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We have many events planned for the School Year 2001/2002. During the first term we will be taking part in the County Olympic Handball Competitions.Mr. Kavanagh will be taking the Girls and Boys teams to Claregalway.Ms. O Donoghue will be training a team for the County Cross-Country Championships in Renmore.Every week we will be training for these competitions and for the school Track and Field Competitions in Daingean in June 2002.

The school hurling,camogie and football teams will be taking part in the National Schools Competion in the Spring of 2002.The INTO 7 a side competions will b held in late October 2001. We will be swimming every week in Leisureland in Salthill and the annual Gala will take place in June 2002 organised by Ms. O Loughlin and Ms. Farrelly.Likewise we will be marching in the Millennium St. Patrick's Day Parade.The 5th/6th classes take part in the INTO Curriculum Quiz every Tuesday at 10.25 p.m.We hosted the quiz on Tuesday,16th of October.

The Christmas Pagaent was  on Tuesday and Wednesday,the 18th and 19th of   December in the Church Of The Ressurection in Ballinfoyle at 7 o clock.Classes from 1st to 6th were  involved .Mrs. Browne and Mrs. Dilllon  spent an enormous amount of time preparing the children for this great night out.

These are some of the main events in our school during the year 2001/2002.We will include pictures at a later date from some of these special occasions.


Palace of Versailles


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