Magic Gladiator |
Magic Gladiator - name a little unfortunate, because the gladiator is bringing the word round for Rome gladiators' thought. And this character has nothing common with them. He is showing names that the character is able to use the magic. Fact - he is able but he isn't able to use protective sorcery - including the teleport.
And so - two ways of development are:
Of the force and agility back to bear pretty good armors, to have better defence and to bear good staff. With sweat rest in energy.
The other way of development is like DK/BK - the power and agility.
MG has different calculation. 7 pkt per level. So, when skill value grow up i every 30 point, so is clear. Better go to magician way then follow DK/BK. Anyway why run and hunt, when you can stay in one place and hunting with spell from the distance?
Possibility of development:
- can run form 1 level.
- enter to location in 2/3 value then basic characters.
- can't use the helmet.
- From 50 level can alone repair equipment - it does not have to go need to smith.
Basic statistic
points per level |
Strength |
Agility |
Physical strength |
Energy |
basic points |
7 |
26 |
26 |
26 |
26 |
104 |
Life |
Mana |
Level life |
Level mana |
point life |
point mana |
110 |
60 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
Weapons for Magic Gladiator
- All Axes,
- Swords [exception Dark Breaker],
- Mace [exception Elemental Mace],
- Spears [exception Dragon Spear]
- Staffs [exception Dragon and Kundun staff]
Armors for Magic Gladiator
- Pad Set, Bone Set, Sphinx Set, Legendary Set, Leather Set, Bronze Set, Brass Set, Scale Set, Plate Set, Dragon Set, Storm Crow Set, Thunder Set, Hurricane Set, Volcano Set
- All Shields (except Elven, Elemental, Legendary and Grand Soul Shield)
Items only for Magic Gladiator
MG Skills
Fire Ball Required Energy=40, Mana consumption=3, Range=6 area=one point.Fire ball - much better. Drop from Budge Dragon, Hound, Bull Fighter, Lich, Chain Scorpion, Beetle Monster, Stone Golem, Elite Goblin, Worm
Power Wave Required Energy=57, Mana consumption=5, Range=6 - area= one direction. Power Wave - nothing special but good in Lorencia. Drop from Hound, Giant, Worm, Skeleton, Vepare, Death Bone
Lightning Required Energy=72, Mana consumption=15, Range=6. Area=one point. Lightning - little bit more powerful then previous, can reject the enemy.Drop from Lich, Giant, Hunter, Agon, Stone Golem, Worm, Ice Monster, Hommord, Skeleton, Vepare, Death Bone
Meteor Required Energy=104, Mana consumption=12, Range=6, one point. Time to be serious. Take huge, hot stone and throw it. Drop from Hunter, Assassin, Elite Yeti, Ice Monster, Larva, Cyclops, Skeleton Archery, Hell Hound, Poison Bull, Devil.
Sudden Ice Required Energy=120, Mana consumption=38, Range=6, one point. Great when enemy is fast. Frozen him, then finish :)Drop from Assassin, Yeti, Elite Yeti, Hommerd, Cyclops, Ghost, Skeleton Archery, Hell Hound, Hell Spider, Poison Shadow, Death Cow, Death Knight
Poison Required Energy=140, Mana consumption=42, Range=6, one point. Quick, silence, green..:) die! Drop from Elite Yeti, Elite Skeleton, Thunder Lich, Ghost, Skeleton Archery, Hell Hound, Hell Spider, Bahamut, Vepare.
Flame Required Energy=160, Mana consumption=50, Range=6, huge area. Very good with non magical monsters.Drop: Elite Yeti, Elite Skeleton, Thunder Lich, Ghost, Skeleton Archery, Hell Hound, Hell Spider, Bahamut, Vepare, Valkyrie, Shadow, Cursed Wizard.
Twister Required Energy=180, Mana consumption=60, Range=6, hit in one direction. First area skill. Drop from Ice Queen, Elite Skeleton, Poison Bull Fighter, Thunder Lich, Dark Knight, Hell Hound, Cursed Wizard, Death Cow, Poison Shadow, Bahamut, Vepare, Valkyrie.
Evil Spirit Required Energy=220, Mana consumption=90, Range=6 fields around. Very evil, very powerful. Don't use this skill in duel. Drop from Ice Queen, Gorgon, Devil, Cursed Wizard, Death Gorgon, Poison Shadow.
Twisting Slash Required Energy=220, Cost 10 mana, Energy 10.
Range 2. Damage 2x. You can hit everyone around.Drop from Ice Queen, Gorgon, Devil, Cursed Wizard, Death Gorgon, Poison Shadow.
Stabbing Spear or Impale Skill - 120 lvl You need for this Horn of Uniria or Dino and spear weapons (lance, scythe, BOB etc..). Cost 8 mana, Energy 0. Orb skill, not from weapon.Drop from Gorgon, Devil, Cursed Wizard, Death Gorgon, Poison Shadow.
Hell Fire Required Energy=260, Mana consumption=160, Range=3 fields around. Only for eagles :) Very good skill, but slow and expensive. Anyway, very helpful.Drop from Balrog, Death Gorgon, Devil, Death Knight, Great Bahamut, Sliver Valkyrie, Lizard King, Hydra.
Aqua Beam Required Energy=345, Mana consumption=140, Range=6, piercing. Aqua Bean skill for high lvl wizards. Condensed enlightened beam of the Atlans sea. Great stuff in BC. Drop from Hydra, Mutant, King Orc.
Blast Required Energy=436, Mana consumption=150, Range=6. The Comet - great for duel or few enemy's. Quick, effective, and not to much expensive. Drop from Thantalos and all higher lvl monsters.
Inferno Required Energy=578, Mana consumption=200, Range=3 fields around. Hell fire circle - good for defence, so you can protect your team mate.Drop in Tarkan, Atlans, Icarus, DS4 , BC6.
Power Slash Mana consumption=10, Stamina=15, first skill exclusive for Magic Gladiator. No doubt - powerful, when Magic Gladiator is on higher lvl. Not to much expensive. Drop in Tarkan, Atlans, Icarus, DS4 , BC6.
Fire Slash know as Ultimate Attack. Required Strength=596, Mana consumption=15, Stamina=20, Very quick skill. Poor area.Drop in Tarkan, Atlans, Icarus, DS4 , BC6. |