A short but scenic walk though Dalkey Hill Park (2km)
A long walk venturing into Killiney (3km)
A walk through Dalkey village and down to Sorrento (4km)
A walk down Ulverton road to Bullock Harbour (2km)
An enjoyable walk starting on Killiney beach (2.5km)
A walk from Dalkey village up into the park for a spectacular view of Dublin (3.5km)
- Photo Gallery: A collection of scenic photographs of Dalkey and the surrounding areas

- Links: External websites related to Dalkey
- Dalkey: General Information about Dalkey and some interesting local history
- Site: Information about this website and its creator
- Sitemap: A list of all the pages on this website to aid navigation

Historical points of interest
The Killiney Court Hotel
Formerly a private house called Court-na-Farraige, it
was built in the 1860s.
The Vico Road
Originally a private road, in 1889 the private rights
were bought by the public to allow public access.
Ayesha Castle
Built by Robert Warren, it was originally called
Victoria Castle, and was renamed in 1930. The Irish
singer Enya currently owns it.

There are two car parks to choose from for this walk. One of them is on Killiney Beach, but as there are not many spaces available there, you will probably have a greater chance finding a space in the DART station car park (on the right of Station Road). If you chose the station car park, you will find a tunnel at the bottom of the car park, beside the toilets. Go though here onto the beach.

It is very pleasant to walk along this beach, you may wish to do so now, or another time.

If you wish to continue with my walk, go left, towards the beach car park. If you found a car space here, this is where you join us. There is a tunnel behind the car park. Go up here, but be very careful, as cars come down here, and there is no footpath. This will take you up onto Vico road.

Go left onto Vico road. As you are walking up Vico road, you will probably notice the nice trees of the Canadian Embassy on your left. Another road will join Vico road, but just keep walking straight. As you continue walking, you will notice that unfortunately the footpath ends. You will have to walk along the side of the road, so once again please be very careful.
Some of the main attractions of this walk are the many marvellous houses, and breath-taking views, especially on a sunny day when the sea sparkles.

Once again another road, Victoria road, joins Vico road, but this time we are going to take it. You will have to do a U-Turn onto it. You will be glad to see that we have a footpath again.

As you walk up Victoria road, you will see Ayesha castle, a private residence, in front of you.

We continue up, and come to an arch over the road.

After going under this, we turn left, and cross Killiney Hill Road to the footpath on the other side. We then go left, down the hill.

There is another nice view of the sea, and Wicklow to be had from here, over the roofs of some houses on the left.

The road starts to level out, and then we take the first left, onto Strathmore road.

Down the road we go, until we get to the bottom, and realise that we are back on Vico road again.

We go right, retracing our path

Take the road that leads off from the right, sign-posted 'The Strand', which takes us back through the tunnel, and onto the beach. For those who parked here, this is where we say 'good-bye'. For the others, turn right, and walk along the path until you come to the next tunnel. Go through it, and back out into the car park. I hope you enjoyed your walk!