BA in Theology and Anthropology Duration:
Three years Application for admission on the grounds of mature years takes place on the recommendation of the Board of Admission of the Institute. Who does this degree? The Course: The christian story is also explored through a study of the human person. Cultural anthropology - that is, a study of the values and beliefs of peoples in different societies, including Irish society - forms an important part of this programme. The Pastoral programme, which is built into each stage of the course, allows participants to reflect critically on their experience of ministry. In this way, they are able to bring their study to bear on their experience, and allow their experience inform their study of theology and scripture. In each year of the programme, there is a serious attempt to integrate studies completed to date. In this way, participants come to understand how various individual courses relate to each other, and to their christian life and ministry. The degree is recognised by the Irish Government Department of Education for the registration of secondary school teachers. The BA in Theology and Anthropology is accredited by the National Council for Educational Awards. Information may be received from: The Secretary Tel: (353 - 1) 455 7511