 14  1827.
	(2)  John Pulling Manico of the parish of Howth, buried 27th
         February 1829.

387.	?  Moved from under site of new chancel: stone with

	 This stone is erected here by Lettice Saunders in memory of
         her daughter Mary Saunders who departed this life the 3rd
         day of April 1807 aged 13 years.
         The grass is green the rose is red, 
         Here lies my name now I am dead.
         Mary Saunders.

388.	?  Moved from under site of new chancel:-
	(1)  J. D.Neame.  Age 14 months.  Feb. 18  1822.
	(2)  W. P. Neame.  Age 9 months.  April 5  1828.
	(3)  Frances Elizabeth Neame.  Age 3 .  April 4  1829.


[390. 	Omitted by Canon Scott]

391.	(Took this inscription, May 19  1911.)
        Here Lyeth the Body of the Revernd
        John Bushe who Died the 26th Augt
        1746 at  his House at Corke, he was
        16 years Minister of this Parish
        Beloved by His Parishoners and
        Charitable to the Poor
        Blessed is he that hath the God of
        Jacob for his help, & whose hope
        is in the Lord his God.
        This stone is placed over him by
        His Afflicted Sister Letitia Bushe.
        Here also Lyeth his Dear Aunt Mrs.
        Margaret Fortti who died ye 7th Febr.

	On taking up the floorboards south of the font a flatstone 
        was discovered with the name Bush( ? e): but it was covered
        in again before I saw it.  I was told the date on it was 
        1738.  I cannot find this in the  Register, but a John Bushe
        was buried in 1746.  (See above).

	1746.  Aug. 28th.  The Revd. John Bush A.M., late Rector of
        the United Parishes of Brey, Connough and Kilternan was
        buryed at the E. End of the Church of Brey.
	Margaret Fortti's burial is not in the Register.

392.	Under the floor boards north of the font: a flatstone with 
        this inscription:-
        Here lies the body
        of Stawell Webb of
        Woodbrook in the Co. of Dublin
        Departed this life on the
        19th of April  1803
        Aged 55 years.

393.	Under the floorboards north of the font and close to the 
        middle aisle:  a flat stone with inscription:-
        Here lies the body of Michael Nugent 
        of Cluntiduffy in the Co. of Cavan  
        He was descended by his father from the
        Barons of Delvin now Earls of Westmeath
        and by his mother from the Lords Barons
        of Trimleston.  He was one of the Best
        and most affectionate Husbands and
        bore a complication of painful disorders
        for many years with the Greatest
        Patience and Resignation to the 
        Will of the Almighty.  He departed
        this life universally beloved
        fifteenth of June 1797.  Aged 53 years.

395.	Under the floor in front of Chancel Arch: a headstone 
        lying flat - with inscription:-
        This stone
        and Burial Place belongeth to 
        William Burnet of Pimlico in the Parish
        of St. Catharine's Dublin and his 
        Posterity  here lieth two of his great
        Grandchildren  A.D.  1796
        Here lieth the Body of the above
        named Mr. Wm. Burnet who departed
        this life on the 4th Day of Feb.  1799
        Aged 79 Years
	Register gives:- 
	1799  Feb. 4th  Wm. Burnet  Woll Caomber of Pimlico  Dublin


397.	Under the tiling of passage at N. end of N.Transept a
        headstone lying flat with this Inscription
        ( taken 7 June 1911):-
        Departed this life ye 8th Feb. 1783
        In the 53rd year of his age Mr. Samuel
        Moore Surgn. late of Bray.  
        His Widow has Caused this Stone
        to be Placed to the Memory of a 
        most tender Affectionate Husband
        & Father.  A much Esteemed & Lam-
        ented Friend.
        Also here lieth one of his children
        who died ye 18th Jan. 1783 aged 5 years.
	In Register is found:-
	1783	Jan 19th.  Elizth Moore Daughter to Dr Moore of B.
        [sic.] Bray.
		Feb 20th  Mr Saml. Moore Doctor of Bray.
	Dr.  Moore paid Parish cess with Tobias Toole for the 
        Turk's Head from 1776 to 1782. Mrs. Moore continued 1783 & 4.

398.	At the foot of above: a large flat stone:-
        [heraldic device ? arm holding nail ?]
        Here lyeth the Body of Alexander
        Brennan, late of the City of Dublin,
        Plumber, who departed this life the 16th
        of July 1780, aged 77 .
	1780   July the 17th.  Mr Alexander Brenan Plumber aged 77
         years  Big Bray.

	Mr. Brennan was one of the tenants in the Cock Walk from 
        1768 to 1780.

399.	Monument in Church to :-
	Lieutenant Thos. D. J. Dabine R.N. for many years
         commanding the Coastguard Station at Bray.  Aged 64.  
        Aug. 1848.
	? Where buried.
	J.A.C. says  under Ch(urch)

400.	Monument in Church to:-
	Julia wife of James Orton of Glenbrook, eldest daughter 
        of Major N. Colthurst Brabazon, late of Leemount House Co.
        Cork.	Buried at 134  q.v.

401.	A large old family of Allisons had burial ground East of
        the Church, but the ground is now occupied by others 
	Richard Allison		1791
	Margaret Alison		1826
	John Alisson		1837
	Margaret Ann Allison		1843
	Elizabeth Allison		1846
	John Allison, Commons.  Age 74.	June 22	1850
	Nancy Allison, Commons.  Age 76.	Jan. 2	1855
	Hannah Allison, Commons.  Age 26.	Jan. 5	1855
	Eliza Allison, Clontarf.  Roman Catholic.  Age 60.	
        April 6	1863
	William Allison, Clonsilla.  Age 23.	Feb. 13	1870

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