A short but scenic walk though Dalkey Hill Park (2km)
A long walk venturing into Killiney (3km)
A walk through Dalkey village and down to Sorrento (4km)
A walk down Ulverton road to Bullock Harbour (2km)
An enjoyable walk starting on Killiney beach (2.5km)
A walk from Dalkey village up into the park for a spectacular view of Dublin (3.5km)
- Photo Gallery: A collection of scenic photographs of Dalkey and the surrounding areas

- Links: External websites related to Dalkey
- Dalkey: General Information about Dalkey and some interesting local history
- Site: Information about this website and its creator
- Sitemap: A list of all the pages on this website to aid navigation

This site was made entirely by Alan Richardson
- 100% hand-coded in XHTML and CSS by Alan Richardson
- 100% of graphics made by Alan Richardson
- 100% of maps hand-drawn by Alan Richardson
- 100% of photographs taken by Alan Richardson
- 100% of walks written by Alan Richardson
100% Alan Richardson
I live in beautiful Dalkey, and one of my favourite passtimes is walking. Over the years I have found many wonderful routes. I get such pleasure from these walks that I wanted to share them with others. I also have another favourite passtime: designing and making websites. One day I was struck by the wonderful idea of merging these two hobbies into what is now known as 'Dalkey Walks'.
I would like to thank my mother for her advice, and for accompanying me on my walks. I would also like to thank my friends and family for all their suggestions during the development of this website. I hope you find the Dalkey Walks website useful, and these walks as enjoyable as I do.
-Alan Richardson (17)