Tommy Byrne
Photographic Society

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Diary 2005 
For quicker uploading time the diary for 2005 was divided into yearly quarters
This page: 
July   August     September    
Page 2:  April   May   June 
Page 3:  October     November      December


'Reflections' was the topic of tonights Tutorial Class in preparation for the 12th October Project work.  

The Society are in the process of looking for grants to help in any way they can and we are ordering mounts in bulk so any member who would like to order some for themselves please have your order in next week.  Mounts are approx €5 (40x50cm) with backing board.

Official TBPS T-shirts/sweaters are now available, (as modelled by Stewart last Wednesday, designed and produced by Joy and Kriss - many thanks ladies) ~€20, (or sweaters/fleeces/hats etc. - full price list on the way).  Please e-mail your size and preferred colour and quantity if you want to order some.

We will be having an exhibition in Conary Community Hall in December so you have plenty of time to put your photos together.



Sean Casey from the IPF will do a workshop on the National Shield and for Distinctions. For those preparing for Licentiate Distinction you will need 10 photos (Colour or B&W).   Bring a selection of your photos (more than 10) to help make your panel.  The Distinction panels are individual panels, the National Shield is a Group Panel consisting of 8 Colour and 8 B&W. Please bring your photos for consideration for this too.  The Workshop begins at 10am, finishes at 3pm in the 'Sun Lounge' room upstairs in the Royal Hotel and costs €25.00

Plans for a visit from John Wilkinson for an Audio Visual night will be postponed for the moment due to technical problems.

It was decided that due to too much pressure on some members to have their project work in each week that photos can come in every three weeks instead, (until we review again) so the next project is Reflections and is due on 12 October; Wildlife is due on the 2nd November and Costume will be due on 23rd November (think Halloween!)  Reminders will be send out closer to the time.  Colum's Tutorial Class will be designed to take the projects into consideration and prepare members to take their photographs.

Day Trip to Mount Usher Gardens (€6.95 entrance fee to gardens)

As this is the day that Róisín & Francis of the Royal Hotel close their doors plans at the moment are that we will return to the Royal Hotel for the night.

Clarke Oil Annual Calendar Photo Competition closing date has been confirmed as being extended to the end of October. Contact Larissa for more details  



Colum recommenced his Tutorial Class with a talk on Silhouettes. A great lecture with fabulous examples of how to achieve the simple standard silhouette and more 'difficult' special effect silhouette. A workshop will be set at a later date for members to practise these various methods.

Next weeks class will be 'Landscape'. This class should be attended by all as it is deliberately scheduled so that members will have ample time to prepare for the 'Tommy Byrne Landscape Competition' in November.

Due to a lack of members available on Saturday 24th September the visit from Sean Casey hopes to be rescheduled for the 15th October.

Project work - Environment'. Some lovely shots and not so pretty photos of our environment ranging from landscapes, seascapes, nature and dirty docks.

Members are reminded that the Wicklow Co. Co. are seeking artwork & photographs for their open exhibition next year and if they want to submit work the closing date is 23rd September (next Friday)

We have learned tonight that The Royal Hotel has been sold and will close in October.  We would like to extend our sincere gratitude and best wishes for the future to Róisín & Francis and staff who have dealt with us not just since April but for many years.



An initial date (Saturday 24th September) has been set for a visit from Séan Casey from the IPF to so a workshop on IPF Panels for the National Shield. Here members can put together individual panels of ten photographs and the Society as a group can put together two panels of eight photographs in two categories - B&W and Colour.

Project work - 'Macro' shots tonight. Larissa brought in some very simple and very cheap equipment for a manual SLR to demonstrate how to take macro shots without the expense of a macro lens.

More photographs are need for this site.  Can members PLEASE bring give them to Larissa.  Until all members have photos in the official launch can't take place!


Project work for tonight was 'Abstract'.  Again some very interesting pieces and imaginitive ideas.  The next 9 weeks of Projects have been arranged and are listed above.  

Congratulations to Paul and Colum who both sold work last Sunday in St. Stephen's Green.  Plans are already under way for next year's exhibition.

Plans are also ongoing for a Panel night, AudioVisual and Photojournalism Lectures.  Dates will be confirmed soon.

We have been lucky with the weather!!  People's Photography Exhibition in St. Stephen's Green.  Sunday was a bit breezy so it was all eyes on the photos before they became kites!  Salute to Helen though - her Military Man was a great eye catcher and stirred up a lot of interest.  Well done to all who organised and entered their work - we got over fifty photos displayed each day!  Here's to next year!

Ohhh - Exam time!  Congratulations to all candidates for doing so well and passing with flying colours, special mention for Paul Sheedy who got 100%!  See 'Graduation' photos here.  Those who missed the exam will have another opportunity  to do it.

Some interesting pieces came in tonight for the Project Work 'Still Life'.  Constructive criticism is welcome - that's why we're here!  Next weeks project is 'Abstract'.

Photos were also brought in and collected from each member for the forthcoming exhibition in Dublin on St. Stephen's Green this weekend.  This is the Society's first exhibition and a lot of hard work has gone in and we're all looking forward to it - hope it doesn't rain on us!!

Colum continued with the Tutorial Class and next week is the big crunch - Exam time !!! Not to worry - I'm sure all our students are well up on their work!

It was decided that a weekly project would be undertaken by all.  This is NOT a competition but a way for members to continually keep in practise and to build up their portfolio.  It is also a great way for members to look at things in a different way and to take a photograph of something that they might otherwise not do.  Project to be brought in next week is 'Still Life'.

As the vast majority of members were away tonight the 'Outdoor Photography' was postponed for another night tbd.


Agenda for the month has been set out.  This has been e-mailed to members.  If any members are viewing this site but have not given in their e-mail address can they please do so here.  There will be no tutorial class next Wednesday 10th so meeting won't start till 9pm. Can members please bring their cameras for practical work.


The Royal Summer Ball - ahhhh, it was GREAT to see everyone looking so well, all dressed up.  We'll have to make a habit of that!  Thanks are due to so many so I hope I don't leave anyone out.  To the Sponsors on the night for donating so much, to the waiting staff and chef, the service and food was fabulous, to the Royal Hotel and Cáit for being so good to us, the band Easy Listening & DJ Sam. To all who sold tickets and to all who turned up - for without company what would the night have been?!

Everyone had a wonderful time and a very special thanks must go to Kriss Case for basically organising the whole thing from start to finish - well done to you, and you DO know that because you're so good at this you'll just have to do it every year from now on!!!


Many Congratulations to all who took part in the Juniors 'Pet' category and the Ladies 'Fashion' & 'Open' shots.  Results are:

Juniors 'Pet'
1st - Eliot Case
2nd - Rebecca New
3rd - Tommy New

There can only be one!!! Winner in the Annual Ladies Competition, by one point only, was Julie New.  Sincere thanks to CelticAerospace for sponsoring the Crystal trophy.

Many Thanks to Mr. Kevin McManus for being the Judge on this occasion, we do realise it takes a lot of time and careful consideration and we appreciate it.  Photos can be seen here shortly.


Julie presented her B&W photographs detailing the various ways in which she achieved her results.  She will prepare another night soon where everyone can use the 'touch-up paints' and add colour tints for unusual effects.


A relaxing night with a General Quiz. With Colum, Paul, Audrey & Eliot winning, somehow there seemed to be far more on that team!!

Photographs were handed in tonight for the Juniors 'Pet' category and the Ladies 'Fashion' & 'Open' shots.

10th (Sunday)

A trip to the Zoo. And what a day!! It was a beautiful summers day, almost too hot, dare we say it!  When we saw the length of the queue it nearly put us off but we persevered and got on with it!  This day gave the younger members a chance to prepare for their 'Pet' Category competition coming up soon.  Some great shots were taken even though the animals were probably too hot as well and it's a wonderful opportunity to see the work that zoological gardens have to play in the conservation and explanation of  the Earths creatures in danger.


Tonight Stewart made a Photographic Panel Presentation - a very good practical class for anyone preparing for the IPF Distinctions, also how to (and how not to) mount a photograph correctly.

We have also heard that Fiona from East Coast Video will be leaving the shop after many years.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank her for her hard work and we wish her all the best for the future.

This page:  July   August     September    
Page 2:  April   May   June 
Page 3:  October     November      December

 Programme & Diary ] Programme/Diary 06 ]

web site created & maintained by Larissa O'Duffy