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Amber is an organic material made up of fossilized resins; The ancient Greek term for Amber was elektron, a word referring to the sun. Amber is known to develop an electric charge when rubbed, and our word 'electricity' derives from the ancient Greek term for Amber.

Amber varies in color from yellow to brown or reddish brown, and is often transparent. Frequently it contains bits of plant material or fossil insects, some dating as far back as 120 million years ago.

Amber has been fashioned into jewelry and ornaments for thousands of years. In Egypt, it was used at least 4,500 years ago, and Amber beads dating back to 2000 B.C. have been found in Crete. In Europe during the Middle Ages, rosary beads made from Amber were so popular that the available supplies were exhausted.

In the mythology of ancient Greece, Amber was created when Phaeton, son of the sun god Helios, was struck and killed by lightning. The grief of his sisters was so great that it turned them to poplar trees, and their tears were transformed to droplets of Amber.


Excellent for protecting and detoxifying.It is a fact that amber collects electrostatic charge when in contact with skin.

It is a biostimulant that has a positive effect on the nervous system, the heart, and the kidneys and stimulates recovery processes.

Amber is a natural analgesic when worn against the skin and relieves the pain of teething in babies and toddlers without the need for lots of medicines and gels, it has been used in Eastern Europe for Centuries as a remedy for the pain a baby experiences during teething.

It absorbs negative energy especially from computers, mobile phones and other potentially harmful electrical appliances and also solar radiation.

It fortifies the brain and nervous system and helps the body to expel toxic substances.

It opens the Solar- Plexus Chakra for intuition and spiritual perception


It enhances the positive qualities of Cancer and Sagittarius
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