18-To his uncle.(1)
J. X. P.
St. Paul's Retreat, Harold's Cross, Mount Argus, Dublin, Ireland. 24th
August, 1883.
My dear uncle,
I was deeply saddened to learn of the death of my dearest brother Peter
Joseph Houben, (2) parish priest of Amstenvade. We must frequently call
to mind that it is the holy will of God. From the beautiful letters he
wrote to me I can say with certainty that he was a good and holy priest,
and so we must hope that he has already tasted the joys of heaven; I have
offered some free Masses for him; there is no need to send any stipend.
We have prayed for him here in the monastery, and many other people have
offered prayers for his eternal happiness.
I am glad to know that you, uncle, and my other brothers and sisters,
nephews, and aunt Elizabeth are keeping well. Give them my best wishes.
Pray at all times, desiring that God's will be accomplished completely
in your regard. From the Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis, we learn
to ask our good, merciful God for these graces: the graces of prayer and
perseverance; prayer and a happy death. As Saint Augustine says, be sure
that the divine mercy will never abandon you provided that you persevere
in prayer.
I hope this letter finds you all in good health. Our superiors send their
good wishes. Give my regards to Father Gobbels and the curate, and all
our relatives and friends. I pray for all of you; you must pray for me
too. May the almighty and merciful Lord bless and protect you all, and
may his blessing be always upon you, in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. My good wishes to all.
-I remain in the sweet hearts of Jesus and Mary.
Your loving nephew,,
Fr. Charles of St. Andrew, Passionist.
Letter 18-Notes
Summ. p. 373, L. 57.
2. Father Peter Joseph died on 18th August, 1883. Charles had written
to him on 30th May: "My dear brother, I was upset to hear that you
have been so ill; let us always keep in mind the words of St. Paul: "The
Lord chastises those whom he loves and punishes those whom he counts among
his chosen ones."

13 - 1873 Fr. Peter Joseph
14 - 1874 Fr. Peter Joseph
15 - 1875 Fr. Peter Joseph
16 - 1878 Fr. Peter Joseph
17 - 1882
His nephew
18 - 1883
His uncle
