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The Palmar de Troya Support mission
is to provide support and information to those
touched or adversely affected by the Order of the Carmelites of the
Holy Face, a schismatic catholic group based in Palmar de Troya, Spain.
We hope all past and present members, families and friends of current
and ex members or indeed anyone who can further the quest for truth,
understanding, resolution and healing will join in our endeavor. For
more information see About Us
Site updated 6th May 2018
Site Contents Home
Welcome It is our hope that this site will develop steadily over the coming weeks and months. It is our sincerest wish that the information contained here will provide invaluable information to ex-palmarians and those who are currently members of the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face (abbreviated through this site as OCHF), whether religious or lay persons who may be considering leaving and are unsure where to turn for assistance, aid, information and understanding. Please let
us have your feedback and support resource information. This is a
global site and information for you particular location will be greatly
appreciated. URGENT We have had reports of orders given by the Spanish hierarchy demanding computer equipment of their followers be confiscated by the priests. If you have any information on this please let us know.
Web Discussion Groups The group is aimed at providing an open discussion on any and all aspects of the Palmarian Church. Links to this discussion area are below. Standard Google Group format. Beta Group Format Factnet have announced they have problems with funding their
site and some area's have been suspended until funding is in place to
support the whole site once more. Click here for the Palmar Factnet location Other Palmarian Factnet Threads There are now 4 different threads in the Palmarian Church section of Factnet Click here to view all threads and also the option to create a new thread. Yahoo Groups Palmar Discussion Yahoo Group |
Site Latest 30/10/06 New Google discussion group announced click here 24/10/06 Movie of Clemente Vision click here 27/03/06 New Testimony PDF click here 20/01/06 New Testimony PDF click here 26/08/05 New Palmarian Document PDF The second apostolic letter of Peter II to view as a PDF. See Palmarian Documents on the OCFH page. Testimonies We anticipate that personal testimonies from ex palmarians, family members and friends of present members of the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face will provide great depth in evaluating the Palmarian schism. What are your experiences with the Palmarian Church? how did it effect your life ? How did it effect the lives of those around you, family, friends ? What changed your perception ? How did you cope ? How do you feel now when you reflect ? Whether you wish to express this in a paragraph or 1,5,10 pages or more, all will be welcome. What are your experiences ? please email them to us for inclusion on the testimonies page. If you do not wish your name to be included in the published item we will respect that wish. For more information please visit the testimonies page Your Comments "I have found your website very informative and helpful for someone who is now very much in the dark." "Thank-you for providing information about the Palmarians...Thanks for providing the web site." "I
just saw your anti-Palmar website, and I have my own words to add. I
hope you will publish them, but you probably won't, given your
mind-set." for full unabridged text click here |
Global Resources As the Palmarian Church has a small but worldwide membership we wish to reflect this with a global resource page searchable by country. The resources will comprise of links, phone numbers and addresses for accessing information, services, funds and other essentials that may be of use to anyone in a potential crisis. How you can help us improve our support. Please check sources of help and if you can provide any further resource items for any location worldwide, email to In order to offer a valuable source of support and information we sincerely ask you contribute any relevant resources. Help us to help others.. Please take a few moments to email us the information. Thank You. |
Prophesies and infallible doctrine concerning Pope Gregory XVII, Israel, Jerusalem and his Crucifixion 31. Again Pope Gregory XVII, accompanied by Elias and Enoch and the Princes of his Church, will war against Antichrist, undertaking the great and decisive struggle, preaching penance with greater intensity, unmasking the Man of Iniquity.. More
examples of how prophesies and documents given as infallible doctrine
have now been modified following Clemente's death will appear in the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face section.
documents Number of |
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content of this site may not be reproduced or distributed without prior
permission. email |