A short but scenic walk though Dalkey Hill Park (2km)
A long walk venturing into Killiney (3km)
A walk through Dalkey village and down to Sorrento (4km)
A walk down Ulverton road to Bullock Harbour (2km)
An enjoyable walk starting on Killiney beach (2.5km)
A walk from Dalkey village up into the park for a spectacular view of Dublin (3.5km)
- Photo Gallery: A collection of scenic photographs of Dalkey and the surrounding areas

- Links: External websites related to Dalkey
- Dalkey: General Information about Dalkey and some interesting local history
- Site: Information about this website and its creator
- Sitemap: A list of all the pages on this website to aid navigation

This is a collection of links to other internet sites related to Dalkey:
- Dalkey Homepage: The official website of the Dalkey Community Council. Contains a large amount of information, including aerial photographs, and is regularly updated
- Dalkey Castle: The Dalkey Heritage Centre official website. A useful site
- St. Patrick's Church, Dalkey: Information about the church, service times, club and community news
- Dalkey Library: Gives location and opening hours
- DalkeyVillage.net: Guide to pubs, restaurants and sights in the area
- Dalkey School Project National School: History and information about the school
- Dalkey Scuba Divers: Includes the club history, member information, contact details and a notice board
- Local History: Provides articles on the area and people
- Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council: Covering South-East county Dublin. Contains contact information and some public information
- Dun Laoghaire.com: Includes history, general information, a directory and a photo gallery
- Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Youthquest: Information on a range of topics of interest to young people
- Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Chamber of Commerce: Includes chamber member list, business opportunities, and a newsletter
- Killiney Court Hotel: Victorian mansion, overlooking Killiney Bay in South Dublin. Details of location, facilities and bookings
- Fitzpatrick's Killiney Castle Hotel: Four star accommodation with facilities which include conference, leisure, business, sport and fitness, and dining. Located in Killiney
- Local.ie/Dalkey: Provides some information about accommodation, maps and other general facts
- HeritageTowns.com/Dalkey: A quick introduction to Dalkey including some interesting information
- 17th Dalkey Scouts: Includes general information about the 17th Dalkey Scouts, a photo archive and a collection of links