The Palmar de Troya Support mission is to provide support and information to those touched or adversely affected by the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face, a schismatic catholic group based in Palmar de Troya, Spain. We hope all past and present members, families and friends of current and ex members or indeed anyone who can further the quest for truth, understanding, resolution and healing will join in our endeavor. For more information see About Us

Site Contents


About Us and Mission Statement

The Carmelites of the Holy Face

Testimonies from ex Palmarians

Information on Cults

Sources of Help

Contact Us




About Palmar de Troya Support

Origins - The Need for Support

The Palmar de Troya Support Group and our subsequent website was formed through the recognition that many people were experiencing traumatic and emotionally painful events as a direct consequence of their own or their family members or friends participation and membership of the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face. This awareness was dramatically raised due to the recent imposition of new rules governing the Palmarian group, and recent messages from Palmar de Troya encouraging members to leave their families and friends and promoting the idea of martyrdom.

The increase in anxiety led naturally to those effected seeking information about these dramatic changes.

OCFH - A Small Group

The OCHF is a small schismatic group with members spread around the globe. Currently it is estimated to have less than 1000 members worldwide. Communication has subsequently always been very limited, especially as current members are forbidden to communicate with ex members. Thankfully with the evolution of the Internet it has been made possible to communicate with relative ease.

More information about the structure of The Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face, their numbers, rules and norms can be found on the OCFH page.

The Factnet

The main area for discussion has been on a website dedicated to exposing cults and allowing freedom of discussion. The Palmar de Troya thread can be found here:

Factnet Palmar de Troya Discussion

Factnet home page :

FACTNet (Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network)

Yahoo Groups

The thread covered by Factnet was primarily support and some felt the need for wider discussion therefore another area was created :

Yahoo Group - Palmar Discussion

This website

While people are being adversely effected by OCHF we will be doing what we can to provide much needed support. The testimony area of this site will provide first hand experiences demonstrating how peoples lives have been torn apart with the consent and encouragement of the hierarchy in Spain and their missionary representatives around the world.

Mission Statement - Our Role

Our mission statement is clear and given at the head of each of the website's pages.

The Palmar de Troya Support mission is to provide support and information to those touched or adversely affected by the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face a schismatic catholic group based in Palmar de Troya, Spain. We hope all past and present members, families and friends of current and ex members or indeed anyone who can further the quest for truth, understanding, resolution and healing will join in our endeavor.

Our existence depends on the OCHF, while they continue to hurt we will continue to support and educate.


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Palmar de Troya Support and this site are not endorsed by, or sponsored by, or affiliated with the Order of Carmelites of the Holy Face, the Palmarian Church, or any religious member of that schismatic movement based in Palmar de Troya in Spain or any of its worldwide missions. Palmar de Troya Support are not responsible for content of any external internet sites.

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