A short but scenic walk though Dalkey Hill Park (2km)
A long walk venturing into Killiney (3km)
A walk through Dalkey village and down to Sorrento (4km)
A walk down Ulverton road to Bullock Harbour (2km)
An enjoyable walk starting on Killiney beach (2.5km)
A walk from Dalkey village up into the park for a spectacular view of Dublin (3.5km)
- Photo Gallery: A collection of scenic photographs of Dalkey and the surrounding areas
- Links: External websites related to Dalkey
- Dalkey: General Information about Dalkey and some interesting local history
- Site: Information about this website and its creator
- Sitemap: A list of all the pages on this website to aid navigation
Historical points of interest:
The Vico RoadOriginally a private road, in 1889 the private rights were bought by the public to allow public access.
Go along the path leaving from the right side of the car park. After a few metres you will come to a fork in the road with a small pillar in the middle. Take the path that goes left. You should now be walking along a path with trees on your left, and a grassy patch to your right. Shortly afterwards you will come to a crossroads, continue straight through.
A beautiful view of the sea and Wicklow emerges to the right. There are benches conveniently located here to sit down and admire the scenery.
Once you are ready to move on, continue until you reach some steps to the right on the path. This is called the 'Cats Cradle'. Go down these steps, and you will find that they lead down to the road below.
Cross over to the footpath at the other side of the road, but watch out for cars on the road as you do so. Go right once you reach the footpath, so that the sea is on your left.
After walking along this road for several minutes, you will see a green gate on the other side of the road with 'Killiney Hill' written above it in white. You need to watch out for this gate, as it is very easy to miss. (If you come to an arch that goes over the road, you have gone too far, but this is not a problem. You can simply go up the steps a few metres past the arch that will take you back into the park, and then go down the slope back to the car park.)
If you do go through the gate you will find yourself led-up a long, narrow path with a wall on your right. Eventually you reach the top. You are back to the crossroads again that you were at earlier.
Take the path to the right, which goes up a hill and has some steps. Do not make a U-Turn, taking you back down the same road you went on before. When you reach the top you should notice an aerial in front of you to the right, and the corner of a wall to the left.
If you stand at this corner you will have one of, if not the best view of Dublin. Once you are finished admiring the view take the path to the left which leads down the hill. If you keep going down this path you will eventually come back to the car park. I hope you enjoyed your walk!