If any of the following has happened to you
recently, be afraid, be very afraid
- Your computer hisses and utters blasphemous remarks while booting.
- There are two horns coming out of the top of your monitor.
- You are using Windows 6.66 and you don't remember buying it.
- Your computer overheats in less than 4 seconds.
- Your printer prints everything in red.
- Your mouse has a tail and a pitchfork.
- When your play 'The Microsoft Sound.wav' backwards you can
hear satanic chants.
- You get "666" as the answer every time you use MS Calculator.
- You get
strange error messages such as:
- Invalid filename, it must not contain: ",£,%,^,*,?,{,} or any
religious references
Satan is busy, wait a few seconds or press
[CTRL+ALT+DEL] to restart.
System Halted: Hex Error 666: System
Invalid system disk or disk error, please remove disk and
sell your soul when ready

If you
have suffered from any of the above symptoms it is suggested that you:
- Contact your nearest priest.
- Purchase a copy of Microsoft Exorcisor (not to be confused
with Microsoft Exerciser, Microsoft Step Aerobics, Microsoft
Weight Loss, Microsoft Fitness, Microsoft Health or Microsoft In
- Ask the devil to leave (politely.)
The following computer brands have been prone to attacks by
the Dark Lord:
- Viglen.
- Dell.
- Gateway 2000 (NOTE: Do not contact Gateways 2000's technical
support concerning the Devil, they will make you hold for 35 mins.
and then they'll say: "sorry, we do not support that particular
- Packard Bell.
- Toshiba.
- All Pilot palm tops
- Anything with a Microsoft product on it
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March, 2004