14th May |
Back to our highest local point. Dull, but warmer. Another windless day -
excellent for insect shots.
Identifications added to: April 2nd, April 15th, May 3rd. One Green-veined white, female. |
This caterpillar was eating the new leaves of a Willow. It reminds me of the Garden Tiger Moth, but I'm sure that's not it.
About 2 cm long. |
This is one of the first flash shots with the new camera. I spotted this mated pair of Crane-flies deep in the shade of the Snow-berry. |
Just as I was focussing on this spider on its web, a fly got caught in the web - you can see it in the lower background. A flurry of activity, and the fly was spun into a cocoon. Fascinating. I tried to get the shot, but the movement was just too violent to capture. |
I spotted this Click-Beetle immobile on the Meadowsweet leaf. I don't know if they 'roost' for the night, but it looks like this one has settled down. |
So why am I showing another picture of the Cuckoo flower? The answer lies in the orange dot in the centre of the picture. That's an egg of the Orange-tip butterfly. Each specimen in this bank had precisely one egg - they're carnivorous, so must be kept separate. |