Body & Mind


Bodywork & Somatic Therapies Guide: M

Manual Lymph Drainage
Massage Therapy
Metamorphic Technique

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Manual Lymph Drainage

A massage technique developed by Danish medical doctor E. Vodder and his wife in 1932. Vodder, who also discovered and developed a new branch of medicine called Lymphology, created this method primarily to treat patients with swollen necks or limbs due to poor lymph flow. He applied a series of particular rhythmic, light strokes along the lymphatic vessels and surrounding tissues to help the flow of lymph toward the heart thus reduce swelling in the affected area.




Massage Therapy

Massage is the oldest and simplest form of healing and perhaps the mother of all Hands-On therapy. Touch is fundamental for our physical and mental well-being and yet the value of this vital form of therapy is often underestimated.

Massage can be definend as a series of non invasives manual techniques (strokes, gliding, rubbing, kneading and pressures) that affect one or more structures (skin, fat tissue, fasciae, joint, muscles, blood and lymphatic vessels, ect...) in order to release pain, reduce swelling, enhance mobility of joints and gliding surface, alleviate emotional and mental tension. Massage has also been succefully as a meditation to alleviate pain and anguish of patients with cancer (Meares 1980) and is also the core of many methods used for the development of human potential.

When used skillfully it is a powerful tool for healing and of vital importance for a preventive health care programme. This Therapy relaxes both body and mind, restoring our energy before we burn out and become prone to stress and disease.

For more information, contact:
American Massage Therapy Association
820 Davis Street, Suite 100
Evanston, Illinois 60201
(312) 761-2682



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The Metamorphic Technique

The Metamorphic Technique is a gentle, non-invasive and simple approach to self-healing and personal development. It has its origins in the work of Robert St. John, a British naturopath and reflexologist. Gaston Saint-Pierre, who studied extensively with Robert St. John during the 1970s, further developed the work and created the term 'The Metamorphic Technique'.

We all have great potential, but due to limiting beliefs that we hold about ourselves and our lives, we tend to get ourselves stuck in particular patterns that keep us from fully realising that potential. These patterns can show up in various ways - physical or mental illness, emotional problems, limiting attitudes or repeating patterns of behaviour.
Beneath these external symptoms are corresponding patterns of energy. The Metamorphic Technique acts as a catalyst to this energy (also known as the life force), gently enabling you to transform your patterns and begin to move from who you are, to who you can be.

The Metamorphic practitioner uses a light touch on points known as the spinal reflexes in the feet, hands and head. At the same time, he or she remains detached from the achievement of specific results. This allows your energy to be guided by your own innate intelligence (the 'wise guide within'), transforming your patterns in whatever ways are right for you.

The Metamorphic Technique is not a therapy or a treatment, as it is not concerned with addressing specific symptoms or problems.
Whereas people may seek medicine or therapy because they want to be healed of something, they come to the Metamorphic Technique because they want to transform their patterns. It is an empowering tool for enabling people to 'get out of their own way', let go of past limitations and move forward in their lives.

For more information, contact:
The Metamorphic Association
67 Ritherdon Road
London SW17 8QE
England, UK
Phone-Fax (020) 8672-5951



BoMi-Content: Vodder massage, Vodder Technique, Vodder Therapy, Vodder Method of Manual Lymph Drainage Massage, Vodders Lymph Drainage, Vodder's Manual Lymph Drainage, Lymph Drainage, Lymph massage, Lymf, Lymphatic, Lymphology, Limph, Limphatic, Limphology, Lynph, Lynphatic, Lynphology, Voder's Lymphatic Drainage, Lymphatic Massage Therapy... The Metamorphic Massage can be safely used by anyone including children, pregnant mothers, people with physical and mental disabilities, as well as in schools for children with learning difficulties and people who are dying. The Technique can be received on its own or alongside other approaches, whether conventional medicine or alternative and complementary therapies... Physical, mental, emotional and behavioural transgormation... energy work, energy-work, energywork, energy balance, Methamorphic Technique, reflexology, Gaston SaintPierre, Saint Pierre, Saint-Piere, SaintPiere, Saint Piere, Saint-Pier, SaintPier, Saint Pier, StPierre, St Pierre, St. Pierre, St.Pierre, Metamorfic techniques, bodywork, Personal Transformation, spiritual Transformation, Personal Development, spiritual Development, Personal growth, spiritual growth, selfDevelopment, self Development, self-Development, self growth, Transformational Therapy, Technique for the Development of Human Potential