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Click here to return to thumbnail image Coghlan's Newspaper References Co. Wicklow Freeman's Journal
Dates Index 1763/1884
Charles Coghlan
Bray Category Index for Freeman's Journal 1763/1873 Wicklow Newsletter/People Dates Index 1885/1914
Diarmiud Breathnach was librarian at Bray in 1962. He amplified Charles Coghlan's work by categorising Bray references made by Coghlan from Freemans' Journal for the years 1763 to 1873.
Accidents - 2, Agricultural Show - 2, Alexandra Terrace - 1, Alliance Nat. Land - 1, Almshouse - 2, Amnesty - 1,
Anchor Tavern - 2, Angling - 2, Annaville - 2, Archery - 1, Archery Club - 1, Ardmore - 1, Army - 2,
Ard Bray - 2, Athletics - 1, Attornies Corps - 2, Auditors Town Commiss. - 1, Bailiffs - 3, Bakers - 3, Ball - 3,
Ballet - 3, Balloon Ascent - 4, Bakery - 3, Band - 3, Bank - 4, Bankers - 4, Barracks - 4, Bathing Boxes - 4, Baths - 4, Bazaars - 4, Belfry of Catholic Church - 4, Bell of Catholic Church - 4,
Boarding House(Woodbine Lodge)-5, Boat House - 5, Boat Race - 5, Boat Slip - 3, Boghall - 5, Bookshops - 4,
Bourke, Ulick - 4, Bray Amateur Phil. Soc. - 5, Bray Amateur Philamonic Soc. - 5, Bray Assembly Rooms - 6,
Bray Boat Club - 5, Bray Croquet Club - 5, Bray Gazette - 5, Bray Harmonics - 5, Bray Harriers - 5,
Bray Hunt Club - 5, Bray Literary Club - 5, Bray Lit. Soc. - 5, Bray Observer - 5, Bray Refreshment Rooms - 5,
Bray Regatta - 5, Bray Rifle Club - 4, Bray Stone - 5, Brennan - 1, Brennan Parade - 5, Brennan Terrace - 5,
Brennan, John - 6, Breslin - 6, Brewery - 6, Bridge - 6, Bridge at river mouth - 6, Bridge Rd, - 6, Brighton Tce - 6,
British Assoc. - 6, Brownrigg, Insp. - 5, Builders - 4, Building, Amount spent on - 4, Burial Ground Ballyman - 7,
Butchers - 4, Bye-Laws - 7, Callaghan C., P.P. - 8, Car Men - 7, Carlisle Grounds - 10, Carpenters - 9,
Canning, M. P. at Kilruddery & Old Conna - 8, Carrs from Station - 7, Castle in Castle St. - 8, Castle St. - 8,
Catholic Church - 9, Catholic Curates - 8, Catholic Rent - 8, Cemetery - 9, Charity Sermon - 9, Christ Church - 9,
Christie, Robt., Innkeeper - 9, Christies Stories - 9, Christy's Minstrels - 9, Church (Lt. Bray) - 9, Church Tce - 9, Circus - 9, Claddagh Terrace - 9, Clifton Villa - 9, Coach Owners - 10, Coal Importer - 67, Coast Survey - 10, Coastguard - 10, Cobbett, Wm. - 10, Cockburn, Gen. - 10, Collins of Bray - 10, Commercial Hse, Main St. - 11, Commons - 11,
Coroner - 11, Cooperation between Catholics & Protestants - 8, Cooperative Reform - 10,
Corke Abbey - 11, Counterfeiters - 11, Court House - 11, Cricket & Cricket Club - 11, Crime - 13,
Crimean War Celebrations - 11, Crinken Church - 11, Crosbie, Sir Henry Wm. & O'Connell - 11, Crosses - 11,
Cullen's Bank - 11, Cuthbert - 9, Dabine Lt., of Coastguard - 13, Dargan - 14, Dargan Tce - 14, Dargle Rd - 13, Darley (Justice) - 13, Defenders - 13, Directory Bray & Kingstown - 1,
Dispensary - 13, Distillers - 13, Dock Commissioners - 14, Dock Terrace - 14, Dock Wall - 14,
Dockrell, Mce, Highway Robbery - 25, Donnellan Capt. - 14, Drapery - 13, Drownings - 13, Drunkeness - 13, Duels - 13, Earl of Meath - 15, Eden View - 14, Edge, David - 14, Edinburgh, Duke of - 16,
Edwards of Oldcourt - 14, Eglinton Rd. - 14, Election of Town Commissioners - 14, Emancipation - 16,
English Company buying Bray land - 14, Enniskerry Railway - 16, Enniskerry, Bus to - 16, Entertainers - 17,
Esplanade - 16, Eviction, Agent shot - 16, Excise Men - 16, Excursion Trains - 16, Execution at Bray - 16,
Extension of Township - 16, Fair Green - 18, Fairs - 20, Fairy Hill - 18, Fegan, The Misses - 20,
Fenian Amnesty - 18, Fenianism - 18, Fever - 20, Fire Engine - 20, Fires - 19, Fires on Bray Head - 20,
Fishermen & Fisheries - 19, Fishery Rights on Bray river - 19, Fitzwilliam Terrace - 20, Floods - 20,
Florence Road - 20, Flower Show - 20, Football - 18, Footpaths, Flagging of - 19,
Fortunes, Wine & Spirit Merchants - 19, Fountains - Public - 19, Franco-Prussian War - 18,
Free Masons - 20, Galtrim House - 21, Gas - 19, George 1V at Bray - 21, George 1V at Powerscourt - 21,
Gold - 22, Goldsmith Terrace - 22, Grove Hill (Auction) - 23, Grattan - 20, Gunpowder Robbery - 23,
Haircutting Rooms - 24, Handel in Dargle - 26, Harbour - 26, Healy, Father - 24, Herbert Rd. (New Rd.) - 26,
Herbert, Lady, of Lea - 20, Highland Games - 26, Highway Robbery - 28, Hill View Lodge - 26, Hodsons - 28,
Horse Bazaar - 28, Horse exhumed & skinned - 28, Horse Stealing - 28, Horse Racing - 28,
Horticultural Shows - 28, Hotel (Quinns) - 28, Hotels - 1867/73 - 27, Hotels - 1854/67 - 26,
House of Commons - 1, Hudson Terrace - 29, Hughes, Baron,death of - 29, Hunts - 29,
Hydropathy & Medicine United - 29, Improvements at Bray Proposed - 29, Industrial School Wanted - 29, Infirmary - 29,
Inhabitants of Bray 1805/30 - 30, Inhabitants of Bray 1830/43 - 31, Inhabitants of Bray 1843/49 - 32,
Inhabitants of Bray 1850/58 - 33, Inhabitants of Bray 1859/63 - 34, Inhabitants of Bray 1863/64 - 35,
Inhabitants of Bray 1865/67 - 36, Inhabitants of Bray 1867/68 - 37, Inhabitants of Bray 1868/68 - 38,
Inhabitants of Bray 1868/69 - 39, Inhabitants of Bray 1869/70 - 40, Inhabitants of Bray 1870/71 - 41,
Inhabitants of Bray 1872/72 - 42, Inhabitants of Bray 1872/73 - 43, Inhabitants of Bray 1873/73 - 44,
Insurance Agents - 45, Irish Manufacture Pledge Meeting - 29, Irish Music - 29, Irish Permissive Bill - 29,
Jubilee - 45, Judges near Bray - 45, Kearney, Wm. - 46, Kelly (O'Kelly), Architect - 46, Kelly, Magistrate - 46,
Keogh, Judge - 46, Kilbride Rd. - 47, Kilruddery - New Mansion - 47, Lacy, J. - 48, Lacy's Tavern - 48,
Lawrence, Sir John - 48, Lectures - 48, Ledwich - 49, Lee, Canon Dean - 48, Lefroy, Justice, Ardmore - 49,
Levett, Mr. John - 48, Liberal Party - 48, Libraries - 49, Licensing Laws - 48, Life Boat - 48,
Lord Lieutenant's Description of Bray - 49, Lorretto Convent - 48, Lotteries - 48,
Loyalty of Bray people - 49, Macrory - Purchaser of Dargan's Estate - 50, Mailcoach - 51, Main St. - 51,
Malthus delighted with Co. Wicklow - 51, Marine Terrace - 52, Marionette Show at Bray Courthouse - 51,
Market St. - 51, Martello Tce - 52, Martello Towers - 52, Matrimonial Tangles etc - 52, Matthew, Father - 52,
Meath Lord - Reception for - 51, Meath Rd. - 53, Medicine - 51, Methodist Church - 52, Miley, Dr. - 52,
Mill (Sothern's) - 52, Mill on Dargle - 52, Miller, Mrs. - 53, Milton, Lord, M.P., (Whig), Co. Wicklow - 52,
Mineral Spring near Bray - 52, Monte Video - 53, Murder - 53, Murphy, Rev. Joseph - 53, Music - 53,
Napoleon - 54, Navigation of Dargle - 54, Newcourt - 55, News Room in Turkish Baths - 54, Ninety-Eight - 55,
Nocturnal Linen Robberies - 55, Normanby - 55, Novarra - 54, Novarra Tce - 54, Nuisances Inspector - 55,
Nunnery Rd. - 55, O'Connell, Dan, in Bray - 58, O'Connell Fund - 58, O'Connell National Annuity - 58,
O'Connell Monument Fund - 58, O'Kelly, E., Architect - 56, O'Reilly, Dease - 59, Old Connaught Ave. - 57,
Orangeism - 59, Orangemen celebrate 12th in Enniskerry - 59, Panorama Exhibition - 59, Pantomine - 61,
Parliamentary Bill Mania at Bray - 59, Pawn Offices - 61, People's Park - 60, Petty Sessions Bray - 60,
Petty Sessions House Enniskerry - 61, Pier - 63, Pigott (Draper) arrested - 60, Pikes - 61, Piper (Kelly) - 61, Piracy - 61, Pleasure Trips by steamer to Bray Head - 60, Plunkett, Rev. Wm. - 60, Poitin - 61, Police - 61,
Police Barracks - 63, Poor Laws - 62, Population of Bray - 62, Post Office - 61, Potato Famine - 60,
Poundhouse - 62, Powerscourt - 62, Precurscer Soc. - 62, Presbyterians - 62, Prince of Wales - 62,
Prince of Wales Terrace - 62, Printers - 62, Proselytising - 62, Protestant Curates - 63, Protestant Rectors - 63,
Public Clock - 62, Public Houses - 61, Public Lighting - 60, Public Lodging Houses - 60, Public Whipping - 63,
Punishment - 61, Purcell's Field - 62, Putland - 63, Putland Rd. - 62, Queen Victoria at Powerscourt - 75,
Quin's Corner - 63, Quinn - 63, Quinn, Henry - 63, Quinsboro Rd. - 62, Quinsboro Terrace - 62, Railway - 64,
Ram's Scalp - 65, Rate Collector - 64, Ratepayers' Meeting - 64, Rates - 64, Rathdown Assoc. - 64,
Ravenswell - 64, Redmond (Brewer) - 64, Relief of Poor - 65, Repeal - 64, Resort - Bray references as - 64,
Reynolds of International Hotel - 64, Ribton, Sir John - 65, Richview - 64, Rights of Way - 65, River Channel - 64,
Roads - 65, Roche - 65, Royal Irish Constabulary - 65, Royal Marine Terrace - 65, Ryall, Phineas - 65,
Sanitary Inspector - 69, Schools - 66, Scott, Sir Walter in Bray - 67, Sea Cottages - 66, Sea Road - 66, Shipwrecks - 67, Seapoint Rd. - 66, Sewer on Front - 67, Sewerage - 66, Seymour - 67, Seymour, Mrs. - 66, Shanganagh House - 66, Shipping - 66, Shops - 68, Shops altered to Houses - 68, Slum Area - 68, Smithies - 68, Smuggling - 68,
Southern (Mill) - 68, Springfield - 69, Strikers - 69, Stand House of Bray Races - 68,
Station - 67, Stewart, Dr. R. P. - 68, Stamer, Sir Lovelace (Beauchamp) - 69, Strandville Bathing Lodge - 68,
Strandville Cottage - 68, Street watering - 68, Strikers - 69, Strolling Players - 68,
Suffrage for Women Householders - 69, Suicide - 68, Sydenham Villas - 67, Sydenham, Mr. & Mrs. - 67,
Taverns & Inns - 70, Tea Houses - 73, Teetotalism (Little Bray) - 70, Telegraph Poles - 70,
Temperance Soc. - 70, Thatched Cottages - 70, Theatricals (Amateur) - 70, Tierney's Shop - 70,
Tithe Composition Act - 70, Tithes - 70, Tollgate Ballsbridge - 71, Town Clerk - 73, Town Hall - 73,
Town Improvement Bill - 72, Towns Improvement Act - 71, Transport - 71, Transportation - 71,
Treason & Sedition - 71, Treasure Trove - 71, Treaty of Limerick - 71, Trespass at Shanganagh - 71,
Turkish Baths - 73, Turnpikes - 73, Urban Boundaries - 73, Verner, Lady - 76, Verner, Mr., M. P. - 76,
Vevay House - 74, Vincent de Paul Soc. - 75, Visitors - 76, Visitors to Bray - 76, Volunteers - 77,
Walking Match Bray - 78, Wall from Bray Bridge to Railway - 80, Walsh, Rt. Rev. Dr. - 78, Water Supply - 78,
Weld, Isaac - 78, Wingsfields - 79, Wiseheart, John - 80, Woodcarvings - 20, Workhouse Loughlinstown - 79,
Workmen's Hall - 79, Writers of Bray - 80, Yeomen Cavalry - 80.
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