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Myofascial Release
- The
Myofascial Release Manual (2001)
- Healing Ancient
Wounds: The Renegade's Wisdom (2000)
- Myofascial
Release: Complete Study Guide package (2003)
- Release the
Potential: A Practical Guide to Myofascial
Release for Horse & Rider
- Integrative
Manual Therapy 4: Myofascial Release: The 3-Planar
Fascial Fulcrum Approach (2003)
- Integrative
Manual Therapy for Biomechanics: Application of
Muscle Energy and "Beyond" Technique:
Treatment of the Spine, Ribs, and Extremities
On other pages
& Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction-
The Trigger Point Manual (1998)
Touch- A Clinician's Guide to the Evaluation and
Treatment of Myofascial Disorders (1999)
Endless Web - Fascial Anatomy and Physical
Reality (1996)
Link- Fundamental Principles, Theory, and
Practice in Osteopathy (2003)
Myofascial Release Manual
by Carol J. Manheim
Spiral-bound: 304
pages; 3rd ed (January 1, 2001)
Publisher: Slack Incorporated; ISBN:
1556424523 Price - Quick Click Buying
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Book Description (From
The Myofascial Release Manual is now available in a new,
thoroughly updated, and refined third edition. This
improved and expanded book places a greater emphasis on
hand placements that is reinforced with over 350
photographs. Three renowned experts in their own field,
Sam Keggereis, PT, ATC, Steven Nowicki, PhD, and Robert
Ward, D.O, have all contributed to this third edition,
offering their unique insight and clarity into the
technique of Myofascial Release. This timely book has a
user-friendly format that concentrates on the specific
"how-to" of the myofascial techniques, as well
as offering an explanation of the theory and experience
of the method of Myofascial Release. The book begins by
presenting the basic learning steps of the techniques,
then takes the reader into the advanced techniques and
evaluations. Additional resources such as posture
evaluation forms and references are included at the end
of the book, to augment the value of this superior
learning tool.The Myofascial Release Manual, Third
Edition is an essential manual that includes answers to
commonly asked questions and does an excellent job of
illustrating hand placement for many of the muscles in
the body. Carol J. Manheim, MS, MEd, PT, LPC, renowned in
the area of Myofascial Release, has developed this new
edition to be modeled after her own extensive background,
teaching experiences, and lectures.
Synopsis (From
This text shows the reader how to develop their skills in
myofascial release. Carol J. Manheim shares her expertise
and understanding of the individual patient experience.
Her techniques should enable the reader to interpret the
appropriate feedback from the patient and respond to it
with specific releases. "The Myofascial Release
Manual, Third Edition" is a comprehensive resource
that teaches skills of myofascial stretching. The book
has a user-friendly format to clearly detail specific
procedures, as well as to introduce the reader to the
theory and experience of the method of myofascial release.
Photographs clearly illustrate the key steps of each
release and the serial layout of photographs facilitates
the comprehension of the proper mechanical application of
techniques. A detailed assessment is supplied for the
therapist to initially evaluate the patient as well as
monitor progress throughout therapy.
Reader Reviews
a practical book, March 9, 2001
Reviewer: Tarek
from Houston, TX United States
This book is useful to help you apply the manual
techniques of trigger point release. However,you will
have to buy other books to have a complete guide about
the practice of myofascial release. This book can help
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Healing Ancient
Wounds: The Renegade's Wisdom
by John F. Barnes, PT
Hardcover - 349 pages
(June 1, 2000)
Rehabilitation Services, Inc.; ISBN:
1929894058 Price - Quick Click Buying
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Book Description
This enjoyable and important new book, Healing Ancient
Wounds: The Renegade's Wisdom explores the intricacies of
intuitive awareness and the dynamic mind/body healing
principles of Myofascial Release.
Myofascial Release is a mind/body therapeutic healing
approach that is safe, comprehensive, and highly
effective in relieving pain, headaches, and restoring
motion. The goal of Myofascial Release is to return the
individual to a pain-free, active lifestyle.
To the patient and public: do not let the talk of
technique and training deter you, the message in this
work is strongest for you. It is you for whom this work
is intended. Read this book to deepen your participation
in the treatment process and hasten the achievement of
your recovery. In the process, you will discover a
profound understanding of who you are and how you got to
where you are today. Through other people's stories, you
will see that you are not alone in your struggle.
This important book is about your empowerment as a
therapist, as a patient, and as a human being. This book
offers you a glimpse into a new and expanded view and way
of being in your world. These advanced principles and
concepts will dramatically increase your effectiveness as
a therapist and/or your treatment response as a patient.
Myofascial Release treats the "being" of the
human being. This fascinating book will touch you deeply,
guiding you into a unique way of enhancing your personal
power, intuition, and awareness that will help you
reconnect with your essence.
About the Author
John F. Barnes, PT, is world-renowned therapist, author,
visionary, and authority on Myofascial Release.
Considered to be one of the most impressively talented
therapists of our time, his mastery of Myofascial
Release, teaching and healing are beyond comprehension.
John F. Barnes, PT, graduated from the University of
Pennsylvania as a Physical Therapist in 1960 and he holds
physical therapy licenses in Pennsylvania, Arizona, New
Jersey, Delaware, Colorado, and Hawaii. He is on the
Counsel of Advisors of the American Back Society, is an
Editorial Advisor of the Journal of Bodywork and Movement
Therapies; and is a member of the American Physical
Therapy Association.
John lectures internationally presenting the "John F.
Barnes Myofascial Release Approach" seminar series
and "Advances in Spinal Diagnosis and Treatment for
the 21st Cenury," for the American Back Society .
John F. Barnes, PT was named one of the most influential
persons in the therapeutic profession in the last
century, in the national Massage Magazine's featured
article "Stars of the Century" and was a
featured speaker presenting his Myofascial Release
Approach at the American Back Society's meeting whose
theme was, the most important advances in health care
this century.
Reader Review
Find a new life through just one book!,
November 30, 2001
Reviewer: antemame
from Bickleton, WA USA
This book is beyond words to review it properly. MFR
treatment with the John Barnes, PT system, and the wisdom
in this book have literally given me a new life, taken me
from being almost wheelchair bound, to being mobile, no
longer housebound, and to now live with what pain has not
YET been eliminated. I would not have believed the book,
but I really DO, it has happened to me. I cannot
recommend it highly enough. It will help you find peace,
comfort and the path to a new life.
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Release: Complete Study Guide package
by Barry G Jenings
Spiral-bound: 200
pages (January 11, 2003)
Jasper Initiatives; ISBN: 0973225467 Price - Quick Click Buying
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Book Description
The complete manual package including: fullbody,
cervical, lumbar, shoulder manuals.
Bonus manual: treating fibromyalgia with myofascial
Over 200 pages with detailed illustrations and step by
step instruction.
Get results in your practice with this helpful and
complete treatment package.
Over 2000 therapists have been trained by one of Canada's
top trainers in myofascial release.
Release the
Potential: A Practical Guide to Myofascial Release for
Horse & Rider
by Doris Kay Halstead, Carrie Cameron
Hardcover: 125 pages;
(November 2000)
Half Halt Pr; ISBN: 0939481588 Price - Quick Click Buying
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Reader Review
A comprehensive tool for equine bodyworkers and
riders, August 16, 2001
Reviewer: thelavenderhorse
from Utah, USA
Finally! A book that approaches the work of myofascial
release with horses in a comprehensive and easy to
understand manner. As an equine body worker, my library
is full of resource books for understanding the equine
anatomy and techniques of massage, accupressure and help
for the horse. This one puts them all to shame.
The diagrams of horse anatomy and photographs of specific
horses are some of the best in specifically pinpointing
areas of a horse with issues of body misalignment. To
follow along with the pictures, there is language that
speaks to the professional who is versed in anatomy and
body work and to the rider who is interested in learning
more about observing their horse and helping them through
myofacial release techniques. The physical therapy
background of the authors shines through as they approach
the connection of rider to horse. Showing exercises that
the rider can use to improve themselves while improving
upon the pattern of movement for the horse.
There are very few books out there in the field of
bodywork for horse and rider that will be able to reach
people and make a difference for them and their horses
like this one. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this book
to anyone who cares about their horse.
Manual Therapy 4: Myofascial Release: The 3-Planar
Fascial Fulcrum Approach
by Jay B. Kain, Ph.D., Thomas Giammatteo,
Sharon Weiselfish Giammatteo
Hardcover: 200 pages (December
North Atlantic Books; ISBN: 1556434693
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Book Description
This book describes clinically proven hands-on techniques
to decrease the pain and tensions of the myofascial
tissues that cover every bodily organ. Included are
protocols for lower back pain, respiratory discomfort,
spinal dysfunction, headaches and migraines, joint
problems, plantar fascitis, and more. Illustrated
throughout, this is the fourth volume in the Integrative
Manual Therapy series.
Manual Therapy for Biomechanics: Application of Muscle
Energy and "Beyond" Technique: Treatment of the
Spine, Ribs, and Extremities
by Thomas Giammatteo, Sharon Weiselfish
Hardcover: 300 pages (July
North Atlantic Books; ISBN: 1556434359
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Book Description
Integrative Manual Therapy uses soft tissue work and
joint mobilization. People suffering from pain and
disability have significantly regained health through
this innovative therapy. This comprehensive manual
addresses all phases of assessment and intervention for
biomechanical dysfunction. It features inventories of
signs and symptoms; procedures; 300 photos and 100
illustrations; and tried methods for integration.
References to Myofascial Release in this book
1. on Page 60:
"... including mobilization, manipulation, muscle
energy technique, Muscle Energy and "Beyond"
Technique, Strain and Counterstrain for the low back,
Myofascial Release for the low back, Visceral
Mobilization and Visceral Manipulation, Neural Tissue
Tension Technique and mobilization of the nervous tissue..."
2. on Page 130:
"... ilium in an anterolateral direction while the
sacrum is maintained in right posterior rotation. Often,
it is necessary to perform myofascial release, direct or
indirect, on the ipsilateral iliolumbar ligament,
sacrotuberous ligament, and sacrospinous ligament..."
3. on Page 170:
"... It is corrected by a technique called Type III
technique. This technique is a modified Myofascial
Release technique. The Descended Vertebra Phenomenon
Cranial Trauma Causes the Descended Vertebra An
exceptional phenomenon, the descended vertebra..."
4. on Page 295:
"... Neutral shoulder [...] biomechanical
dysfunction of the shoulder girdle joints. The author
recommends Myofascial Release, the 3-Planar Fascial
Fulcrum Approach, for treatment of clavipectoral fascial
dysfunction. Occasionally, the Myofascial Release must be
utilized prior to ..."
5. on Page 307:
"... treatment for mobility and articular balance of
the scapulothoracic joint is attained with Strain and
Counterstrain; mobilization; Visceral Mobilization;
Myofascial Release. The Sternoclovicular Joint Correction
of biomechanical dysfunction of the sternoclavicular
joint can cause exceptional changes, including decreases
in pain and ..."
6. from Index:
"... corrected by, 3 Muscle Energy Technique, 66
Muscle spasm causes of, 6-7 protective, 8, 42 Muscle
spindle, 5, 6-8, 39-40 Myofascial Mapping, 56 Myofascial
Release, 295, 307 Neck, 223-24. See also Cervical spine
Neutral position, 41 Occipitoatlantal (O/A) joint, 235,238-42
Outflare, 7 Passive movement, ..."
7. from Copyright:
"... written permission of the publisher. The
following are service marks of Sharon (Weiselfish)
Giammatteo/DCR: 3-Planar Fascial Fulcrum Approach"
De-Facilitated Fascial Release" Dialogues in
Contemporary Rehabilitation" Foot Pressure Therapy'"
Horizontal Fiber Release" ... Therapy for the
Guidance System" Muscle Energy and "Beyond"
Technique" Myofascial Mapping`" Neurofascial
Process" Pressure Sensor" Pressure Sensor
Therapy" Reflex Ambulation Therapy"
Synchronizer" Synergic Pattern Imprint"
Synergic Pattern Release" Tendon Release ..."
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