Genealogy Research Service Ireland by Bruce Chandler | ![]() |
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Coghlan's Index of Co. Wicklow References in Wicklow Newsletter transcribed from the handwritten text by Bruce Chandler with permission of Bray Library Charlie Coghlan's handwriting was small, neat and very legible. On occasion where I cannot decipher a word, I insert image of original handwriting and sometimes my interpretation with a question mark. Coghlan had his own shorthand, which takes a while to decipher. CLICK HERE to read an alphabetical list of his acronyms and shorthand, which I add to as a new one crops up. If you want to get a copy of any article in Wicklow Newsletter referenced in these pages, I will be happy to obtain it for you. My fee for this is Euro 17 (Stg.£16 or US$23) per article. I accept payment in your own currency by personal cheque to be sent by airmail to - Bruce Chandler, 96 Ardmore Park, Bray, Co. Wicklow, IRELAND. |
Pages 323 to 335 | INDEX Wicklow Newsletter |
PAGES 336 to 348a 3rd Jan. 1991 to 28th Dec. 1995 |
Pages 349 to 384 |
PAGE 336 | |
3.1.91= |
Leader - fire hose wanted for Wicklow......Account of Christmas festivities in Co..........Stabbing case at Ovoca.........Michl. Fox, of Bray, porter on the DWWR, killed by train at Kingstown...........Ball given by Mrs. Darley at Violet Hill, Bray. |
10.1.91= |
Bray Commrs. - Letter fr. Mr. W. A. Traill requesting meeting of board to consider electric rly. to Bray Hd. in accord- ance with plans submitted 12/12/90 - referred to sec. & solicitor. Duscussion on baths for town under Commrs. control. Mr. Breslin wanted first class baths & Sir. Hy. Cochrane also Turkish - matter postponed...........Visit of Mr. Parnell to his mines.......W. - water famine threatened.......Plough maliciously destroyed at Cunnianstown......... Mr. Keogh, Dublin, apptd. postmaster in Wicklow........Court case - stoning Protestant children in Arklow streets. ......Fire at residence of Mr. J. S. Macleod, R. M., 6, Prince of Wales terrace, Bray.........Barndarrig murder - two arrests. |
17.1.91= |
More open air services in Arklow........Sailors arrested in Arklow for taking clothes fr. schooner "Echo".... Sailor's Firemen's Union - formation of branch in Wicklow........Failure of Mr. Garrett Byrne, M. P. for Co....... The coming of age of Lord Ardee - rejoicings in Bray; dinner to tenants in Bray Hd. Hotel, etc........Mr. Parnell greeted in Arklow. |
24.1.91= |
Edison's latest phonograph exhibition in Marlborough Hall, Arklow........Labourers' Union to be formed in Wicklow.......Col. Bayly & the bankrupcy of Mr. Du Bedat.......Wicklow concert.......Qr. Sessions full report........ The Open-air preached in Arklow, Rev. Mr. Hallowes prosecuted for obstructing the throughfare. |
31.1.91= |
Formation of a labourers' Union in Wicklow, full report in meeting held in the Town Hall........Mrs. Pluck, 102, died High St., Wicklow........Wicklow assault case.......Bull property of Julius Casement, J. P., Cronroe, broke loose in Thomas St., Dublin, entered shop of Mr. Cogan, subsequently had to be shot.........Wicklow Amateur Minstrel Troupe concert........Mr. Parnell inspected ore mines at Ballard & Ballycapple........Tea party at Carysfort N. School........W. Regatta - the accounts........Mr. Parnell attended meeting on Arklow harbour.......Soiree held in connection with Kilpedder Presbyterian Church.........Bread van driver killed at Ballinanna, Ovoca, car overturned.........Rathdrum Agri. Society Ploughing match held at Annacrevy. |
7.2.91= |
Leader on need for new labourers' cottages in Wicklow town........Mila to assemble 22/6/91, regt. 24/8/91 - 19/9/91. Watch & clothes stolen fr. schooner "Echo", at South Quay.....Enniscorthy man named Tuiney, entered Rathdrum chapel & took vestments of the clergy........Barndarrig murder - prisoners remanded.........Religious disturbances in Arklow - 50 police ordered to fit swords - Rev. Mr. Harrison knocked down - exciting scenes.......Ashford Ploughing match........Bray Petty Sessions - Jas. Douglas & Patk. Jones charged with assault on Murtagh Magee in shop of Tobias Burke..... Bray Commrs. - Appt. of surveyor or supt. of works to be considered. Water cut off - complaints - should have separate supply. T. Hall granted for arbitration proceedings in connection with Enniskerry rly. - Mention of finance inquiry to carmen in town..... Florence rd. to be taken over. |
14.2.91= |
Barndarrig murder & court proceedings.......Destructive fire at Hawkstown, residence of Mr. Loftus...... Dispute in Ovoca Church - rector retires fr. pulpit over ritualistic practices by Rev. J. M. Robinson........Arklow Sunday 8/2/91 = 170 police & 126 Seaforth Highes. drafted in - Attack on Mr. Hallowes car, his gardener arrested for presenting revolver........Girl drowned in stream at Ballinasoostia, N. T. M. K. while getting water.........Death of Mr. Patk. Carr, ex T. C., Wicklow. |
21.2.91= |
Roundwood ploughing match........Michl. Farrell, pupil of W. National School passed for boy copist in Civil Service Death of Const. Henderson, R. I. C. Bray.......Letters on Ovoca church dispute........Rev. Mr. Hallowes in the Superior Courts - the opinion of the judges on the street preaching........More exciting scenes in Arklow - 6 offs. & 170 R. I. C., 3 offs. & 120 of the Gloucester Regt. - latter drawn across streets......Death of Mr. Fogarty, J. P., Aughrim...... Bray Commrs. - Letter fr. Mr. Brady (for Sec. of Bray Carpenters & Joiners) wanting only local carpenters employed in harbour. J. N. Abbot, Dublin apptd. arbitrator. General Labourers Union wanted harbour started to give work. |
3.1.91= |
The Chief Secretary & Mr. Hallowes; correspondence.......Gold coins discovered by old man named James Byrne in wall near Clonmore castle, Tinahely........retirement of D. I. Somerville, Wicklow........Young man named Wm. Dickerson fell fr. top of Messr. Kent's mill, on the South Quay.........Bray Commrs. considered Enniskerry rly.... Death of the Rev. M. Drought, Glenealy........Arklow, 3 offrs. & 119 of Royal Scots Fus. & 6 offrs. 7 160 R. I. C. drafted in ...........Togher ploughing match........Chess tournament in Wicklow. |
7.3.91= |
Bed Fund for Wicklow Infirmary.......Ashford ploughing match.......D. I. Wm. Geo. Williamson transferred fr. reserve to Wicklow.......The open-air services in Arklow - more prosecutions for obstruction, conviction granted in one case. Rev. Mr. Hallowes & his curate sent to jail, his congregation intend to carry out the street preaching. |
14.3.91= |
Case of injury to "Commons", Kilcoole........Mr. Parnell invited to Wicklow........Arklow, long article on its past & present as a fishing station........The new pier, Arklow........Arklow last Sunday, cessation of hostilities but 5 offrs. & 108 men of the 60th Rifles & 6 offrs. & 130 R. I. C. drafted in - Prosecutions for stoning Protestant children. |
21.3.91= |
Brutal assault on woman named Bartley at Copse House, Rathdrum........Engagement announced of Lady Ribton's daughter, Irey Fort, Kilcoole, to J. F. Darley, the Asle...........Body of Owen Stafford, missing for some days & found in Bray river, 18/3/91........Glen Hotel, Ashford, sold for £1040 to Edw. Cullen; Blackhill & Bridge Hotel sold to T. Delahunt, T. C........Death of Mr. J. Kavanagh, Arklow.........Assizes - report.......Release fr. Wexford jail of the Arklow clergymen - their experiences & enthusiastic meeting in the Marlborough Hall........Details of bridges on the Enniskerry rly; road to be raised at Kilbride, etc. & lowered at Big Tree........meeting of committee of Children's Home at Delgany. |
28.3.91= |
North of Ireland "indignant" about Arklow affair.........Footpath wanted at Fingpeak, Arklow........The authorities determined to stop the services - exciting scenes - 6 offrs. & 100 R. I. C. & 3 offrs., 105 Seaforths.......Concert at Clack... The Assizes - full report. |
4.4.91= |
Wicklow got complete set of firehose ......Subscription ball to be held at Rosanagh........Lost reported of Arklow ship "Glenboine", left London for Swansea a month ago - missing..........Arklow on Sunday - exciting episodes 150 police & 5 offrs. & 103 men of the Gloucester regt. present........Indignation meeting of Dublin Protestants.... Assault in Arnsuirra Chapel, Tinahehy - court case. |
11.4.91= |
Sudden death of Denis Driscoll, well-known in Wicklow.........Sub-office of Hibernian Bank to be opened on certain days fr. 9/4/91........Open-air services continued in Arklow. Roy. Scots Fulisiers present.......Land Commission in Wicklow.......Ovoca parish, letter on protestants & their atrtitude to the rector. |
18.4.91= |
South Quay, Wicklow "practically derelict"........New fire hose - Wicklow.......More Arklow scenes.....A Wicklow elopement, Uanah Haughton & John Doyle. |
25.4.91= |
Letter on ovoca church dispute........Mr. Hallowes' reply to Mr. A. J. Balfour.......Sale of the Lambert estate........ Wicklow Qr. Sessions - full report. |
2.5.91= |
Bray Petty Sessions - sanitary prosecutions; question of licence of Doyle's publichouse, Vevay....... Wicklow Fever Hospital - statement of accounts..........W. Protestant church redecorated.......Population of Wicklow 3,268, 1881 in 3391.......P. Germaine, of Aughrim, evicted........5th Bray Industrial Exhibition to be held in the T. Hall (cont. next page) |
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PAGE 337 | |
9.5.91 cont. |
26-7th May Last show 365 exhibits; over £30 in prizes....Child found abandoned in flower beds of Duncairn Terr., Bray.......Concert in Assembly Hall, Wicklow, to aid building fund.......Tennis club, etc., to be formed at Rossanagh... N. T's meeting held in Wicklow.......Carnew steeplechases - note.......Arklow services, only 60 R. I. C. drafted in. |
9.5.91= | Ovoca parish -meeting of Select Vestry........Arklow nearly normal........Rathdrum Cricket Club and C. Y. M. A. |
16.5.91= |
Funeral of the Late Rev. P. Segrave, P. P., Kilquade........Malicious burning of hay at Killiskey.......New peas fr. Hy. Barker's, Knockrobin, for sale in Wicklow........Man jumped out of train travelling at fast rate nr. Arklow station...... Dublin Arty. band & shooting competition in Assembly Hall, Wicklow..Ovoca parish, strange proceedings...Claimant for the Earldom of Wicklow........Letter on the census return for Wicklow......Death of M. C. J. Fitzhenry, Arklow.......Carnew Steeplechases - account. |
23.5.91= |
Property of Fras. E. Du Bedat, bankrupt, in Wicklow, etc., to be sold...W. regatta committee meeting...Carnew to get water supply.........Arklow - only 20 R. I. C. drafted in........Death of Mr. Owens, Kilmanton Hill.....Horse maimed at Ballycallagh; Redcross....Influenza epidemic in Wicklow...Youth named John Tailor, discovered dead fr. exposure on Drumgoff mt.. Dublin City Mila for Wicklow...Works in connection with construction of Bray & Enniskerry rly. in progress, under Mr. W. Lewis, engr. Contractor is Mr. T. J. Dixon. Much needed employment given. Progress made with excavations. Will run through some of the loveliest scenery in the Co., & will be largely availed of by English tourists & city people...Old man named Peter Dempsey, admitted to Rathdrum Workhouse, returned fr. Australia, to look for gold he had dreamt about being on Sam Long's Island, Morrough...S. S. "Ribble", Swansea for Newry with coal, crew 7 missing - lost near North Arklow lightship...... Bray Commrs. - letter fr. Lady Kathleen Brabazon in regard to drainage at home of new industrial school. |
30.5.91= |
Rate estimate for Rathdrum Union....... Mr. Parnell's Arklow quarries supplying Dublin Corp. with stones for macadamanizing purposes.........Mr. Moore's wife, Vale-ven Hotel, Ovoca, in car smash........Convent in W. by Miss M'Phail's pupils........£625 bill recd. fr. I. I., R. I. C., for extra police in Arklow.........Thos. Kavanagh, late of Messrs. Nagle's, North Earl st., became new manager of Glen Hotel, Ashford..........Wicklow abduction case, court proceedings.... |
6.6.91= |
Five column account of visit of Mr. Parnell to Wicklow town........Valuable cow property of Mr. Tombe, J. P., shot near Glenealy.........Cricket club established in Wicklow....... Queen's birthday celebrated in Wicklow by mila.......Redcross Races - note. |
13.6.91= |
Annual sports of the Dublin Arty..........Head Const. Martin apptd. C. P. S. for Arklow........Strike at Mr. Parnell's quarries...... M. Aitken, well known English Evangalist, to conduct mission in Greystones & Delgany.........Mr. Breslin, J. P., visited his recent purchase the Arklow Chemical Wks.........H. &. J. Martin to construct north pier at Arklow for £5,855........Dublin mila inspected.......W. regatta committee meeting..... |
20.6.91= |
Wicklow Qr. Sessions - report........Portion of Rathdrum Flannel Hall to be rebuilt by Ld. Fitzwilliam as court house.........Open air religious services to be held on Morrough.......Four members of Co. force, R. I. C., apptd. timekeepers & overseers of the Relief Wks - the West of Ireland.........Dublin Arty. completed training. |
27.6.91= |
Bray court - Susan Hogan, apprentice, got three months for robbing of clothes of Annie Maria McMahon, Q. Rd..Concert in Assembly Hall, Wicklow....Manufacture of scented water started in Wicklow.... S. S. "Hexham", arrd. W., berthed at Breakwater, cargo of 1,100 tons of phosphate for Chemical Wks.....Inquest on Timothy Byrne, Cunniastown, who died suddenly........Narrow escape fr. drowning nr. Aughrim.....Delegate of "National Federation" of Irishwomen of G. Br. I. visited Arklow & endeavoured to form branch - meeting held on Quay - unsuccessful.....Sudden death of old man in Newry district, nr. Shillelagh.......Decomposed body of man with underclothing marked 4th Hrs. washed ashore nr, Greystones.....meeting held of Army Scriptures Readers Society of W..... On 22nd, mila recruits assembled. |
4.7.91= |
Police right to demolish ruin beside Kent's mill - case to come before Assizes.....50 of the county R. I. C. left for Carlow for election.....Carriage clock of Canon Tombe stolen in Mr. Kerr's yard, Church St., Wicklow......More open air services held in Arklow.....Arklow Qr. Sessions - full report....Redcross Races - note. |
11.7.91= |
W. regatta programme....Letter on police duties in Arklow & furher account of scenes there....Redcross Races - further note... Letter on rumoured explosive factory for Wicklow neighbourhood - Arklow Chemical Wks., Dunbur or Brittas?.....Reported Mr. & Mrs. Parnell to take house in Bray....Tramps arrested in Wicklow for breaking into Magennis's granary stores, Wicklow.. Bridge, costing £2-300 constructed across Ovoca river at Shelton by M. Clarke, contractor, Wicklow.....Ld. Lt. may visit Bray Rose Show...Bray Dog Show Committee Meeting - Messrs. Sprath's Patent to bench & feed dogs, & give 30 prizes.. G. N. R to give return tickets at single fares.....Many visitors in W.....Branch tramway to be constructed by Mr. Parnell from his quarries to Arklow rly. station.....Agitation for accumulated mail service, Dublin-Wexford.....Carnew sports....Rathdown Union Agri. Show to be held at Bray....Edw. Edge nearly drowned in Aughrim river bathing. |
18.7.91= |
Arklow Manure Co. lagal action....Public baths to be opened in Wicklow!......Naval exercises off coast; torpedo boats in Wicklow, steamer lying at quay to supply them with coal...Young lad named Canavan rescued fr. Wicklow river by Geo. Wall...... Baking strike pending in W....First concrete block of new harbour at Bray laid on 13/7/91 by Martin Langton.... Only 10 R. I. C. drafted into Arklow last Sunday...Patk. Fitzsimons, Wicklow, hurt in car mishap...Silk corset factory to be started in Arklow!....Rabies outbreak in Aughrim district...Walls of Flannel Hall, Rathdrum, to be levelled to the ground.....Reference to loss of "Ribble"....Two new lamps at Dunbur, W. |
25.7.91= |
Arklow open-air services - Rev. Mr. Harrison & the police....W. Assizes - report.....Roundwood fair.....Death of the Earl of Wicklow...Fire at J. Byrne's publichouse, Greenane...Interesting account of naval exercises held off Wicklow. |
1.8.91= |
Leader on proposed gunpowder factory at Brittas...Thatched house on Chapel Rd., Wicklow, stoned at night...Bray & Enniskerry Rly. making good progress...Metal of Ballymurtha mines, being removed to Arklow for shipping, believed Mr. Breslin may resume working...Body of Arklow fisherman named Medias, found in Dungarvan harbour...Parish church of Kilbride to be opened for service....Branch of Irish Game Protection Association to be formed in Co..Peace in Arklow...Woman arrested for stealing boots fr. W. Shaw's, Mall, Wicklow...W. regatta committee meeting....Funeral of Earl of Wicklow...Open air services held in W. opposite old station house....Naval manouvers in Wicklow - the port captured on 28/9/91 by Shannon, Northampton, Hotspur, Barracoute, Seagull, Spider, Skipjack, Rattlesnake; old tug "Traveller" in port.. |
8.8.91= |
regatta yachts carried away signs suspended over Mr. Walsh's pawnbroker, Wicklow...Temperance Association waited on DM of DWWR - drinking fountains wanted for travellers at stations, also tea, buns, etc. in refreshment rooms...Tim Hanky asked in parl. of Tinahely - Kiltegan mail car was to be discontinued - some alterations to ne made...Mila. to assemble (cont. next page) |
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PAGE 337a | |
8.8.91 cont. |
24/8/91 - disband 19/9/91...Copse House, undergone alterations - much improved...Saw Mills at Arklow to be converted to fish- curing esbt.?.Only 33 for drunkenness in Co. fr. 1/5/91 to 30/4/91..Cyclist met with mishap at the "Santry Box", Corballis cross-roads. Man thrown off bread cart on South Quay, W.........Home Secretary granted licence for esbt. of gunpowder factory at Brittas ....Ld. Fitzwilliam on yaching cruise, may arrive Wicklow 18th........Attempted stabbing at Rathdrum........Arklow peaceful.... Mila offrs. entertained friends after regatta........Post Office delivery service established in Wicklow........Bray Commrs. - T.A. Groves, B. A., apptd. Clerk of Wks. for harbour - recd.10 votes..Full account of W. regatta- T.M.P. band - "Sea King", excursion steamer, brought many down fr. Dublin. |
15.8.91= |
Greystones water supply - condition discussed by Rathdown |Union, reservoir cleaned out, but concreting bottom not good idea.... Woods' new self-binding harvester in Wicklow..Greystones regatta - account - band of Gloucester regt..Wicklow Horse Fair. Bray regatta.......Wicklow regatta, extraordinary report fr. Bd. of Trade........The Wicklow Parnellites, ![]() ....Arklow scenes - Father Manning C. C., forcibly removed some of the congregation of Mr. Hallowes fr. his door........N. T. M. K. outbreak of rabies.......Leader on mace of W. Corp........Arklow pier contract reference.......Elopement fr. Ashford...... Inspr. of Fisheries reported two mease of herrings captured during week in Arklow - price 20/-......Preachers moved on in Tinahely Sale of work at Glencarrig, Delgany in aid of Delgany's Children's Home. |
22.8.91= |
Lad named Wm. Neil, Arklow, killed by fall of beam in derelict schooner named "Etna".......Wicklow Annual Sports - report.......Bray Commrs. - tender for lighting town for one or three yrs. with electric or gas to be advertised for.......Old man named Thos. Keogh kllled by fall of beam while demolishing house at Deerpark, Shillelagh.......Bazaar in W. Assembly Hall........Govt. - the Arklow street preaching - Correspndence of Mr. Hallowes with Dublin Castle.......Girl named Mary Byrne drowned in river nr. Laragh.......Brittas gunpowder factory, licence to be applied for.......More "practical jokes" in Wicklow.......Fish curing esbt., Arklow, negotiations complete........Case of wife beating at Glasnarget, Rathdrum. |
29.8.91= |
Potato crop reported bad in Co........Complaint against Mrs. Waterhouse, midwife of Carnew district, for neglect of duty........Loyalists of Arklow to assist David Fowler to keep his holding on the Carysfort estate........Caravan of Canadian firm of jewellers visited Wicklow on Fair Day with watches, shirt studs........Fire on premises of Chas. Byrne Lower Main St., Arklow.........S. S. "Musgrave" in W. with 300 tons cargo for C. Wks.......Col. Tottenham, thrown from his carriage nr. Lough Dan.........Mila. full assembly........Adm. R. O'B. Fitzroy visited Wicklow, Cahore & Five Mile Pt. men, boats, etc. |
5.9.91= |
Bray & Enniskerry Light Rly. meeting - works commenced 15/4/91, entire land Dargle-Enniskerry & other places in contractor's hands, entire of permanent way material delivered by contractor........Sudden death of labourer named Jas. Long in Rathdrum.......Many assault cases in Rathnew.......Dr. Rentoul, M. A. for E. Down, on invitation of Rev. Mr. Matthews, lectured in Wicklow on the "British Empire; its greatness, Glory & Freedom".......Repairs on Corballis Rd., nr. Rathdrum........mila. - notes........Street-preaching in Arklow, the Wicklow band on the scene. |
12.9.91= |
The crops in W. - report.......Brittas gunpowder works to be started......Ld. Wolseley to inspect the co. mila........Forgery charge at Rathdrum.......Lord Carysfort's annual sheep sale........The Carysfort Royal School Endownments - technical education in Arklow........Milty. ball in Wicklow. |
19.9.91= |
Leader on Board of Works & Arklow harb.......Mr. Parnell asked for permission to build jetty at Arklow........Sergt. Higgins, R. I. C., Ovoca, to retire after long service - associated with some of the most exciting epochs in the annals of the County Wicklow........Undivided whether Wicklow to be lighted or not with gas this winter........Arklow shopkeepers charged for having light weights........Proposed loading stage for quarries at Arklow pier - letter........Mila sports - visit of Lord Wolseley........J. Campbell Dicker in letter fr. Glenarva, Arklow, explained his reason for abandoning the fish curing depot there project. |
26.9.91= |
Advt. John M'Entagart, coal merchant, Greystones.........Bray Commrs. - letter recd. fr. L.G. Bd., with copy of "Museum & Gymnasium Act, 1891" which gives power to local bodies to provide for these extablishments out of rates.......Mr. Comber reported on proposal to build promenade pier at Bray, submitted to board by Messrs. Ridley & Duxbury, engrs. Westminster, & recommended acceptance of scheme. Mr. Duxbury said pier, pavilion, & floating baths would cost about £25000, but £40000 would be put into entire scheme. Proposed 1/3 capital be subscribed locally, promoters satisfied of earning 8 or 10 per cent. Mr. Breslin said 12 yrs. ago he tried to have similar project carried, & he was still for it, returning fr. Brighton to gibve it support. All board in support, suggested £50 yrly be given by Ridley & Duxbury. Next day another meeting held - harbour wks. - good progress in making of blocks, duties of offrs. & contractors considered. Arrangements to be entered into with Marine Promenade Pier Co., Liv. discussed.........Public baths soon for Wicklow........Men fr. Tigroney & Crobane mines on trip to Glendalough.......Sale of Germaine's, Aughrim. for £660.......Infant died fr. neglect in Redcross......Said Ld. Wolseley had little fault to find with some matters on the occcasion of his visit to Wicklow, town may cease to be training place for regt. which may go to Fort Westmoreland........Man of 61 & woman of 90 married in Arklow....... Large shoals of mackerel off W. coast.......Small quantity of gold discovered in river at Redmond's bridge, Aughrim. |
3.10.91= |
Sudden death of M. J. Clarke, builder, Wicklow.......Interesting list of prices for the contracts of Rathdrum Union...... Revision Courts in Co. - great Unionist success.......Mr. Parnell & the Arklow pier.......Gas question in Wicklow not yet settled.......Fotbridge at station over river Avonmore, to be rebuilt - Ld. Meath supplying timber for work, & other gentlemen in locality contributing........Sanitation on Arklow bad.......Child named Patk. Wall, hurt by car no Mall, Wicklow.......Ld. Meath is providing cottages for his labourers in Rathdrum. |
10.10.91= |
School teachers entertained in Roundwood in Anna Carter on departure......Leader on death of Mr. C. S. Parnell ......Arklow barque "Belle Star", 353 tons, Capt. Kearon, outward bound fr. Bristol to St. John's, dismasted off coast of Cork, to return to Arklow for repairs........Five in vacant house in Main St., Wicklow.......Landslide of road near Glenmacanass, nr. Laragh.......Open air services in Arklow now going on for 18 months, last Sunday (4/10/91) for first time no extra police drafted in.......Greystones water supply discussed.......Special train fr. Wicklow for Parnell funeral with Commrs. etc.........Mary Scallan, Kilcoole, murdered with poker, husband arrested..... |
17.10.91= |
Bray Municipal Elections........In Arklow at elections - Federationalists defeated........Arklow street preaching, Mr. Hallowes knocked down by R. I. C.......The late Mr. Parnell & Arklow - his relations with the harbour.... "Iron KIng", steamer anchored in W. London, disabled by storm........Bray Commrs. have given contract for electric lighting of premier waterplace in Ireland to Messrs. J. E. Gordon & Co., London. Head of this well-known frim paid a visit to Ed. Breslin last week in company with his chief engr. Expected town will be lighted in 2 months. |
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PAGE 338 | |
24.10.91= |
Speculation on future of Prnell's local interests.......Leader on waste of money on Wicklow pier.......Capt. Halpin apptd. Harbour Commr........Harvest home at Rathdrum........Hostility to John Dalton at Arklow.......Cusson's Opera Co. to visit Wicklow.......Young men of W. to revive gymnasium club.........Prince Albert Victor, on visit to Ld. Carew, escaped recognition in train at Wicklow.......Death of Fras. O'Rorke, 21/10/91, late manager, H. Bank, Wicklow. Bray Commrs. - Messrs. Gordon wrote stating they would push on electric light contract.........Mr. Jackson chairman - Inquests held in Bray on bodies of Jesse During, late sexton St. Paul's, died suddenly 18/10/91, & John Marshall, guest at the Royal Marine Hotel, found dead in bed on 19/10/91. |
31.10.91= |
Rev. C. H. Irwin, B. A., Presbyterian Minister in Bray for last ten yrs. recd. call to Australia........Dt. Inspr. Sharpe, R. I. C. transferred Arklow to Co. Kilkenny: his duties often times brought him into antagonism with the public during the street preaching, but he did not lose their respect.........At this time there was a police post established at Moneystown.......Vessel observed on fire off Wicklow coast.......Death of John Fogarty, Aughrim.......Arrest in Aughrim for assault on Coolgreaney emergency man........Amusing charge against two Wicklow solicitors for assault on client. |
7.11.91= |
Qr. Sessions - full report.......Arklow street preaching - more disturbance......Reference to Co. Wicklow Hunting Club.......Effort to have Protestant R. I. C. constable on transfer to Derry retained in Arklow. |
14.11.91= |
Bray & Enniskerry Rly. - Ld. Powerscourt claimed £559.7.6 for land in Arbitration court, Four Courts, & Bray Commrs. objected to interference of Bray Bridge by rly......Leader on Wicklow harbour.......Rock fall on rly. line between Rathdrum & Glenealy.......Gale damage in Co. - bathing boxes of M. Canavan, W., cast up at Chemical Wks....... 4'8" seal shot in W. bay by Mr. Kerr........Grocers of W. in favour of abolishing Christmas boxes.......The priests & the Arklow elections.......Horse ran away on approach of Dublin train at Rathnew.......Bray Commrs. - Draft agreement on electric lighting signed: concern over blocks for harbour being reduced in size......Death of Mr. Kerr, Rathdrum. Bray Petty Sessions - John Tobin, John Murray & Nicholas Mulvey got four months hard labour for assault & robbery of Michl. Devereux. |
21.11.91= |
Bray & Enniskerry Rly - text of bill.......Bray Commrs. - Asked to join deputation to Mr. Balfour on technical education. Carmen of town & Enniskerry complained of calamity which had befallen them by closing of Dargle Waterfall, deputation fr. board to wait on Ld. P. in regard to matter.......Bray harbour - arbitration - land.......Fire in house of old woman in Arklow... Mr. Healy got mixed reception at Arklow station when passing through......More Arklow scenes.....Lamp wanted opposite Wicklow G. P. O...... Arklow fishing good......Another platform to be made at Arklow for the outgoing trains - bridge like Wicklow to be erected for safety.......Letter fr. Mr. Hallowes on the police in Arklow....... Alleged child abduction at Delgany........Annacarten & Roundwood teachers - letter on removal. |
28.11.91= |
Death of Dr. O'Dwyer, M. O. of Rathdrum Dispensary.......P. Germaine, recently evicted by Ld. Meath, returned & ejected caretakers, police retook house by assault......Man named Weddick had his fingers crushed in Comerford's mill......Belfast man inspected Connorree Mines - works may open again.......R. I. C. in Arklow prosecuted by Mr. Ed. Kearon, Harbour Commissioner for assault arising out of street preaching scenes. |
5.12.91= |
Leader on the Arklow street preaching.......Exhibition of Edison's Phonograph to be given 11/1/92 in the Wicklow Assembly Hall.....Reference to Delgany Protestant Childrens' Home......Young man found dead on board schooner "K. M. G. " in Arklow harbour. |
12.12.91= |
52 mease of herrings caught at Arklow - sold at 15/- to 17/-......Influenza in Co.......Dr. Lyndon, Wicklow, thrown from his horse on the Marlton Rd. & hurt......The Wicklow census - some interesting statistics.........Barndarrig murder trial - jury disagree.......Mr. Hallowes again out preaching in Arklow. |
19.12.91= |
Leader on W. Harbour Board - wretched condition of South Quay.......Mortgage of Corp. estate in Wicklow causes std......R. I. C., Ashford off duty with 'flu - duty performed by men fr. other stations.....Barndarrig murder, squalid abode provided for father after eviction, burnt down maliciously.......Concert in A. Hall. Wicklow.......S. S. "Stand- ington", 140 tons, foundered on night of 14th off Mizen Head, property of Sir. Hy. Ponsonby, secretary to the Queen, had cargo of ? fr. Newry for Bristol........Letters Lord Carysfort & Arklow street preaching. |
28.12.91= |
Rev. S. Matthews, Wicklow, wrote complaining that Presbyterian members of the R. I. C. were stationed where they could not attend church.........Bray Commrs. - pier project discussed; dep. to Ld. P. on closing of Dargle referred to agent. Mr. H. Hayter, Vice President, I. C. E., to investigate alleged deviations from contract for Bray harbour. |
2.1.92= |
Necessity in Arklow for providing working classes with way of passing leisure hours.......Carriage accident M. Hudon's gate, Kilmacanogue......Collection to be made in R. C. churches of Ashford & Glenealy to clear off parochial debt & for repairs to Parochial house........Anti-Parnellite leaders burnt in W. on St. Stephen's night. Mila Christmas fete........Death of John Chapman, Wicklow.....Dr. Ryan elected M. O., Rathdrum Dispensary. |
9.1.92= |
Magic lantern exhibition for children given by Capt. Halpin.......Inquest at Kilmacanogue on remains of Mrs. Hopkins who died suddenly......Capt. Halpin to provide Co. Infirmary with 15 new beds.......Coursing Club for Arklow - help fr. Earl of Carysfort......W. waterworks, condition of filterbeds - letter.........Soldier on leave bet up Wicklow R. I. C. |
16.1.92= |
Election of Trustees,Tate Charity, Rathdrum, & history of the fund.........Wicklow W. L. meeting........Death of the Duke of Clarence, sermon in methodist Church, Wicklow: other marks of respect in Co.........Fowl stealing in Wicklow - clever arrest.......Street preaching in Arklow - more disturbance.....Death of E. Connor, Dunbur, - of Patk. O'Reilly, Newcastle, - of Thos. Delahunt, T. C., Wicklow......Maria Edwards, 94, Wicklow......Mr. Stryhe's replies to allegations of Board of Trade on condition of Wicklow pier.......Ship carpenters in Arklow on strike.......Agitation in Arklow for better sanitation.......Arklow appeal against transfer of R. I. C. sergt......Wicklow Commrs. abandoned legal proceedings to compel removal of stones on Fair Green.......Dublin mila to go to Isle of Wight, & Wicklow to Portsmouth for their annual training - T. Commrs. should act if town to remain milty. station. |
23.1.92= |
Law case over breach of licensing law in Wicklow town........Maj. Welch, J. P., & Mr. Philpot, J. P., attended open air service in Arklow, & protested against treatment of Mr. Hallowes........Duke of Clarence services.......Ejectment case on estate of Sir. Thos. Esmonde, Bart., Trooperstown, Rathdrum........Widow aged 80, who recently married at Arklow, sued for funeral expenses of late husband......Coursing club to be established at Arklow. (cont. next page) |
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PAGE 338a | |
23.1.92 Cont. |
House on Dunbur road of Edw. Connor, burned.........Sarah Bolger, over 100, died at Tombreen, Carnew... Arrest of alleged swindler in Arklow........Qr. Sessions - full account. |
30.1.92= |
Arklow Commercial Club - reference.......Van - for carriage of mail bags, attached to 8am ex.- H. St. - formerly confined to guard. Postal letter box also affixed. For extra 1/2d. letters can be posted in Wicklow station at 9am & delivered in Wexford at 12 on arrival of train.......John Morgan, C/O, C. Gd., transferred to Kingstown succeeded by - M'Cullum, fr. Ashendall........Rathdrum chess club........Little quarter given to Mr. Hallowes by police in Arklow........Removal of mila - public meeting held against step in Wicklow. |
6.2.92= |
Death of Mr. W. R. La Touche, Bellevue..........Mr. Carberry, Hibernian Bank, Wicklow, transferred to Swinford....... Attention of Commrs. drawn to state of st. crossings in Wicklow.....Ormonde Family, to five performance in the Assembly Rooms, Wicklow.......Move to amalgamate Coolkenna & Carnew Petty Sessions districts & build court-house in Shillelagh.......Rumours of the mila - interview with Lord Wolseley.........Rathdown Agri. Society in ploughing match held at Kilmacanogue.......Arklow Commercial Club - first concert.......Meeting of Co. Harriers at the old mill, Killincarrick. |
13.2.92= |
Parnellite convention in Wicklow.........Escape of a lad fr. Wicklow jail - arrest of the fugitive........Ashford ploughing match........Wicklow & its municipal boundary.......Burying a pauper - amusing Tinahely claim.......Jas. Pakenham, old W. sailor, had leg amputated - fund established.........Co. Inspr. Annesley, R. I. C., transferred Mullingar to Wicklow... Lunatic named Jones in Rathdrum Union Workhouse - swallowed a large spoon. |
20.2.92= |
Jas. Earls & Patk. Magrath in Bray court for on 4/2/92 attempting to derail trains on the DWWR. at Putland Rd., Bray & near the Fiddler's bridge, Bray Hd..........Arklow st. preaching - letters on subject.........Bray Commrs. discussed high rly. fares - considering the DWWR. did not give fair treatment to the town.......Law cases over injuries sustained by Arklow vessel "S. M. K.", in Wexford harbour........Great gale narrow escape of Arklow fishing boats..........The Earldom of Wicklow - a peerage romance........Wicklow Dramatic Club.......Grand Concert in Wicklow........Gunpowder factory at Brittas "will unquestionably be opened".........W. mila to assemble 2/3/92 at W. to train at Portsmouth: the Dublin train at W........Michl. Gibbons, 28, found dead in snow on Ballinahich road, N. T. M. K........M. M'Loud, R. M., leaving Co. |
27.2.92= |
Collection of police tax in Arklow may cause serious trouble.........Booths, formerly allowed outside catholic church for sale of religious emblems, have now to be erected within the gates round the edifice.........Dr. Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin to visit Arklow 28/1/92, to lay foundation stone of new convent schools for 500 girls........John H. Parnell to let Avondale & return to America - Thos. D'Arcy, Wicklow, bought timber on estate........Jos. Chapman, to succeed brother as agent in W........Grand concert; Wicklow Assembly Hall........ Bray Dramatic Club........Brigantine "Patriot", Dunkirk for Garston, wrecked on night of 20/2/92, on Askintinny strand, Arklow; three of crew lost. Schooner "Express", Capt. Kinch, Arklow, in distress off Cork coast........Brigantine "Petrel", Arklow, towed into Waterford - found abandoned........Death of Mr. R. Burkitt, solicitor, Church Hill, Wicklow. |
5.3.92= |
Details of visit of Dr. Walsh to Arklow........Sale of Green Tree Hotel, W., on 6/4/92.........Col. E. R. Bayley resigned fr. mila on account of Land Commissioner duties.........Ballad hawkes injured in public house row in Rath- drum......Five people in Rathdrum laid up with broken legs.......Hy. Campbell, M. P., late manager, Avondale estate, to reside in Newry.........Lord Wolseley said he had lately inspected the W. mila. which he found armed with obselete 32- pdrs. used in the battle of Trafalgar & would have been discarded at the time of the Crimea. Thanked Providence he had not to stand near these ancient engines when fired, for they placed every man in deadly peril. Only way to make mila. effective was to send them to Portsmouth or Plymouth, where they could handle large guns like they would in case of war.........Fire in chimney in Avondale caused alarm........Steamer wreck reported off Arklow... Mr. Hallowes - letter to Ld. Lt.........Schooner "Tasmania" on fire in Wicklow river....... Concert at Ovoca......Ploughing match at Roundwood. |
12.3.92= |
Storm damage to W. breakwater........Houses may be erected at Ferrybank, Arklow, by Mr. Breslin, J. P...... Several hundred sheep lost in snow near Roundwood.......Reported Arklow vessel of Kearon & Tyrrell missing.......The Wicklow Lawn Tennis Club started.......Capt. Halpin to light residence with gas........Gen. Steele, sojourning at Leitrim Place, W.......The Arklow Harbour Loan........Proposed National hospital for consumptives at Newcastle. |
19.3.92= |
Assizes - full account.......Grand Jury & the Co. Infirmary........Coins deposited in corner stone of new convent school in Arklow stolen........Handball match at Ashford........More Arklow scenes......."Satellite", of Arklow, feared lost, reported safe.......Proposed technical school for Arklow..... |
26.3.92= |
Barndarig murder - Daniel & Jas. Hanley sentenced to death at Assizes........N. T. M. K. Fever Hospital - letter - 18 patients........Efforts to start "Clay Pigeon Shooting Club" in Wickow.........Will Wicklow Cricket Club be revived!........The Murrough in bad state, & old stand-house........Mila reservists assembled........Parnell estate £11,770....Harrison Hayther, CE., London, connected with Severn Tunnel & Holyhead Breakwater reported on Bray Harbour confirming opinion of Messrs. Comber Stryhe. |
2.4.92= |
Note on milty & future of Wicklow........."No part of Ireland more in need of life & activity soldiers imparts than the Co. W.".. Two horses attached to waggonette of Capt. Halpin ran away on Newrath bridge road & ![]() Christy Minstrel performance, Arklow......."Wicklow Promenade" - letter........Another day of excitement & tumult in Arklow.......Sudden death of John Cosgrave, old man living at Ballinaclea.......Wexford protest against hanging Hanleys in local jail.......Bray court - Jas. Portin, Whitney's coachman charged with oat stealing. |
9.4.92= |
Barndarrig murder - Jos. Hanley's sentence commuted........Cont. of Wicklow Post Office figures.......No bidding for Green Isle Hotel.......The Arklow Harbour Loan - lively proceedings......Arklow street preaching - the police in new role........Mila. notes - Col. R. P. Saunders, D. L., of Saundersgrove to command......Fire in one of Lord Carysfort's houses in Arklow........Case of calf maiming in Glenealy. |
16.4.92= |
Leader on Arklow Commrs.........Fire destroyed many acres at Sheepnank, Luggalaw......Further reference to Brittas gunpowder factory......Quiet Sunday in Arklow........Boys escaped fr. Glencree - arrested.......Visitors caught in snow at Rathdrum........Negotiations for site for Newcastle hospital.......Arklow fever hospital - meeting. Bray court - Coolagad stabbing case. |
23.4.92= |
Qr. Sessions - full report........Execution in Wexford of Dan Hanley for Barndarrig murder.......Sudden death of Daniel M'Millan, Dublin, who became demented while on visit to Wicklow.......First W. Clay Pigeon Club (cont. next page) |
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PAGE 339 | |
23.4.92 Cont. |
meeting.......Bicycle accident nr. Ballymacrow Hill, Glanmore..... |
30.4.92= |
Ridiculous case at Arklow court over old & desolate woman drying bedclothes on street........Col. Tighe's estate at Miltown may become brick manufactury........Brittas explosive factory - note........Joint graveyard for Wickow and Rathnew........Slow mail delivery in Co. parts nr. Ovoca........Public baths Wicklow - no progress with project........ Mila suffering fr. bad weather.......Snow on the mountains.........Trout being destroyed at the "Fry Hale", Broad Lough, by nets - complaints........Reference to bad odours - Fitzwilliam Sq., Wicklow.......Death of John Burne, Wicklow.......Law case over Earldom of Wicklow.......Bray Amusements Committee meeting 1891 - spent £821.2.6; received £70.4.11, In 1890 spent £403.13.10 only.......Bray Commrs. - Town in excellent state of health. Never such a demand for houses. Irish Ass. for Prevention of Intemperance got DWWR. to erect fountain on platform, & Commrs. to supply water free. If 100 passengers guaranteed, rlycs. would run early train to accommodate suburban merchants & their assistants for Dublin morning markets. |
7.5.92= |
Boy named Fleming drowned in river nr. Comerford's mill, Rathdrum.......W. jail suggested as school for workhouse children..."Smoothing-iron", public nuisance in Wicklow discussed.........Water supply, South Quay, taken away...... Furious driving of jarveys to W. station condemned........Labourers Act enquiry in Rathdrum.......Explosives works at Brittas - application for licence at Ovoca Petty Sessions.......Bray Amusements Committee - Mr. Breslin thanked for use of C. Gds. Replied - said he had been 40 yrs. working for beautiful Bray, & he was glad to see it improving every day, & when he was dead Bray would be a prosperous town, & he would like above all things that the name of B. would live in Bray after his death (hear, hear, applause). |
14.5.92= |
Bray court - Annie Murray, Little Bray, charged with possession of articles robbed fr. Old Conna House, including Waterloo & Crimean medals.......Carnew racecourse condemned.........Loco & trucks of Shillelagh goods derailed nr. Dundrum......... Cook's trip to Co. Wicklow poorly patronised.........Cow of Mr. Hannigan, Woodenbridge, ran wild in Arklow........On 9th for first time, Mr. Hallowes unattended in Arklow by police. Open-air services now conducted in the midst of greatest quietness..........Automatic machines for postage stamps proposed in Wicklow.........Bray Methodist Church to be re-opened 15/5/92 after improvements.......Important meeting of the W. Harbour Board. |
21.5.92= |
Two tramps found lurking in Mt. John, N. T. M. K., arrested..........Rathdrum steeplechases to be re-established?......... M'Carthyite Convention to be held in Bray........Old W. lifeboat sent to London, 18/5/92........Herd's cottage at Ballynerrin, burnt maliciously.........Lantern show in Wicklow........Col. de Robeak to command the mila........Arklow harbour board & rubble for pier.......Town Clerk of W. to be dismissed!........The proposed cemetery for Wicklow. |
28.5.92= |
Leading article & full account of proceedings in court with regard to licence for powder factory at Brittas........ Fire in W. convent, great excitement, but put out by few buckets of water 20/5/92.........Sergt. P. Higgins, R. I. C., Ovoca, on retirement, presented with silver tea service..........Man named M'Coll, arrested in Rathnew for robbery at Ballykillavane.........Green Tree Hotel - no offers at Dublin auction.........Shop in Greystones in Bankruptcy Court sold for £920.........Sam Walker, DWWR., transferred Greystones to Shankill........Mila. left by special train on 24/5/92 for H. St., & marched to end of the North Wall, where they embarked on the S. S. "Gannet", 804 tons of the National S. N. Co. for Portsmouth, 13 offrs. & 490 men - Accommodation on board rotten..........Little boy named John Keane, 7, son of Sergt. Kane, of the mila. burnt in his home at Summerhill. |
4.6.92= |
Wicklow Lawn Tennis Club started............Committee formed in Bray to develop tourist traffic of the Co.........John Kearns, ticket collector, Bray, arrested for assault........Another incident in Arklow........Woodenbridge suggested as site for consumptive hospital.........Mrs. Catherine Giffney, Killiskey, burnt ro death........60 men of the Dublin City Arty. arrvd. in W., four 40 pdr. mounted breech: loading siege guns sent down fr. Portobello Battery, Hurst Castle, & the Needles, the old quarters of 1890. Strength - 1 field offr, 12 offrs. 529 men - Inspected by Maj. Gn. Le Garey, R. A., on 30/5/92, & the Duke of Connaught 3/6/92.........General Election news.........Mysterious poisoning of three children at Ballinahinch, N. T. M. K. |
11.6.92= |
Licence for gunpowder factory at Brittas may be refused...........Wicklow peerage law case settled.........Archbishop Walsh conformed catholic children of W. on 4/6/92........Arklow harbour loan - meeting.........Wicklow regatta - reference........Cricket in Co. Wicklow - note........Death of Phillips Newton, J. P., Ballinglen... |
18.6.92= |
Carnew waterworks - description........Shocking accident to old woman named Canavan living in Strand St., whose clothes caught fire..........Fishing craft, "Father O'Donohue" launched at Arklow, built for poor Arran Island fishermen, to order of Sir. Thos. Brady, & Father O'Donohue, late P. P. of Arran..........Agricultural show to be held in C. Gds., Bray, 3/8/92.........W. Qr. Sessions - full report.......Parnellite meetings in the Co........W. mila inspected by Duke of Cambridge, 9/6/92. |
25.6.92= |
Election address of Capt. Halpin........Aughrim Sports - in Wicklow good..........Municipal elections to be held - Wicklow.......The cemetery for Wicklow........Dismissal of W. Town Clerk........The Wicklow Waterworks - Mr. Canavan died as result of burns........Wicklow Municipal Accounts.......Death of Mr. O'Toole, asst. manager DWWR., Bray..........W.arty. sports at Browndown Camp..........Mila to arrive Larne 25th. |
2.7.92= |
Law case over wreck of barquentine "Patriot" at Arklow.....Serious assault by a militiaman in Wicklow... Outline of the career at sea of Capt. Halpin.......Election details.......Capt. Halpin, Unionist candidate held meeting at Bray.......Death of Chas. Frizell, J. P., Castlekevin........J. H. M'Carroll, Wicklow, obtained third place in solicitors' final........M'Carthyite candidate in Rathnew - hostile demonstration........Appt. of T. Clerk, Wicklow. |
9.7.92= |
Result of election for E. Wicklow - Sautman, Anti-Parnellite, 1433; Halpin, Unionists, 1225; Corbet, Parnellite, 1115........Meeting of Arklow parnellites.......Scene in Rathnew - father Clarke, C. C., warned people against voting for the Parnellite candidate........Lord Ginger Sanger's circus in Wicklow........Article on how E. Wicklow was won by the Hanlyites.........Wicklow Harbour Board meeting - Capt. Halpin & the £12,000 grant....... Dublin cattle dealers in Arklow reported to have refused to allow cows purchased by them to be milked in them in order to show resentment against fishermen who voted for Sweetman........Reported intention of people of Rathnew not to attend devotions on account of action of Father Clarke, who did not officiate........Carnew sports... Licensed premises of Mr. John Clarke, Wicklow - auction - only one bid - withdrawn........Arklow harbour - (cont. next page) |
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PAGE 339a | |
9.7.92 Cont. |
serious charges about pier loan withdrawn........Assizes.........Extraordinary scene at political meeting in Rathdrum........Account of cricket match Dublin Arty v Wicklow.........Dublin City Arty. sports held Wicklow. |
23.7.92= |
Reported outrage committed on fishing nets of Mr. Hugh Byrne, Arklow, by political opponents..........The electric lighting in Bray has become un fait accompli, & the Brighton of Ireland has taken the lead of the townships in the matter of improved illumanants. The other night the dynamos were set to work, and current was sent through the vast network of connecting wires & cables that underlie the roads, & for the first time since its formation Bray was seen in the glare of the mysterious illuminating agent. Some of the lamps did not light on account possibly of defects in the connections, but the majority of them burned with considerable brilliancy. The four main roads surrounding the township are supplied with arc lamps & the back portions are illuminated by means of the ordinary Edison Swan incandescent lamps, which are a decided improvement on the gas lamp method of street Lighting. The electric system will be turned over to the Township in a few days...............Leading article on municipal election in Wicklow..........Earl Fitzwilliam to be asked for use of yacht "Kathleen" as committee boat for Wicklow regatta...........During naval manouvres in Channel W. harbour to be utilised as torpedo station for Blue Squadron........Assizes........ Account of state of crops in County...........Inpection of Dublin militia...... Satisfactory report from Duke of Connaught on W. mila. while in Isle of Wight.........Mysterious poisoning of three orphan children at Ballinahinch, N. T. M. K........ |
30.7.92= |
Leader on Grand Jury & presentment for Co. Infirmary..........More about application for licence for dynamite factory at Brittas.........£40 granted at Assizes for destruction of ornamental cottage of Mr. Corbet, at N. T. M. K. .......£150 claim of Wicklow harbour master for burning of schooner "Tasmania" withdrawn. .........Courthouse building by Earl Fitzwilliam at Rathdrum may be complete in six weeks........John Parnell, expected at Avondale fr. his American fruit got six months for stealing binocular glass, worth 30/-, of D. I. Shaw, Bray, at the Victoria Wharf, Kingstown, during regatta..........Meeting of Wicklow N. T's..........6ft. shark caught at Arklow..........Arklow fishing fleet at present at Aberdeen........Split in Nationalist party at Arklow.........Seven Arklow smacks at the Arran Islands.........Wicklow Lawn Tennis Club - match. |
6.8.92= |
Wicklow municipal elections - result........Full account of Wicklow regatta - visit of the Lord Lieutenant.........Bray & Wicklow cricket match........Technical Education classes proposed for Rathdrum & Rathdown Union areas. Bray people asked to subscribe - class proposed - 1, cooking - plain, cottage & high class; 2, laundry work; 3, scientific dress cutting & making; 4, modelling; 5, drawing; 6, manual instruction; 7, horticulture. |
13.8.92= |
Mr. Hallowes in Arklow - preaching on Fair Day.........Arklow Commercial Club - trip to Glendalough........Retirement of Co. Court Judge Darling.........Ratdown Agri. Society may change venue of show fr. Bray to Wicklow.........damages claim for loss of smack of Jas. Bolger, Arklow, lost in Clyde Collision...........Man hurt in Derrybane saw hurt by falling fr. St. Kevin's Bed...........Act. Sergt. M'Carthy transferred Bray to hut at Moneystown...........Co. cricket challenge cup.........Great Annual Horse Fair held Wicklow........cattle round up on Croghan mt..........Wicklow harbour Board - Mr. Sweetman, M. P., & the pier. |
20.8.92= |
Wicklow court - Patk. Malone, charged by Mounted-Sergt. Nolan with stealing lobster, property of Ellen Davis - warrant had to be issued for his arrest - got month.............Bray Dog Show & Pony Jumping Competition.........No. of dogs in Co. - 6,927 - licence paid £692.16/-. In town of W. 188 dogs - £18.16/- paid..........Earthquake shock felt at Knockdolin Greyastones..........Boy named Wm. O'Hara, Upper Aughrim, had narrow escape bathing in Arklow........ Fitzwilliams have taken suite of rooms in the Hotel Glendalough........heavy thunder over Co...........Martin Hamilton, cardriver, Rathdrum, fell off car at Glendalough & badly hurt...Rathdown Agri. Show C. Gds. Bray Glencree band... Tinahely sports to be held 1/11/92.......malicious fire at Ballyronan Upper........Mr. Sweetman, M. P., & the W. pier...... Dr. Roche, Drumnin, arrested for assault on Robt. Graydon, Toomon....Woman drowned in well at Knockananna. |
27.8.92= |
Protestant Confirmation service in Wicklow......Bray regatta committee meeting - races for 25 tons, etc. - cost altogether nearly £500....DWWR. to offer special facilities for Bray Regatta, cheap tickets fr. Rathdrum, etc., "Agreed boon could be conferred if Coy. could see way to attach carriages to down night goods leaving Bray after nine".....Herrings so plentiful off Aberdeen that Arklow boats could make no profit & had to return..........telepgraphic communication with Arklow lightship proposed........Estate of late Earl of Wicklow.......Barque "Wave Queen", 852 tons, London sank on night of 31st. in collision with S. S. "ivanhoe", & sank in four minutes - all saved, off W. coast. |
3.9.92= |
Panic over fear of cholera in Wicklow & Arklow - bad on continent - feared vessel fr. Hamburg may bring it to Wicklow port........Glenart Coursing Club - meeting........Bray regatta postponed - weather bad.......Flower Show at Tourboy, Coollatin.......Garden party at Glenart.......Sudden death of Mathw. Jones, River Lane, Arklow.... Arrival of John Parnell at Avondale - intends to open quarries at Arklow... |
10.9.92= |
Sanitary condition of Wicklow - cholera precautions........The East Glendalough Choral Festival...........Cricket, co. challenge cup won by Wicklow..........Wicklow town & its finances - scene between Messrs. Murray & Desaix.......Wicklow water supply.......Rathdrum Union - Rev. M. Manning, P. P., & the Relieving Off........letter on harsh treatment of Devaynes Smyth, Bray, as estate agent, Ballymoyle estate.........Election of T. Clerk in Wicklow. |
17.9.92= |
British Women's Temperance Association - Greystones branch meeting.........Wood fibre being manufactured at Avondale........Note on necessary of weighing goods at W. market.....death of Hume Dick, ex M. P., in London.........J. H. M'Carroll, sworn in as solicitor........Hibernian Bible Society meeting - Wicklow......Carnew Races......Funeral of W. F. Littledale, J. P., Whaley Abbey, Rathdrum.......Proposed establishment of co-operative creamery nr. Arklow.... Wm. T. Bourne, B. A., R. U. I., apptd. C. P. S. for Tinahely vice J. Bourne, compelled to resign after 40 yrs. service.... Night watchman on steam barge of Messrs. Martin, died suddenly on board in Arklow.......Bray court - Rose Dowse, Little Bray, charged with stealing clothing of Samuel O' Neill. |
24.9.92= |
Arklow case over poisoning of dog of one of Lord Wicklow's gamekeepers.......Father O'Neill, P. P., stated Arklow fishermen should be thankful for returning Mr. Sweetman at election........Rathdrum water supply bad.. Aughrim labourers' cottages in wretched state.........R. I. C. returns - 7473 horses kept for agri. purposes in Co. - 481 for traffic & manufacture - 348a asses 7 4154 cows, 302 mules, 238,000 sheep, 6792 goats......... Bray Commrs. - designs of shelters considered - proposed by Plunkett & adopted that report of Engr.(cont. next page) |
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PAGE 340 | |
24.9.92 Cont. |
re Esplanade shelters, be adopted & three built, positions to be decided by Esplanade Committee. Engr. reported on proposed roads through Quinn's estate & probable cost - decided road to Novara Ave. via Avoca House be opened.........Cholera precautions in Arklow........ Arklow harbour loan...........Enniskerry water supply bad.< /font> |
1.10.92= |
Bray court - warrant for arrest of Stephen Mulvey, a boy well known to police for larceny of 10/-. Jas. Birney carman, charged with assault on another carman named Patk. Keenan..........Serious gun accident at residence of Mr. John Dunn, Ballymann, N. T. M. K............Life belts suggested for Wicklow resevoir........Lighting of Brickfield Lane, Wicklow discussed..........Predicted, but we do not know upon what grounds, that within year after Bray Harbour is finished it will suffer as much fr. silting as Wicklow does. Some engrs. state that it should have been under the Head, in order to protect it against the effects of the southerly & easterly winds, but of course all this remains to be seen...........Boy in Arklow court - stole 2 rabbits off Carysfort estate........ Irregularities alleged in Shillelagh Workhouse.........Account of life of late Hume Dick.........parliamentary Revision - co. proceedings.........Arklow street preaching, letter fr. Mr. Hallowes..........Cruelty to children prosecution in Wicklow under new act........Child killed at Delgany - driver arrested for furious driving.........Death of J. Alexander, Derrylane House.........Asst. Traffic Manager DWWR. - 170 applicants - reduced to 8 - Hy. Supple, Dundalk, late asst. manager, Bengal & Naghore Rly. apptd. |
8.10.92= |
Proposed at meeting of W. Commrs. by Mason Kent, second corn market be established.........T. Hall refused to Capt. Halpin & Mr. Sweetman at election.........Sanitary condition of Rathnew should be improved.........Tailor named Michl. Keenan, Castle St., Bray, seized with weakness in Little Bray CHurch, & removed to his home by order of R. I. C. - House in frightful condition of filth - search revealed deposit receipts, etc. to value of nearly £7000...........Parnell Leadership Committee & Wicklow Town Hall..........Bray Commrs. - cholera discussed. Letter fr. Messrs. J. E. H. Gordon & Co. - proposed to light several roads of township under contract fr. 1/10/92 - but proposed & adopted the lights be taken over fr. 10/10/92 without prejudice to form or power of lights. necessary steps for opening the Florence Rd. to Main St. discussed. Mr. M'Farland, pointed out residents of town wished both roads on Quin estate be opened simultaneously..........Roundwood Healyites - unseemly row in the church yard..........Salvation Army looking for plot in Wicklow for to build hall.........Glenart Coursing club......... Conary Church repair fund. |
15.10.92= |
Note on Healyite policy in Arklow..........Man named John Goggins, Ovoca, fell out of 7.10pm ex H. St. train at old junction at Shanganagh...........Wicklow Commrs. trying to increase rental..........Mr. Hallowes - Fair day Arklow preaching.... DWWR. apptd. two asst. traffic managers, Hukey, asst. S. M., W. Row, to Northern Section, Bray to W. Row & H. St. & Mr. Delaney, asst. S. M., Bray for section south of Bray.........Big crowd fr. Wicklow for Parnell anniversary...... £40 taken fr. house of woman living on Gallow's Green, Wicklow........On evening of 14th. during severe storm, while number of men were engaged in mooring schooner "Merasy", (late of Wicklow), in Greystones harbour, great difficulty was experienced in preventing vessel fr. being wrecked on the beach, & continuous heavey seas broke over the pier, one wave carried three men into the sea, & they were drowned before their comrades could render aid. Coast to Wicklow being patrolled for bodies. Gloom in Greystones - Jas. Conway, Wicklow, master, owned by M'Intagart.........yearly contracts of Rathdrum Union........Gross irregularities in Shillelagh Workhouse.........Wicklow corn market - letter. |
22.10.92= |
Bray Commrs. - election........Arklow municipal election.........Schooner "Wilson", of Arklow, driven ashore at Wicklow 18/10/92 - with cargo of coal for Arklow, & refloated when cargo lightened.........Youth named Kelly, of Irishtown, W., arrested for driving away horse & cart fr. Carricknamuck.........Litter at W. markets..........Re-opening of Methodist Church, Ovaca.......Quarrel between Jas. R. Hunter, agent of Bovkey estate, Rathdrum against Peter Holden, gamekeeper, for assault........Ballycullen sports........Inquest on Jas. Doyle, one of those drowned aat Greystones on 14th; bodies of Wm. Doyle, & his son Herbert still missing.........Bray Commrs. - H. V. Jackson, elected chairman, who said promenade pier should be built to give 10 or 11ft. water at low tide - recent storm did no damage to pier works or esplanade. Death of Mr. Tierney, B. A., C. E..... Drs. Brew & Raverty recommended erection of cottage hospital as if cholera broke out the hospital at Loughlinstown too far away for patients, recommended sheds be erected if necessary at few days notice. |
29.10.92= |
Two column account of Wicklow & its Corporate Records..........Bray court, Jas. Sweeney, caretaker on lands of Xangarnon, charged with firing at boy in walnut tree....... Death of Dr. Molony, Arklow........Dr. Halpin, Arklow, thrown from his gig & hurt........Sudden death of Catherine Murphy, shopkeeper's wife, Rathnew fr. syncope....... Archbishop Walsh consecrated catholic portion on new cemetery, Arklow.........Connorree Protestant church to re-open........Fire brigade wanted for Wicklow........Corn market not to be held in W. on Saturdays..........£40 weekly distributed by Rathdrum Gdns. in out-door relief..........E. Wicklow Unionists against 24 Christian Bros. in Glenense getting vote.........Fishermen in Arklow at low over wages. |
5.11.92= |
Catholic club for Co. Hotel site?......Alleged shooting at gardiner in Shelton Abbey grounds investigated by R. I. C........Account of great potato crop at Tomriland........Coachman of Rev. M. Irwin, named M'Pherson, died fr. injuries recd. when thrown fr. car returning fr. Newcastle station..........Meeting - cemetery for Wicklow & Rathnew.........Article on Arklow street preaching........More extracts fr. the W. records..........Rathdrum Union - discussion on paupers in Co. Infirmary......Wicklow Qr. Sessions |
12.11.92= | - account in full.
Rathdrum Union - discussion on condition of Enniskerry & Delgany water supply.........Consecration of a Protestant Church at Connoree......... W. leader on stumbling blocks to letting of Co. Hotel site in Wicklow..........Rathdown Union Agri. Society held meeting in T. Hall, Bray..........Arklow priests alleged to have made certain statements fr. alter about late Dr. Molony (who was educated at Blackrock, but buried in Barndarrig Protestant graveyard). |
19.11.92= |
First Petty Sessions of amalgamated districts of Carnew & Coolkenno.........Hd. Const. Scanlan, transferred fr. Armagh to Arklow, who in Bray respected & esteemed..........Wicklow Commrs. & the Liscombe Mortgage........Bray Minstrel Troupe to visit Wicklow & give performance in T. Hall........Wicklow police inspected by Sir Andrew Reed, I. G., recd. with great salute........Outcry in Arklow over statement made by newly elected Chairman of T. Commrs. on the Dr. Molony case. |
26.11.92= |
£50 recd. fr. R. N. L. I. for victims of Greystones disaster........Corporate records of Wicklow - further extracts.... Wm. Murphy, thrown fr. cart nr. Knockfodda, Roundwood, & died as result..........Co. Hotel may become Club?.... L. G. Bd. inspr. to prepare report on sanitary state of Wicklow town..........Dublin milty. may go to Cork for next training instead of Wicklow.......New courthouse at Rathdown nearly ready.......Inquest on old man found (cont. next page) |
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PAGE 340a | |
26.11.92 Cont. |
dead in laragh who lived alone.........machinery at Parnell quarries reported maliciously damaged........Dynamite factory establishment not dropped ......... Badger match held in Tinahely - 200 men & 50 terriers present.........Concert at Redcross........Science at Wicklow........Big protest meeting held in Arklow against statement of Mr. Troy & the priests. |
3.12.92= |
Leader on consolidation of township debts of Bray - £1000 saved as result.........Death of Robt. Laurenson, Ballinakill, Rathdrum.........Lifeboat Institution to surrender lease of old boathouse on Morrough - Capt. Halpin may take it for purpose of seafaring school for boys........Dynamite factory site marked by Mr. Pensing at Brittas ......Wicklow fair - report.......Harvest - home held in Rathdrum......Street preaching in Arklow, extraordinary dis- closures.......Wicklow Harriers - meeting.......Assizes.......Serious quarrel in Arklow lodging house.......Address presented by magistrates of Co. to Judge Darley. |
10.12.92= |
Arklow street preaching - threatening leeters to Protestants.........Memorial forwarded to G. P. O. Dublin for erection of lamp outside Post Office in Wicklow.........Four old people died in Arklow in week whose total ages reached 354 yrs.........reported attack on Joseph Doyle, Cranagh, bottle thrown at him after being warned not to leave house........Level crossing to be made nr. Rathnew to convey bricks fr. new brickfields at Milltown to DWWR..........Necessity for relief works in Arklow........Body of Richd. Smith, well known carman of Wicklow found drowned at the Black Castle, verdict of suicide........Reported wreck of two Wicklow schooners, "James & Mary", & "Duke", on Welsh coast - former property of A. Doolittle & latter - Mr. Darragh - crews safe. |
17.12.92= |
P. P. of Arklow visited Dublin Castle to interview Chief Secretary about relief works for town..........Luscombe Mortgage note.........Inquest in Delgany on body of Thos. French, victualler, who died suddenly.......John Sweetman, M. P., Co. Wicklow in the U. S. A.........Special train for Earl & Countess of Carysfort & suite, servants, carriages & horses on departure for England fr. Glenart........Herr Pareezer's Prussian Choir to give week's engagement in Wicklow Assembly Hall.........Butler swindle reported to have taken place in Wicklow........ Sir Alex. Rendell, well-known London engr., inspected Wicklow Harbour.........Bray Consolidated Stock - subscribed three times over.........Cochrane's request was for £20000........Dr. Kenny, M. P., & late Dr. Molony....... Election of Dispensary doctor in Arklow........Roy. Arms Hotel, Enniskerry - Rathdown & Rathdrum Union Agri. Society meetings. |
24.12.92= |
Only £14.7/- for extra police in Arklow this Sessions........."Mohawk Minstrels" in Wicklow.........W. Co. Infirmary note.......Food, Drugs Inspr. not active - reference.......G. P. O. lamp request refused.........."Corner boys" putting out lights in Wicklow.......Fisherman of Arklow should join Royal Naval Reserve........Wreck of Arklow vessel "The Spray", which went ashore not far from her home port yest (23rd) - Captain drowned. |
31.12.92= |
No work for fishermen in Arklow........Mila dance to be held by N. C. O's & Christmas fete given for children...... Influenza in Bray, Wicklow & Arklow........Severe frost in Tinahely........Abuse of Govt. over Wicklow G. P. O. light.........Body of Capt. Wm. Kearon of the "Spray" - not found.........Charter of Wicklow - article........Festivities at Belmont, Kilruddery, which was beautifully decorated, supplies by Lacy......... Bray Commrs. - meeting...........Attempt at arson at Freemount, Roundwood. |
7.1.93= |
Bray Commrs. considered increased rly. rates, mentioned trams should be started to join Dalkey line or establish line of carriers between Dalkey & Bray. Mr. M'Farland said he paid £200 to rly. for carriage of goods, 1d. in £1 for technical instructon proposed.........Wicklow Assembly Hall - aim & object for which built attacked.........Staff dance of the mila.........Death of Michl. Kavanagh, Chief Clerk, DWWR., Arklow........Arson attempt at Freemount, court case..........Fire at residence of W. M. Byrne, Ballysalagh, Thonlagee.........Concert in Convent Schools, Arklow, for debt.........Wicklow Dramatic Club performance.......Gentleman attacked by tramps near Greystones. |
14.1.93= |
Court sequel to arson attempt at Torndarragh........Assault case at Killadreenan.......Progress of Arklow commercial club........Despite distress in Arklow, over £40 raised for political fund.........Drunken man attacked Mr. Hallowes while preaching in Arklow.........Re-opening of Carysfort N. School........Question of site for new cemetery for Wicklow and Rathnew........Ashford Agri. Societyy meeting........Testimonial to be raised for wife and children of M. Kavanagh, Arklow, ex-rly. clerk........Co. Infirmary meeting.........Extraordinary letters fr. Capt. Halpin & Col. Tighe read at meeting of Wicklow Harbour Board.........Lord Meath entertained employees in new courthouse at Rathdrum.........Ball at Coollatin. |
21.1.93= |
Bray Commrs. again considered rly. rates, traffic manager stated they might be reduced. Mr. M'Farland getting carts to bring his goods from Dublin, 30% cheaper than by rail.............On 14th engine of 1.15pm. ex-Gorey broke leading axle when entering first tunnel round Bray Hd..............Bray Court - Rowland O'Connor, Bray, charged Col. Smyth, U. S. Consular Service, Huddersfield, with assault at Bray station, over smoking in carriage. The Col. fined 5/-..........Woman robbed of three sovereigns returning from Wicklow market........ tenants of Ld. Carysfort seeking rent reduction...........Letter on proposed W. cemetery.........Wicklow Christy Minstrel performance.........Qr. Sessions - full report....... Children's fete at Rathdrum.......At Bray Qr. Sessions C. J. Doyle, M. R. C. V. S., took an action against - Trainor for fee for services to his horse, injured when mishap occurred to Father Healy, while on his way to Powerscourt with the Ld. Lt. |
28.1.93= |
Law case over estate of Ld. Wicklow..........Rathdown Union - Bray Commrs. wrote asking if Guardians would be willing to join in providing cholera hospital for district, as it was anticipated the plague would break out again in the spring, consideration postponed..........Long letter fr. J. W. Harrison, Curate of Arklow - on "Ireland, Her Saints & Teacher".........Extra-ordinary rumour current in Arklow to effect Dr. Gardiner, M. O., had actually poisoned a man named Doyle..........Threats sent by letter to Protestants in Arklow........Wicklow Co. Infirmary - future discussed.........National Board Inspr. examined children of Rathdrum Workhouse - afterwards entertainment given.......The Wicklow Minstrel Troupe..... Late Dr. Molony of Arklow: Mr. Hallowes on the indignation meeting..........R. I. C. dance given Milty. Bks. Wicklow.. Wickow cemetery site - letters.... |
4.2.93= |
The Co,. Infirmary - list of subs. recd........Comments on Sunday drinking in Ashford........Sudden death of Hy. Neill, labourer, Rathdrum, while picking potatoes........Death of Thos. White, member of Commercial (cont. next page) |
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PAGE 341 | |
4.2.93 Cont. |
Club Arklow...... ..owing to distress in Arklow, from failure of fishing, Lord Carysfort distributing donations.... ...Molony Memorial Fund started in Arklow; headstone to be erected.... ......Major Whittle, the celebrated American Evangalist in Wicklow... ......Death of three very old people reported in Wicklow town.........Inquest at Croneyhorn on man named Lee found dead in bed... .....Memorial of tenants of Lord Wicklow for rent reduction...... ....Encounter near Glenmalure between gamekeepers of Lord Meath & party of men... ....Labourers' Act enquiry in Baltinglass.. ......Appeal in case of Patk. Henry, R. I. C., v. DWWR. over Sunday drinking in the Bray refreshment saloon..........At Bray court Dublin income tax collector charged with obtaining £33.17.3 fr. E. Breslin by false pretences.... ......Arklow boatowners not too eager to engage in the Arran Ids. fishing. |
11.2.93= |
Bray Commrs. - Correspondence with L. G. Bd. regarding proposed increase of £50 in T. Clerk's ( Executive Sanitary Offr's), salary, which one member stated was already very high. ...Political disputes in Aughrim. ...Jos. Chapman threatened legal action against John Doyle, Broomhill, for letter he published over cemetery site. ...Bray Commrs. - rly. rates reduced - matter settled.. ...Attcak on house of Patk. Nugent Kerlogue.. hurt by blow of hayfork near Rathdrum.. ...Schooner "Minerva", of Mr. Phillips, Abbey St., Wicklow, ashore Scottish coast - cargo to be removed... . Fire in boot shop of Wm. Shaw, the Mall, Wicklow. ...Young man named Carr of Baltinanema, injured blasating stones.. ...Sheep killed by dogs, Tomriland district. ..Wicklow Bakers' Federal Union. .......Wicklow Co. Infirmary, future maintenance discussed. |
18.2.93= |
Bernard Farrell, Kilmacoo, robbed at Rathdrum fair of £91..........Horse of Joshua Williams, Ashford, ran away in N. T. M. K. ......... £136 found in house of Garrett Neill, Carnew, who lived alone & died from weak action of the heart..........Capt. Halpin & Col. Tighe returned to W. Harbour Board.........W. Commrs. discussed building plots.........Rathdown Union Agri. Society - annual ploughing match at Enniskerry. |
25.2.93= |
At DWWR. meeting stated hotel about to be built in Greystones by private company..........Musical concert in Rathdrum Hall.......Mila. to train in Wicklow.......More about Dr. Molony memorial........Badger captured at Coollatin........Dog with rabies shot by R. I. C. in Arklow........Brian Kavanagh, Carnew, robbed of several pounds by masked men, who waylaid him.......Carnew cricket club meeting........ Bray Commrs. considered letter recd. fr. Mr. Crossley, organiser of tourist development. Suggested rate should be struck for advertising, etc. Pier project recommended by Jackson, Chairman. Houses could not be sold else- where for value. Agent said hundred houses could be sold at fair price..........Ashford ploughing match. |
4.3.93= |
In Bray Mary Anne Reilly charged with infanticide - Dr,. Hanson gave evidence..........Site for hospital for consumptives finally decided on Earl Fitzwilliam's Newcastle site.........Fire in stables at Coollatin........Newcastle hospital to stand on 12 acres - place marked on Mr. Alford's farm, 2/3/93.........Inspection of Wicklow harbour by Sir. A. Rendall (result)........Thos. Kavanagh, manager of Jos. Collins hardware business, taken Green Tree Hotel...... Rathrum concert. |
11.3.93= |
Rathdrum & Rathdown Agri. Society meeting........Tinahely Petty Sessions - only monthly in future.......Rathdrum Gdns. have credit in bank of £3,235-14-10........Eviction notices on Gun Cunninghame estate........Death of Mrs. Cowley, Rathdrum.......Prevention of swine fever in Co. - evidence.........Roundwood ploughing match... Great Unionist meeting held in Wicklow Assembly Hall to protest against Home Rule Bill. |
18.3.93= |
Petition filed for sale of Prnell estate........Forty of the Co. R. I. C. drafted to Lurgan for the 17th.........New scheme for selling Arklow fish.........Sanitary condition of Arklow giving concern........L. G. Bd. figures for cost of liquor supplied to inmates of Shillelagh Workhouse - 5/8, & Rathdown 5/9..........Arklow Unionists to hold meeting against Home Rule..........Disinfectants thrown into stream at Kilpedder ruined water...... Branch of Irish Unionist Alliance to be started in Bray.........Man fined for riding bicycle on path at Arklow........Attempted suicide in Rathdrum Workhouse........Spring Assixes - report, for the attempted income tax fraud on E. Breslin by Dublin man - bill thrown out. |
25.3.93= |
Full account of great anti-Home Rule meeting held in Marlborough Hall, Arklow........Wicklow considered cholera menace.......Concert in aid of Rathdrum Cricket Club........Thos. Lawless, known in Wicklow as "Dooda", fell recently at Ballinaclash, & broke his arm........Man named Moyers, severely beaten on head at Rundwood - man arrested........Potatoe stealing charge at N. T. M. K. Sessions.........Sudden death of Mr. Jas. Reilly, The Grange. |
1.4.93= |
Gradual defacement of old Co. Hotel; building on site by Capt. Darragh to begin.........Scottish ticket-of- leave man named John brown Stuart, gave himself up to W. police.........Smart penalties for stone throwing in Wicklow........Unionist Clubs established in Arklow & Ovoca........£10,431.3.6 raised for National Hospital for Consumption at Newcastle........Presentation to H. H. Hopkins, on leaving Shillelagh. |
8.4.93= |
Address to Mr. Balfour, M. P., from Unionists of E. Wicklow.........Bray Commrs. - Application recd. fr. Electric Light Co. for leave to lower lamps in town to 20ft. - no objection. Bd. of Wks. informed board loan of £540 for shelters on prom. granted........Grand Jury passed presentment for road fr. Q. Rd. to Novarra Rd. Owners & occupiers of Novarra tce. asked road should not run too close to houses there. Agreed to write to know if they would convey, free of cost, plot of ground, in front used as pleasure garden, in order Commrs. could carry out alternative plan of road as suggested..........Out building of Miller's Hotel, Enniskerry on fire - slight damage, bur Mr. Millar hurt........Congested District fishery plan aided Arklowmen........Mr. Barrington, Fassaroe, reported driest March on record - nearest approach 1854...... Rathdrum concert in aid of cricket club........Some measure to combat fire taken in Wicklow.......Mr. C. J. Doyle, V. S., hurt out with Bray Draghounds........Mare improvement scheme for Co.......Concert in W..... Young man, A. Wilmott, Rathdrum, died suddenly in train at Newcastle........Bolger, one of the guides at |
15.4.93= |
Sources of Wicklow town water supply tested by Sir. C. Cameron..........Dredger at work in Arklow - Parnell gave stones free for Arklow harbour - purchase a different matter for the board..........R. I. C. men of county force held meeting in Wicklow on 11/4/93 to consider Home Rule bill, dissatisfaction (cont. next page) |
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PAGE 341a | |
15.4.93 Cont. |
expressed at provisions made, & demanding more liberal allowances. men of certain service should be allowed to retire at once, and not have to wait 6 yrs..........Concert in Wicklow..........Anti-Home Rule meeting held in Ovoca.........Dangerous condition of Wicklow breakwater - Sir. Alex. Rendall's full report. |
22.4.93= |
Unionist meeting at Shillelagh......... Bray court - John Merrigan, got transfer of licence fr. Robt. Smyth, Main St. & John Heather, got temp. licence for 1, Brennan's Parade.........Anslow Holton, Meath Rd., for sanitary offence, proved by Inspr. O' Neill, fined..........Qr. Sessions - full report...........Church collections to be made in aid of Co. Infirmary..........Hd. Const. Gilson, transferred Wicklow to Tulla...........Arklow fishermen doing well. |
29.4.93= |
Wicklow N. T's Association meeting..........Method adopted for constructing harbour at Bray unduly different fr. Wicklow - two piers in course of erection, each being laid down in massive blocks joined by a mason driver - these will close within 90ft. of each other, & when harbour is dredged it will be covered by 14 or 15 acres of water...........Result of action - Col. Tighe v. Alderman Meade, against latter being regarded as duly-elected dr. of the DWWR. being interested in pending contract with coy............Mila. assembled - first in billets - but later transferred to 90 tents, no. on duty 130, of which 93 are recruits....... Co. Unionists represented at Albert Hall, London meeting..........Watering cart suggested for Arklow.... U. Burke, R. M., transferred Wicklow to Antrim..........Man named Byrne had leg broke in Rathdrum by kick of jinnet...........W. Commrs. consider cholera precautions. |
6.5.93= |
Earl Fitzwilliam's letter to Shillelagh Unionists.........Suden death of John Waters, Wicklow, from heart disease............Only £200 offered for spirit & grocery of Richd. Flanagan, Wicklow - withdrawn - Cuthbert, Bray auctioneers...........Arranged to increase beds of Fever Hospital if cholera breaks out............English coy. interested in brickfields at Milltown giving up idea on account of Home Rule bill, also building of Newcastle Hospital postponed for same reason...........Birmingham tramp arrested in Arklow.........Death of Robt. Bell, N. T. M. K...........Field offered by Ld. Fitzwilliam for new Wicklow cemetery at Bolarney Lane..........Arklow Unionists & Home Rule bill... |
13.5.93= |
Co. formed to build hotel at Greystones not to proceed with idea until Home Rule bill settled...... Resolution of regret at departure of Hd. Const. Gilson by W. banch..........Houses on Convent Rd. W., to be closed up - unsanitary..........Inquest in Greystones on body of Phillip Smyth, rly. worker, who died suddenly..........Brauy people served with notices to save water owing to great dry spell of weather.........Chemcal Wks. Arklow, in market, also sulphur, iropn & copper mines at Ovoca.........Law case - Co. surveyopr against Alf. Kingley, Dublin, & Fredk. M'Crea, Bray, for disobeying order of Master of the Rolls directing restoration of road broken up for the Enniskerry Rly. - rails & sleepers, it transpired, have been taken & sold under judgemnet.........Sir C. Cameron made favourable report on W. watwer supply..........Assault on Mr. Harrison, curate, on Arklow fair day.........Unionist meeting in Rathdrum.........John Geoghegan, Roundwood, drowned himself, in the waterworks.........Mila ball in Barracks, Wicklow.......Mr. Thos. Saul, Rathdrum, killed in Marlton Rd. by overturning of his gig. |
20.5.93= |
Approaches to seashore at Wicklow reported in most neglected state,........Insanitary condition of Woodenbridge - Row.........Great numbers of the farmng class leaving area round Wicklow.........Commercial club in Arklow to build public hall........Charles Byrne, Coolabeg, Tinahely, dead..........Esmonde's sold Trooperstown property to tenants under Ld. Ashbourne's Act... Field at top of Bolarney tested this week to see if fit for cemetery..........Militia inspected, held sports, & celebrated Queen's birthday.......Greystones hotel report denied by W. J. A. Fox, Director. Two old women murdered near Baltinglass...........Wicklow represented at Kosmos Bazaar, Dublin. |
27.5.93= |
Bray Industrial Exhibition..........140 members in Arklow Unionist Club..........Mr. Morley staying at Breslin's Hotel, Bray.........Inquest at Drummin, near Greystones, on body of herd named Jas. Dunne, herd to Mr. Smyth, of Bray, who died suddenly...........Arklow men doing well off Cork coast.........Wicklow to be station for Mila in mobilisation scheme in connection with Naval manouvres.........waterworks wanted for Rathdrum..........Annamoe Union club established.........Mila inspected.........Insurance agent murdered near Stepaside.........Wicklow Minstrel Troupe........ |
3.6.93= |
Loyalist meeting at Baltinglass........Man killed by cart on Gorey Rd., Arklow........Greystones water supply bad..........Fire destroyed tress overlooking the station at Woodenbridge, cause boy set furze alight for fun...........Wicklow streets need watering..........Another gold search in Wicklow Co.? Mr. Hallowes in London - visited Brompton Oratory...........Suggested Rathdown Agri. Show be held in Wicklow instead of Bray...........Ld. Milton - coming of age celebrations in Coollatin..........lad named Thos. Byrne, Convent Rd., Wicklow, knocked down by bull in field of J. Keogh, Dunbur Rd............Jas. Larkin, N.T., Glendalough, in court for cruelty to a pupil.........Account of holiday spent at Glendalough. |
10.6.93= |
New industries to be started at for Wicklow.........Govt. & Arklow pier loan..........Sailors of Wicklow not alive to claims of shipwrecked Mariners' Society...........Law case - Wicklow Gd. Jury v Bray & Enniskerry Light Rly., for not having by 15/3/93 completed a bridge carrying road over line near Troy's public-house or restore it, nothing done since 4/11/92, inconvenient to public. Defence - nobody could be got to do work. Ordered £500 be placed in bank as security - work to be completed. |
17.6.93= |
John Parnell visited Arklow & inspected quarries - sample of stone to be sent to Chicago Exhibition..... Lecture to be given to Arklow Young Men's Commercial Club by Count Plunkett.......Sudden death of Mrs. Fagan, Kinakee, Rathdrum, in field.........The proposed cemetery for Wicklow - meeting........Qr. Sessions Reply to Mr. Hallowes fr. the Wicklow Dramatic Club on Sunday concerts. |
24.6.93= | Wicklow regatta - meeting - £15 fr. DWWR..........Meeting of Rathdown Agri. Society held in Bray T. Hall. (cont. next page) |
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PAGE 342 | |
24.6.93 cont. |
Well-known horse "Royal" died at Avondale, aged 22...........Five clergymen in open-air services in Arklow....... Aughrim races.........More letters on Sunday scenes in Co. Wicklow........Arklow Qr. Sessions........Bray Commrs. balance. £3375-12-2. Prom. to be enclosed for regatta 5-6th July. New buildings plans passed for Greenpark road & Church terrace. Jas. Johnston, apptd. supt. & overseer, mason by trade, 11 applicants. |
8.7.93= |
Otter captured at Annacurra by hounds of Capt. Yates, English gentleman stopping at Woodenbridge Hotel - cause of trout scarcity............Rathdrum Show - hackney prizes.........Young Gorey lady robbed in Arklow of £3...........Rathdown Union, proposed cemetery for Bray in field of Richd. Barrington..........Bray regatta. |
15.7.93= |
Leader on paltry savings of Govt. by refusing lamp at Wicklow G. P. O., etc.........Saturday sea trips fr. Dublin to Wicklow Head..........Mr. Hallowes attacked by fisherman in Arklow........... Bray Commrs. - dep. waited on Waterworks Committee with reference to excessive consumption of water in Bray - sometimes 50 galls. per head per day...........Rathdown Union - Ri. Barrington offered six acres of Oldcourt field, Bog Hall, for £750, & wall 8ft. high to be built..........Ovoca Unionist club...........Fishing inquiry at Wicklow..........Unionist Meeting at Baltinglass......."Green Tree" Hotel, W., to re-open..........Naval manouvres - Wicklow to be torpedo boat station.........Ashford Hurdle Races..........Richd. Cogan, water bailiff of Ld. Powerscourt, drowned in "Fly Hole", Enniskerry river, while having early morning dip, place frequented by bathers..........Charges of Aughrim P. P. against Dr. Byrne, M. O..........Dog Show & Jumping Competition held at Bray.........Michl. Egan, caochman, dropped dead at Riversdale, Dargle road, near Bray, while about to drive family into Bray.... |
22.7.93= |
Leader - need for regatta subs.........Labourers' Act cottages should extend to fishermen.........County free from crime, but does not seem to lead to prosperity..........Gallant rescue of 11 yr. old child from drowning in Greystones harbour.........Young woman named Jane Lambert died suddenly at Woodenbridge station........Carnew ratepayers presented Wm. Speares, engr., waterworks, with piece of plate............Police in Arklow active against stray dogs..........Andrew Murphy, Ballycoog, in hospital with 15 wounds - assaulted by funeral party at Clash........ Fisheries Inquiry in Bray - no stone throwing at fish in river to be allowed.........Rathdown Union - 20 acres at Boghall for cemetery to be purchased fr. Mr. Barrington........Tinahely Races...........Mrs. Jane Ballance, Bray, in trap which overturned & killed her..........Bray water supply - Dublin Corp. violated contract by supplying 55 engines at season town required most, hotels short..........Bray court - sanitary prosecutions Captain's Avenue...... On 21/7/93 H. M. S. "Traveller" berthed inside W. breakwater, with torpedo boats, Nos. 45, 52, and 79 to be stationed here during naval exercises - No. 53 came in & coaled fr. S. S. "Avon", large collier chartered by Govt. Large number of people promenaded the pier, & seemed much interested in these machines for the better destruction of life & property. |
29.7.93= |
Outbreak of fire in house on South Quay, Wicklow, caused great excitement.........Death of Nicholas Willoughby, Rasnastraw, Tinahely.........Monument for grave of Dr. Molony, Arklow, finished by Messrs. Fitzpatrick Dublin.........Boats of Messrs. Troy & Byrne, Arklow, engaged in the Cornish coast fishing.........Sir. Jas. Matthews present - Evicted Tenants Commision staying in Bray.........Assizes - full report..........Rathdrum & Rathdown Agri. Show, C. Gd., Bray..........Open air fete & band promenade with fireworks in C. Gds. 26th. "grounds lighted by electricity". |
5.8.93= |
Wicklow regatta "Duke of Fife", & "Erin's King", pleasure steamers............Bray court - Wm. Lawless & John Mooney fined for wasting water at public fountain washing cars.........Carnew school fete in Rectory grounds... Child found buried in box at Kilmacanogue..........New set of pipes being laid to Roundwood resevoir... John Parnell reference.........The Molony memorial - unveiling ceremony.........Rathdown Agri. Show - full report... One acre given with labourers' cottages Shillelagh area..........Savage attack on Wm. Franklin, a "planter" on evicted farm on Brooke estate. |
12.8.93= |
Carnew sports..........Wicklow regatta - full report - 2500 by rly, 900 by "Duke of Fife" & 600 by "Erin's King".........Rathdown Grds., other areas could be heavily taxed by cemetery for Bray. £1400 site between Kilbride & Killarney lane offered, immediately back of Fairy Hill, known as glebe ground, rejected before. Field of Barrington objected to - stream might be contaminated, residents protest, & Ld. Meath said it was building ground & he would prevent cemetery at his back gate. Suggested sites at Fassaroe, Old Connaught & Jubilee Hall had often to be got up on these sad occasions...........rejoicings on the Wicklow estate.........Child rescued from drowning in Arklow by policeman..........Greatest number of excursionists yet at Glendalough........Bray Commrs. - several letters fr. residents drawing attention to alleged annoyance caused by switchback rly........Ovoca pony & jennet races........R. I. C. Barracks, Roundwood, struck by lightning. |
19.8.93= |
Wicklow Commrs. considered postal arrangements........Coolroe school shorthand examination... Roundwood Waterworks inspection.........Man named Gaffney, Ballyshane, gave two tramps seat on car near Friar's Hill, & when they got down, missed £15..........Coollatin Horticultural Show report.........Cricket matches.... Ashford hurdle races. |
26.8.93= |
Arklow Commrs. may build houses on E. Breslin's site at Fairybank.........Arklow oysters tested for English market.........Toft's merry-go-round & steam organ in Wicklow..........Powerscourt Horticultural Show.........Four "young gentlemen" in Bray, E. Jervis, Meath rd., J. Kennedy, Waterloo Terrace, J. Dillon & J. Smith arrested for smashing plate glass pannelling in south shelters, & 15 of the ladies' bathing boxes entered, looking-glasses & window smashed & one door wrenched off & thrown into the sea..........Fitzwilliam estate flower show.........labour dispute in Rath- drum over wages - assault cases.........Mr. Benton, Berryfield, Enniskerry, offered site for cemetery for Bray - two mile out. P. Barrington offered field over Ballyman Glen...........Shillelagh wood-carving class...........Action of Edw. Breslin against Purchase, & BEL Ry. owners of site 45 yds. fr. his hotel, for nuisance caused by switchback rly. merry-go-round, etc., & using steam engine organ. To be removed within a week........Strange freaks by a Knockanana lunatic who attacks men in field with machine blade. |
2.9.93= | Leader on operation of Labourers' Act in the Co..........Court appeal to action of the "rowdy dowdy (cont. next page) |
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PAGE 342a | |
2.9.93 Cont. |
boys", Holihan, Scott & Cahill, together with coachman of the "Mysterious Musicians" in destroying property on Bray sea wall (The M. M. drove about in brake & gave concerts at seaside resorts).............Man arrested for attempted suicide in Wicklow.........Site of Brittas dyamite factory again inspected...........Directors of DWWR. inspected every station on the line..........Offrs. past & present of Wicklow Mila. celebrated 100th yr. of their corps' existence by dinner at Hotel Metropole on 28th. In centre of table placed large silver cup presented to regt. by Gd. Jury of Westmeath in 1797, & at end of room two old silk flags in use when regt. was infantry....... Ld. Meath visited Copse - children entertained, etc..........Great number of visitors in Wicklow...........Wicklow United Service Club dance..........Full length of foundation of Arklow pier laid, 41 blocks, of 60 ton weight, deposited at pier head..........Hunter's, Newrath Bridge, Roche's, & Green Tree "packed with visitors"......... Sergt. Wm. Keely, R. I. C. Ashford, resigned...........Wicklow Bakers' Federal Union meetings..........Alleged neglect of duty - charges against Aughrim doctor............Arklow consideration of sanitary state. |
9.9.93= |
Much improvement wanted in sanitary state of Wicklow..........Wicklow sheep sales..........Salmon & trout fishing except by single rod prohibited in Bray river 1-10 to 31-3 each year. |
16.9.93= |
Mrs. Boland, N. T., Vevay, Bray, fell off car & died as result...........Old County Hotel gone except for railings in porch......... Wicklow market paying for itself.........E. Breslin, Bray, not ill - as reported.... Bray pier steadily progressing, when ready reported pleasure steamers will be chartered to ply between all the principal resorts across Channel. If idea ideveloped will benefit Bray & Wicklow vicinity, as visitors bound to explore..........Two men hurt by overturning of trap in Catle St., Bray..........Wood fibre manufactured at Avondale.........Coachman named Peter Keane of the Comerford's fell off horse.........Garden party at Tinakelly given by Capt. Halpin.........Wicklow Lawn Tennis Club tournament.........Death of Jas. Bolger, T. C., Arklow........Corporate rents of Wicklow - the estate agent and the solicitor........."Cricket - county challenge cup - who will win?" - article...... A "would-be" "Jack the Ripper" in Coolroe..........Alarming sanitary report - suspicious death in Kilcoole..........Grand concert in Glenealy..........Arklow - special precautions against cholera. |
16.9.93= |
Alleged illegal fishing in Wicklow..........Juvenile robbery in Arklow...........Rathdown Gdns. considered Bray cemetery site in Boghall Rd., offered by Ld. Meath at £100 per acre..........Greystones - its sanitary condition & water supply..........Big hay fire at Ovoca.........Bray request of Miss Alice Uniack - Townsend for permission to hold prayer meetings on esplanade refused. Mr. Cuthbert said - enough churches.. Coal strike in England - local vessels idle.......... Stone thrown at train near Rathnew..........Sergt. Keely, R. I. C., ashford, presentation...........Boy named Manning injured by threshing machine in Rathdrum.... Good fishing off Wicklow..........Water in resevoir Roundwood low..........Shooting competition in Assembly Hall, W...........Young man fr. Dublin fined 5/- & 2/6 costs for bathing near Ladies' Baths, Bray, for a bet at 10pm on Sunday night 3rd. 500 peple on sea wall.........Tinahely races.........Tinakilly garden party - band of Duke of Cornwall's Light Inf...........Mr. Hallowes to preach at Courtown....... |
23.9.93= |
Barndarrig sports........Preparation for building of Newcastle hospital started........Condition of crops in Co..........Wicklow market - opposition corn purchased in private yards........Suggestions for Bray improvements.........Woman named Mrs. Mary Toole, Laffen's Lane, Arklow, burnt to death........ ....Death of Mr. Christopher O'Neill, Carnew..........Bray water supply - railway getting no water supply at Bray - complled to water engines at Kingstown etc........Suggested Douglas pier be purchased by Bray Commrs. by Mr. Plunkett, to be had for £400. "If Isle of Man boat visited Bray twice a week the tolls would pay interest on borrowed money". Mr. Dohery, CE. & Mr. Comber CE. to inspect for Commrs. pier & report. |
30.9.93= |
Experiments in producing rain at Roundwood.........Glenart Coursing club.........Annual dinner of the Wicklow C. Club.........Serious accident to Wicklow ladies........Harvest home in Rathdrum........Postal services - letters.........Death of Capt. Wall, Wicklow, aged 92.......Snow on the W. mts........Furze bushes burnt on Morrough.........Lodging house rules wanted in Wicklow town........Mrs. W. Gregg, Bridge St., W., died... "Mysterious Musicians", in brake visit Wicklow. |
7.10.93= |
Local municipal elections.........Harvest honme at Coollatin........Miss Crooke, Clonroe, hurt in trap accident........ Resignation of Mr. Troy, C. T. C., Arklow........Mr. Barrington's Boghall site considered best for cemetery........ Bray Commrs. stated that if cemetery purchased on Boghall in 20 acres of Mr. Barrington, two mortuary chapels would have to be built out of the poor rate, which would be greatly increased. Solicitor suggested ground be purchased at distance fr. town, so as not to interfere with its develpment. Electric lamp to be erected at Brighton Terrace. |
14.10.93= |
Hay fire at Wm. Sheane's, Ballyteskin, Tubberviller........Coal strike, Wicklow seamen suffer as result......... Schooner "Anne Jane", of J. Phillips, Wicklow, sustained £60-100 damages in collision with steamer in the Mersey...... Death of Col. Chas. R. Wynne, 80, Delgany.........Bray Drag Hounds supporters' meeting..........Daring theft in Castle View Villas, Wicklow.......Bray court - many charged with waste of water - fines fr. 5/- to 10/- imposed. |
21.10.93= |
Bray elections - rates reduced 6d. - lowest in townships. Scheme for pier opposite centre of prom., to a length sufficient to obtain 12ft. of water at lowest tide.........Delgany Races - to be held at Seaview.........Ashford politics.........Arklow trying to induce Admirality to extend operations of Naval Reserve to the port, & make it a drill station..........paid attendants called for Rathdown lunatic wards of Union..........Testimonials to Sergt. Kelly, Ashford, & Hd. Const. Dobbyn, late of N. T. M. K..............Fund raised for widow & eight children of Thos. Hayes, engine-driver, Shillelagh, who died 13/10/93..........Shillelagh presentation to Lord Milton........Arklow coursing club............mare of Job Hall, Main St., Arklow, valued £20, maliciously stabbed. |
28.10.93= |
Wicklow Commrs. cut water supply.........Wm. Bradshaw, Surgeon Dentist, Bray, to visit Wicklow on Weds... Rathdrum Cricket Club - concert..........John Manley, relieving-offr., Wicklow, hurt his foot chopping firewood... Grand concert for the pier in Arklow..........Capt. Halpin ill..........Roy. Humane Society medal for Constable Collins, R. I. C., Arklow for saving child from drowning.............State of W. harbour - special meeting... Death of W. Comerford, Ard-Avon, Rathdrum............Concert at Ovoca............Bray court - Rly. Const. McCormick summoned Michl. White & Michl. Traynor, junr. for fighting over fare - 10/- each or 7 days. (cont. next page) |
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PAGE 343 | |
28.10.93 cont. |
Licence of Bernard Brady transferred to Water T. Bryan..........Bray Commrs. - H. V. Jackson, J. P., again chairman - New promenade chain pier - syndicate formed, but £5000 must be subscribed locally. New recreation grounds for cricket, etc., & more shelters. harbour will become self supporting. John Doyle, apptd. dairy inspr. Plan of new screw steamer which Liverpool firm about to build for passenger & goods service to Bray. To be named "Kelvin Grove", & to be ready when harbour is complete. |
4.11.93= |
Delgany races, 3000 present..........Ballybrack & Kingstown against Bray cemetery project..........Ld. Meath awarded £5 for foreshore claim under Crown grant, 1/- for part of bed of Bray river, & £20 compensation for interference with fishing right in high sea adjoining Bray lands - harbour arbitration..............Miss Lily Cramer Shipway, of the "Mysterious Musicians" died in Meath Hospital..........Leader on the Co. election..........Wicklow gas supply bad Suicide attempt in Shillelagh by 8 yr. old boy denied........John Goodman, steward of Col. Tottenham lost £20 note after Wicklow fair, if not found, will have to bear loss...........Wicklow Qr. Sessions, slander action against Rev. J. M. Robinson, Ovoca. |
11.11.93= |
Leading article on speech of Archbishop Walsh at Warklow on education.......Clock tower to be erected in Shillelagh in compliment to Ld. Milton...........Earl Fitzwilliam's foxhounds out...........Suicide of Mr. Richd. Farrell, J. P., in London. 8/11/93..........Parnellite meeting in Wicklow...........Archbishop Walsh opened Convent Schools Arklow.......Wicklow girl convicted of larceny. |
18.11.93= |
John Kinsella, Wicklow, fishing, had £20 worth of nets carried away by a schooner & destroyed.........Fishing very good off Arklow.........Dr. J. D. Ryan, Rathdrum, apptd., J. P..........Wicklow shopkeepers decide to give no Christmas boxes this year..........Letter on Archbishop Walsh's visit to Arklow............Wicklow harbour board scenes, attack on members.........Delgany Children's Home - meeting. |
25.11.93= |
Health of the Co. statistics..........Bray & Enniskerry Rly. bill - extending time for completion of works.........Great storm.........Capt. O'Toole, of old Wicklow family, died at sea..........Fisherman narrowly escaped been drowned in Arklow..........Rathdrum sanitation - note..........Faulse report of marriage of Tinahely man - big crowd at station to meet him..........Gun accident at Rostigath & Newcastle........Mr. Speares, C. P. S., Rathdrum, ill..........Avoca court house in bad condition..........Little crime in Arklow despite great number of poor class... Levett's Minstrels in Assembly Hall, W..........Ball at Cronroe, Ashford..........Presentation to Sergt. Bell, Avoca R. I. C... Patk. Brien, young man employed by the DWWR. charged with stealing quart of whiskey from wagon of gds. train. |
2.12.93= |
Doctor's report on sanitary condition of Arklow.........."Mary Peers" & S. S. "Aston", of Chester, held up in W. harbour - bar low...........For illegally fishing on Sunday afternoon, two W. men got gaol.........W. Amateur Minstrel Troupe.........Condition of W. harbour, proposed dismissal of the secretary........Naval Reserve for Arklow - meeting - Rev. J. Dunphy, P. P., in chair.........Child neglect, N. T. M. K. court cae...........Kilcoole piggeries spread typhoid. |
9.12.93= |
Serious meeting at Glencree many hurt. State of Wicklow harbour, matters getting worse.........Bray court, Sergt. Pendergast charged Catherine Earle with child neglect...........Bray Commrs. - harbour arbitration - Ld. Meath to get £165.9.3; Robt. Cuthbert, £76.6.3; & late R. Cuthbert's representative £81.16.3. Leader on W. Commrs. meeting..........Inspr. reported to have made selection of men to form Arklow naval reserve branch, 30 men to be enrolled........The Assizes, & the Hacketstown murder, sentence of death. |
16.12.93= |
Claim for demurrage for vessel detained in Wicvklow............Sudden death of Dublin man working in Christ Church, Bray..........More rows in W. harbour board meetings..........Gun accident near Arklow.... Death of Dean Lee, Bray, aged 84, for 33 yrs. P. P., 13/12/93..........Mr. Chas. J. Leonard, Bolarney, mysteriously disappeared.........The Assizes. |
23.12.93= |
Thos. Dowse, 30 years postmaster at carnew, retired.........£11.12.4 raised at collection in St. Patrick's Church, Wicklow, in aid of the Infirmary...........Miss Kenny, hotel keeper, Shillelagh, retired, store & hotel closed. Assizes...........Paraffin lamp accident in house of Mr. John Leeson, baker, Main St., Rathdrum. George Leeson succumbed fr. shock. |
30.12.93= |
Co. Wicklow story of illicit distillation in Blessington..........The new mail service on the railway - note... Christmas in county spent quietly..........Hoax on lady in Wicklow - reporting husband's death...........Delay in holding inquest in Carnew caused indignation........Typhus outbreak in Shillelagh........Fire in Ferrybank, Arklow. L. G. Bd. inquiry at Rathdrum over water supply........Mila fete for Christmas. |
6.1.94= |
Wicklow harbour - strike of labourers..........Dispute over School Attendance Committee appointments in Wicklow.........Arkow man, sent to Wexford in connection with Naval Reserve, pleased authorities. Provision ought to be made for at least 30 more men........."Molony Relief Fund", Arklow, relief for 53 old people.........Public-houses in Arklow may close at 10pm, town being under 5000 in population. Child, aged 2, burnt to death, Friar's Hill..........Another death as result of Rathdrum lamp accident...... Fisherman in court over harbour "dues" at Arklow..........John Byrne, nephew of Dr. Byrne, Wicklow, killed on rly. line near Rathdrum, while on way to visit friends at Balluce. |
13.1.94= |
Wicklow harbour board - long account of meeting..........Canon Rooke and the school attendance committee - question in Parliament..........Outdoor services continued in Arklow despite bad weather. John Ryan, farm servant, died in Co. Infirmary, fr. cold & exposure, conveyed to institution in open car suffering from bronchitis. |
20.1.94= |
Death of Peter Murphy, Tinahely.........L. G. Bd. & sanitary loan fro Wicklow.........L. G. Bd. sanitary inquiry in Bray.........Children's fancy dress ball in Shillelagh.........Influenza rampant in Wicklow, sudden deaths.........N. T's of Co. to form Association..........Horse ran away on Wicklow-Rathnew road, stopped by R. I. C. & woman's life saved............Jas. Foley, old Wicklow carman, killed at Ashford, while pulling ivy fr,. tree..........Capt. R. E. Halpin, D. L., died at 10.10 this morning........James Nolan, engine driver, acquitted on whiskey stealing charge at Ovoca..........Bray Commrs. consider the water question - Costs 3/4d. per 1000 galls. to board, but Corporation 2 1/2 d..........Bray Court - Boy named Patk. McCann,10, charged with stealing purse of Mary Croker, Little Bray, with 10/2. |
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27.1.94= |
On 20th Edw. Byrne, 19, porter of DWWR, shunting in Bray, knocked down by carriage & died in K'town hospital...........Death of Captain Halpin, aged 58, - account of funeral. Born Wicklow, Febry. 1836, monument suggested to him in Wicklow............Sule & Co., Dublin sued Col. C. J. Cahill, Bray, for price of suit supplied to his son.............Horse ran away in N. T. M. K...... |
3.2.94= |
Parish of Little Bary added to Bray. Rev. Jas. Healy, P. P., Little Bray, to be P. P. of Ballybrack..........Diversion of stream near Delgany rectory...........Leader on county N. T's........Runaway horse in Wicklow......Miss Dorothy Bayly, well-known Dublin vocalist, expressed willingness to tutor class in Arklow or Wicklow......Par- Storm........Qr. Sessions........Meeting to be held 12/2/94 in Court House, W., to consider Halpin memorial.... Concert at Ovoca.........Sanitation in Arklow.........Precarious condition of Wicklow harbour affairs. |
10.2.94= |
Sir Thos. Deane & Son, architect for Newcastle hospital & Messrs. Culllen brothers, Portadown contractors - cost £8956.........Leader on Halpin memorial project..........Meeting of Bray Drag Hounds at Windgates..... Jas. Hunter, Wicklow footballer died of "Bright's Disease"........Mr. D'Arcy's vessel "Sir Robert" in trouble off Welsh coast. Wexford vessel, drawing 11ft. took refuge in W. bay............W. Harriers meeting.... Exhibition in Arklow of oxy-hydrogen lighted pictures of street preaching scenes..........Mila recruits to assemble 26/2/94...........Hepenstall, Ki.lcoole, blacksmith, removed as dangerous lunatic...........hay rick of Edw. Foley, Bray Commons, burnt............Arklow crew ran down in boat by steamer in Belfast Lough..... One man, member of Mr. Hallowes' congregation "for some time exercising influence for good over his companions" refused to leave Capt. to his fate...........Wonder at copy "Chapman's plot" in Main St., W., not turned to better use.........Effort to recuscitate W. gymnasium............W. Commrs. consider common lodging houses. Rathdown Gdns. - suggested sites for Bray graveyard - rere of house of Philip Bruce, Dargle Rd., Park na Greer rere of old graveyard, Old Connaught..........Legal action over collision of rly. carriages at Wicklow, 5/9/93. |
17.2.94= |
Full account of Halpin memorial meeting...........Bray court - John Sloane, Meath Rd., fined for stealing stones, the property of the Commrs...........S. S. "Lady Martin", Dublin to London, took refuge in W. bay.........Arklow street preaching pictue show postponed...........Letter fr. Father Mahony, P. P., Rpundwood, on N. T's meeting..........Fire in house of John M'Carthy, East View, Strand road, Bray, put out by Commrs. men under Mr. Johnston............ Death of Mr. Murphy, J. P., chairman, DWWR...........Cattle traders called for more punctual cattle trains, & better lights at H. St..............Letter on "Chapman's Plot".......... Presbyterian preaching station to be opened in Co. W..........Ploughing match at Kilmacanogue..........Arklow chemical works to be un-rated...........T. Commrs. charged with licencing offence at Arklow..........Sudden death of Jas. Lumsden, farmer, Killincarrig. |
24.2.94= |
Halpin memorial.........Retirement of Col. Tighe, fr. harbour Board..........Action of Mr. Heron, late manager, against D. W. Manure Co...........Death of Wm. Newland, Blainroe.......Mr. Payne, traffic manager, DWWR. retired after 30 yrs. as such..........Workmen started on foundations of Consumptive Hospital, influx will benefit locality........... Fraud charge in Baltinglass..........Mr. Stryhe elected abstractor in London.........Inquest at Ballyknocken on man who died suddenly..............Big sheep & cattle sale at Rathdrum.............Cattle stealing charge at Ballinas- illogue...........Arklow crew in ill-feted brig lost on Goodwins...........Death of Jacob Bourne, ex CPS., Timahely. Ploughing match at Ashford..............Five lives lost in wreck of "Honde Klip" of Arklow 8/2/94 on Goodwins. |
3.3.94= |
Rathdown Gdns. considered drainage of Greystones, & site of burial ground for Bray: 9 acres at back of Rathmichael church, on lands of Mr. Stanley: field over glen, running by county brook, opposite cottage of Mr. Barton, with entrance from Blind or Love Lane, property of Ld. Ardilaun, a field south of Park- na-Grear on Dublin-Bray road, near Shankill station, lady owner of which is in Australia...........Large steamer & schooners in W. bay for shelter..........T. Hall, W., to be renovated..........Complaints stone throwing at doors in Wicklow..........Runaway horse in Leitrim place...........Boy named Pluck charged with stealing 2/- from Mrs. Hennessy, Wicklow.........Furher details of loss of "Hondeklip".........Brave rescue of drowning man fr. river at South Quay, W..... .....Jordan's Hotel, Glendalough, to be renovated..........W. Harbour Board - disgraceful scenes.........Roundwood ploughing match.........Glenart coursing.........Mila to assemble........Death of Mr. Cowley, P. L. G., Rathdrum.........Bray court - DWWR. summoned for nuisance caused by leaking bridges over roads. |
10.3.94= |
W. Bradshaw , resident surgeon dentist, at Miss Dunne's, Main St., Bray............Bray Commrs. - Attention drawn to insaniary condition of cottages in town, ground should be acquired for to erect workmens' dwellings, which should be erected before cottages demolished. Sir. Hy. Cochrane asked if board could get power to have cottages at lower end of prom. taked down. Rents would pay for interest on loan. In one house 10 people living with donkey & other animals. Cottages should be built at both ends of town. Complaint of smells fr. rly. gas wks., removal of which was demanded by Commrs. £460 due on harbour - £5600 more wanted. Govt. - be asked for free grant, as it would promote fishing, & could be used as coaling station for torpedo boats, etc., suggested by T. Clerk.............List of new works for Wicklow town...........Arklow Club developments... Robt. H. Davis, Bray, apptd. J. P.........Sheriff's sale, goods taken at Shramore.........Inquest at Tinahely on body of man who died suddenly........Boat stealing charge at Coolllatin........Groom attacked by horse at Shillelgah.... More Arklow street preaching.........W. Commrs. waste of water reported.........Sudden death of army pensioner named Divereaux in Wicklow. |
17.3.94= |
Mr. David Stewart, Sec. & Manager, Clogher Valley Light Rly., apptd. Traffic Manager, DWWR.........Rathdown Gdns. - Shankill protest against Rathmichael burial ground project; sewerage of Greystones new hotel outlet........ Assizes..........Flour & meal stores to be established in Fitzwilliam St., W..........Mr. Delahunt, Furzeditch, apptd. J. P.... Mr. Williamson, B. I., R. I. C. , apptd. C. I...........Arklow street preaching lantern show 21/3/94.........Departure of Capt. Magrath, adjt. of mila, did all he could to foster sport. |
24.3.94= |
Petition presented by Grand Jury to House of Commons against Bray & Enniskerry Rly..........The Govt. have seen fit to dispense with the police hut erected near farm of Benjamin Horan, Moneystown, and the 4 men in it have been transferred. The particulars of the estb. of the station are well known, it will be remembered Horan took a boycotted farm, fr. which Jas. Byrne was evicted, & suffered considerable (cont. next page) |
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24.3.94 cont. |
annoyance & persecution fr. the Land Leaguers. It was found absolutely necessary, for the protection of his life & property, that the hut be erected; but now, in the more peaceful times of the country, it has been thought advisable to dispense with it................Co. to cease to be under R. I. C. Divisional Court..............Assizes "Peace & good will", riot at Glencree - 18 months' sentences..........Carriage accident in Wicklow.........£50 for M. Heron in action against DWM. Co. .........£7000 cost of street preaching in Arklow to Govt.........Halpin memorial - fountain to be erected...........Bray Commrs., balance £1463. M. O. D. condemned rly. gas works. Co. to get month to remove same. Proposed Kingstown & Dalkey water scheme & abstraction of water fr. Glencullen River, & of Upper & Lower Loughs Bray, fr. Bray River, to be opposed, as destroying scouring of river in harbour & affect sewerage. |
31.3.94= |
Article on the "Growth of Greystones".........Alleged robbery in Arklow boarding house.........Yearly report of Rathdrum & Rathdown Agri. Society...........Dry weather - fear for crops..........Big fire of bushes in Morrough........ Feared evictions at Cross-roads..........John Nolan, late manager W. Gas Wks., died in Kimainham...........Stone throwing in Arklow & Wicklow streets..........Address presented to Miss Mary N. Byrne, organist at Arklow Catholic church........Messrs. Martin at work on Arklow pier...........Four men caught opposite Chemical Wks. at illegal fishing.... Luscombe mortgages to be wiped off?...........Death of Jos. Collins, Wicklow............82 boats left Arklow for the spring mackerel fishing.............Rathdrum Gdns.- important meeting.............Little girl charged with throwing stones at train at Arklow...........Ld. Wicklow's tenants - application for 25% reduction in rents. |
7.4.94= |
Title dispute at Kilcoole.........Death of John Donnelly, T. C., Arklow..........Rathdrum water supply - letter.... Court case - antipathy to strangers at N. T. M. K.............Police surprised badger fight on Slievebee mt., Carnew... Vessel of Mr. Kearon, Arklow, 13 days on passage Arklow & Monmouthshire - weather calm - no fears...........Fisherman named Hyland, while engaged in preparing for salmon fishing, at W. Hd., fell 20ft. fr. rocks, & hurt........ Sudden death at Knockannana..........Halpin memorial - £290 raised, wanted £400...........Green Tree Hotel, attempts to improve...........Attention called to dangerous state of road near rly. bridge between Knockrobin & Wicklow...........The "Bhoys of Greanane", "Lost his whiskers" - court accident at delgany.....Scenes at Rathdrum workhouse, man charged with insubordination & arson, names Thos. Hickey, fr. Bray........... Agri. Society, 1/8/94 horse & cattle show at Bray. |
14.4.94= |
Wicklow licensing cases............Rly. driver, Doyle, concerned in whiskey tapping case to again appear in court - has been in Lverpool & New York since occurence..........Recruits & staff of Dublin Arty, Mila. to leave Linen Hall Bks. for Wicklow for drill, prior to departure for Cork for annual training............"Old hands" of W. Arty. to assemble 30/4/94 for 30 days' training...........Wm. Desaix apptd. agent Luscombe estate.........Drainage loan for Wicklow town? named Traynor, arrested Bray, for striking companion with glass in Bray public house........... Concert of unusual brilliancy to take place in W............Meeting of Hall-Dare Harriers, at Ardeen.........Sergt. Pendergast, transferred Bray to Ovoca.............W. harbour board, appt. of offrs...........Illegal fishing case, Wicklow...........Cricket news..........Commission of Mr. E. P. OKkelly, J. P., Baltinglass revoked for licensing offence.... Halpin memorial proposals, - "Smoothing Iron", to be removed, feeling against cattle trough. |
21.4.94= |
Woodenbridge whiskey case - Doyle discharged...........The KIlcoole piggeries...........Sergt. Rourke transferred W. to Bray...........Punchestown races, DWWR. run specia fr. New Ross to Naas by Wicklow, etc...........Countess of Wicklow support for Sick Poor relief Fund, Arklow.........Cruelty to animals cases at N. T. M. K........Madame Jeanie Rosse at Wicklow...........Rathdrum water supply...........L. G. Bd. inquiry at Wicklow, improved sewerage.........Runaway horse near Bridge Hotel, W.............Mainsail of schooner "Anne Jane", of John Phillips, W., carried away in storm off Tuskar............ First meet of Arklow Bicycle Club............No further cases of assault on new hospital workmen at N. T. M. K. - prompt action will prove to have killed this idiotic ruffianism at start...........At "The Downs" two rough-looking men broke down door of Ellen Crowley & threatened her life.............Application of tenants of Ld. W. for 10% reduction made in Chancery Court. |
28.4.94= |
Fitzwilliam presentation.............Police in Wicklow to stop corner lounging...........Stone throwing cases.. Bray court - assault cases only...........Licence of J. Collins transferred to his widow............Mila "old hands", 600 strong to assemble 30/4/94 - disembody 26/5/94..........Mr. C. Draper, CE., to submit for selection two designs of proposed moniument to Halpin memorial Committee.............plate glass window of rere of Mr. Stevens', Main St. W., broken by stone.............Panic in Arklow, when news that great gale had swept fishing fleet off south coast received there, G. P. O. beseized.............Qr. Sessions............Charge against Ashford publican........Women attack Sub-Sheriff, at sale of seized horse & cart.............Jas. Cullen, well-to-do farmer, Knockrath, Rathrum poisoned himself. |
5.5.94= |
Shed of Jas. Byrne, Klgarron, Enniskerry, maliciously broken down.................Tramps murderous assault on Arklow carman at Ballyrichard...........Qr. sessions..........Cricket............Dublin Arty Mila, to embark on H. M. S. "Tyne", at Kingstown 13/5/94, for Portsmouth. Conduct of recruits in W. exemplary............Dispute of contractor with Gun Cuninghame over Monaline quarry............Young man, named Andrew Maguirk, 31, Ballyguile, drowned in inch of water, had taken a fit. |
12.5.94= |
Tourist season in Wicklow, grand re-opening of the Royal Hotel, Glendalough.............Mr. Wm. Clarke, contractor, Wicklow, congratulated..............Rathdown Gdns.. - Thorn Hill site selected for Bray cemetery!. Novel licensing case at Wicklow...........Halpin memorial proposals.............Bray & Enniskerry Rly. to be carried on by revived company...........Death of Mr. Tenison Edwards.........Alleged arson at Arklow......... Fraudulent enlistment in mila cases.............Train which had left Bray with creosoted sleepers destroyed by fire near Macmire............Arty. practice at Black Castle...............Divorce case - Arnold Graves, well-known member of Inch Bar, against his wife for misconduct with late R. Farrell, J. P., Bray, a man of consierable wealth. Mrs. Graves attempted suicide by jumping out of window.............Arklow captain trouble - alleged meeting at sea.............Enlargement of Bray church - horses wanted to assist in carting away soil to be excavated. Sunflower Minstrels (Blackrock) to give entertainment in aid in Assembly Rooms.............Tinahely Cycle Club meeting. |
19.5.94= | List of Co. Officials...........Shocking neglect of children - case at N T. M. K. court...........Great change in (cont. next page) |
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PAGE 344a | |
24.3.94 cont. |
administration of W. harbour..........20,000 by rail to Bray for Whit, in one restaurant in Bray 1,200 bottles of street opened before 7pm..........Mila ball.........Death of Thos. Dowling, J. P., Kilmartin Ashford..........Royal Hotel Glendalough crowded..........."Jack the Ripper" at large in Bray, man named O'Reilly arrested. |
26.5.94= |
W. Commrs. - another stormy meeting...........Terrible attack on young girl at Strand Raod, Bray..........Mila inspected.........Cricket..........Dublin sketching club visit to Rocky Valley...........Bray church fund - £52.10/- fr. Lord Meath, & fruit & flowers of Kilruddery at disposal for fete to be held in C. Gds. in August..........Ovoca sports...........Queen's birthday celebrated in Wicklow..........Arklow Bicycle Club tour off.........Excitement near Cross Raods, Wicklow on 19th - demonstration by cottiers in cabins against agent, who failed to get order for possession - bonfires & effigies burned............House breaking at Kilnamanagh.........Better train service wanted for Wicklow...........£10 fr. Lord Powerscourt & £1000 fr. Alderman Meade recd. for Bray church...... Suicide at Rathdrum Workhouse - barber's last use of the razor...............Donkey polo match, offrs. of W. mila at Newtown Park, residence of Mrs. W. C. Newton. |
2.6.94= |
Further sums for Halpin memorial fund..............Amazing scene at W. station on arrival by train of old lady..........Street row, Summer Hill, W.........Attempted robbery at Ballynevin.........Place of residence of Co. Surveyor objected to..........Grand Hotel, Greystones to open 2/6/94..........Critical condition of Wicklow pier......... New bridge for Arklow scheme passed. |
9.6.94= |
Leader on bad state of W. town..........R. I. C. of county inspected by C. I..............Erection of new houses ar Cross Roads...........Mila man entered fever hospital, Rathdrum, by way of wall, arrested............Coolboy - farm, Arklow, sold............Fatal accident at funeral of Mrs. M. O'Reilly, Wicklow..... |
16.6.94= |
Co. officials residences - question in parliament..........Road Sessions - report on Wicklow streets....... Dr. Brown, dispensary doctor, hurt in car accident near Kindlestown............Kilcoole piggeries again in the limelight..........Regatta committee meeting, Wicklow..........Runaway horse on Marlton Road........James Finn, Ballygannon, Glenealy, evicted & reinstated as caretaker; landlord, Mr. Quintin Dick...........J. D. Keane, portrait & landscape photographer, has opened business at Fitzwilliam Sq., W...........Arklow fishing fleet returned - season not very prosperous..........Co. Mila to train at Devonport next year........Cricket..... Qr. Sessions.........W. harbour Board, the late secretary & his documents. |
23.6.94= |
Young sailor named Wm. Charlick, hurt while barquintine "Navigator", was being discharged at Arklow. Rathdown Gdns. supply of water to Greystones hotel discussed............Canon Dillon transferred to H. Rd., & replaced by Father O'Hea fr. Ballybrack.........Puppy of head keeper of Lord Carysfort, bit him badly...... Bray Amusements Committee - fireworks by Messrs. Hodsman - first display in C. Gds. 4/7/94, with talented display of "mysterious musicians". Three milty. bands weekly fr. 1/6/94. Supplied large quantity of chairs for prom, & arranged to have band stands covered in. People asked to assist by purchase of new & specially designed programme..........Bray Commrs. - Balance £1,367-1-0. Surveyor suggested on completion of harbour the Govt. boathouse be removed & wall continued to Head. J. Catterson Smith complained his son, aged 5, bitten by dog - ladies brought dogs to promenade & while they enjoyed the sea, allowed their dogs to roam about to danger of children - attention of Esplanade Inspr. called to matter....... Young man kicked by horse in Arklow..........From 1/7/94 DWWR. to allow season ticket holders to use their tickets on both WR. & H. St. lines..........R. I. C. man, Arklow, engaged in gathering agricultural statistics attacked by bull...........New proprietor of Green Tree Hotel, Thos. Kavanagh, organising series of sea trips during the season fr. Dublin..........DWWR. to give free tickets under certain conditions to builders of houses along line...........Lad named Thompson fell out of boat in W. harbour - rescued..... Qr. Sessions.........Cooking classes at Arklow - visit of the Countess of Wicklow..........Bray court - man named Wm. Dixon, labourer, of Delgany, fined 30/- for assault on Jas. Loughlin, caretaker for Ld. Meath, Bray Hd. - John Carroll, provision dealer, Little Bray, fined under Food & Drugs Act....W. regatta - note. |
30.6.94= |
Coachman of Mr. Littledale, fell fr. box & was seriously hurt, other car accidents near Rathdrum...... Vagrancy charges in county.........W. regatta - meeting.........State of crops in the Co.........Unionist meeting in Wicklow.........Arklow harbour board - election of chairman & vice-chairman.........Licensing prosecutions in Rathdrum........Delagny Children's Homne - committee........Masonic excursion to Co. Wicklow. |
7.7.94= |
Grand Bazaar to clear debt on Assembly Hall, W..........Rathdown Gdns. - Delgany water supply & dispensary discussed........Wicklow Town Commrs. - housing of working classes discussed.......... Question in parliament - is W. Row-Bray rly. line dangerous?.............Wicklow United Service Club -"quadrille party". ![]() suddenly........Maj. J. C. Crofton, Ballinapark, Ashford, murdered his wife & then shot himself in a London hotel.........Presentation to Mrs. Magrath (mila), Wicklow.........Twelve months old baby found abandoned at I. Hotel, Bray. |
14.7.94= |
Narrow escape of Miss Ellison, Shillelagh, from drowning in river at Arklow............Letter on sanitary accommodation at Arklow.............Leader on regatta - Bray of late unsuccessful - weather against.... More street preaching in Arklow..........60 Arklow boats go to Scotland..........15 R. I. C. for the North fr. Co... Many visitors in Co........W. harbour - extraordinary statement.......Mila dance..........Bray regatta - account. |
21.7.94= |
Percy French & company to visit Wicklow with "Society Search Lights"...........Smullin's bathing boxes broken into on Murrough...........Farewall to Co. Inspr. Williamson on transfer from Wicklow to Tullamore........Objection of Mr. Breslin to merry-go-round, prancing horses, et., at Bray regatta, & asked Commrs. to condemn same, which they refused to do. Mr. Jackson had courage to say these lively attractions were the taste of very many people who rushed to the sea side...........Plans ready for Halpin memorial...........Fire at Michl. Whyte's, carpenter, Arkow..........Licensing prosecutions at Arklow........Concert at Rathdrum...........Poem "At Emmet's Grave" Arklow harbour - contract for repair to Martin's, Dublin...........Law case by Bray Commrs. over nuisance at Pembroke Lodge. |
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PAGE 345 | |
28.7.94= |
The Assizes - county peacable.............Halpin memorial to be erected in few months.........Arklow N. T's meeting..........Rathdown Gdns. & the Labourers' Acts..............Death of Sylvester Delahunt, Furzeditch......... Greystones rly. service - memorial for more speedy morning trains. |
4.8.94= |
Rathdown & Rathdrum Union Agri. Show held in C. Gds., Bray.............Description of W. regatta firworks display. Toft's hobby horses on the Murrough.........£60000 spent on W. harbour may be "Lost"..............Runaway horse fr. Abbey St., Wicklow............Car accident at Ballinacoole, Glenealy..........Attack on Messrs. Kent's Ltd. bread-cart driver near Kilcooole by boys armed wth bows & arrows..............Clermont, Rathnew, purchased by Col. Tottenham, extensive repairs to be done by Mr. M. Clarke, contractor, W..................Cricket matches...........Death of Lt. J. Casement.... Many English visitors at Woodenbridge..........Co. N. T's stolen at Greystones...........Congested district Board & Arklow boat owners.. |
11.8.94= |
Extraordinary imposture at Kilcoole...........Full account of W. regatta, band of 15th Hsr.........Letter on W. Town Clerk's public allusion to Mr. Chapman's apology to Canon Rooke............Bona fide traveller case at Delgany. |
18.8.94= |
Tigroney (Ovoca) Miners' sports..........Ashford sports.........Letter "bathing at Wicklow".........Denis White fined for being drunk in Bray station yard while in charge of horse & car............Suggested top of Dunbar Rd., W., be opened...........Unwarranted assault case at Kilcoole.........Death of well-known farmer, Geo. Tuke, of Ovoca........Lord & Lady Meath at "The Copse" for a month............Since present Govt. came into office 23 new J. P's. apptd. for Co., 15 R. I. C., 7 C. I., 1 Society of Friends................Fisheman's net cut up in boat in W. river............Man arrested for robbery of watches at Rathdrum............John Murray, steward of R. R. Drought, J. P. killed in car accident near Ballykilavare.........State of W. breakwater...........Robbery fr. Greene's, Arklow. |
25.8.94= |
Halpin memorial - leader..............17 labourers' cottages for Cross-Rds.?............race meeting to be held in W. in Sept..........Committee to be formed in Arklow to look after welfare of fishermen, to improve their present depressed state..........Death of Maj. Gen. Chevenix Trench, late of Broomfield, Wicklow, in Scotland........ Coolllatin Horticultural Show - full report - DVLI band....Powerscourt Cottage Garden Show.....W. harbour imports & exports - account.........Extraprdinary assault near Tinahely.........Licensing prosecuton in Ovoca. Bathing in Arklow..........Arklow Commercial Club dance..........Success of Arklow fishing boats. Number of Protestants J. P's. in Co. 98 & R. C. 33. 79% of the population are Catholic. Mr. John Morley said when present Govt. came into office there were 92 P. & 8 R. C. magistrates (Aug. 92). |
1.9.94= |
School fete at the Coppice, Rathdrum...........Rathdrum Union - conflicting statements, Dr. Ryan threatens law.........Engagement ring gone astray in Arklow...........Race meeting proposed for Wicklow - fifty invitations sent out to investigate - only small number turned up - idea dropped........Arklow magistrates & pitch toss.... Halpin moniment being carved - will take four months to complete..........Ld. Fitzwilliam's yacht "Kathleen" in Arklow........Congested District Board & the Arklow boats..........Proposed address to Mr. Hadden, Arklow.........Man in Arklow attacked by bull.........lamps lighted in Wicklow for season fr. 1/9/94...........Balinguile Agri. Show....... Arklow cycling club.........Arklow river flooded.........Arklow North Quay completed last week. Breach in South Quay to be done..........Chas. H. Bagster, dentist, Laurel Lodge, Bray, & Rathgar, fined £5 or month for assault on Mr. O'Meara, stationmaster, Bray, who, he alleged had insulted his wife. |
8.9.94= |
W. Smyth, Arklow, sailor, killed on steamer in Black Sea...........Meeting held in Arklow to ask Govt. to take on another 30 men in the R. Naval Reserve...........Death of Capt. Jas. Murray, late of Arklow ship "Java", in Kilrush....... Shillelagh embezzlement case..........Sheep stolen from Jas. Valentine, Ballinamona........Bray Town Hall - sale of work in aid of Convalescent Home.........Election of Wicklow Harbour Comm...........Sheep sales, Coollatin & Carysfort. |
15.9.94= |
Wicklow Harbour Bd. meetings........Powescourt lamb sale...........Ld. Fitzwilliam & party visited site of proposed Halpin memorial on 11th.........."Smoothing Iron", disgrace to W. removed...........First section of Newcastle hospital nearly completed....S. S. "Erin's King", on trip fr. Dublin to give passengers 4 hrs. ashore at W..........DWWR. to be requested to lay down gas main fr. juncton of rly. road to Church Lane...........Son of Mr. Burns, Inland Revenue Off., Murrough, swallowed 1d. - serious state............Manure CO. making extensive additions to property..........Accident to Mrs. Casement, Clonroe...........Turnstiles wanted, instead of steps over rly. fr. Outer to Inner accident in Wicklow..........Son of Flower, Master of Rathdrum Workhouse, arrested for stealing remonstrance from Rathdrum Catholic Church & sending it to Dublin pawnbroker.........At Bray court Maurice Dempsey, carman, charged with assault on Ohio mechanical engr. & taking his watch - fined £3 for former...........M'Donald's of Rathdrum - law case..........Six Arklow boats engaged by C. D. Bd. for Donegal coast........Alleged embezzlement at Carnew........Presentation to Mr. J. . Long, Arklow.............Sett-makers at work - Arklow quarries. |
22.9.94= |
Arklow harbour "erection of Dolpin" considered..........Flower pleads guilty in Rathdrum case, got month in jail... N. T. M. K. child neglect case.........Improvement of carriages on the DWWR........Coachman of Mr. Hope, Kilpool, fell fr. horse..........Mare sale in Rathdrum........Coolgard man arrested for assault on woman........400 on "Erin's King", trip to Wicklow - big crowd visited Green Tree........Dredging for oysters in Arklow bay........Letter explaining the origin of the "Flash" in Arkow.........Broom Hill sheep sale........bicycle race at Arklow. |
29.9.94= |
District nurse to be appointed for Aughrim sick poor...........Tricycle of Rev. Thos. Hackett, stolen at Bray station - court case..........Ger. Cooke, of the Mysterious Musicians charged London man with assault in Royal Hotel, Bray.........Mr. Hallowes caused riot by street preaching in Athlone............Bowsprit & tackle of "William", coal fror Kearon & Tyrrell, carried away at mouth of Arklow harbour...........Panic in Lloyd's Circus in Carnew over bursting of slide round Bray Head near "long tunnel" or No. 1.............Fire in haggard of Mr. Thos. Winder, Ballynerrin...........Account of visit of Mr. John Morley, to Rathdrum & Glendalough.. Death of Rt. Hon. W. H. F. Cogan, ex Co. M. P..........Concert in W. Assembly Hall. |
6.10.94= |
Rathdrum Cricket Club concert............Shelton Abbey Harriers..........Bray Commrs. - £525 due on harbour contract. Works should be protected fr. winter storms. Letter fr. su. DWWR. - structural alterations to be made in gasworks, to abate nuisance; to be informed only removal would remedy evil. |
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PAGE 345a | |
6.10.94 cont. |
Leading article on conduct of rate collectors in Arklow............10.30am ex Greystones to H. St. stopped in last tunnel by fall of stones round Bray Hd. 1/10/94..........Case against Mr. Hallowes for street preaching in Galway dismissed.........Wicklow Commrs. - batch of members disqualified........Narrow escape fr. poisoning in Arklow. |
13.10.94= |
New postal arrangements, Wicklow..........Harvest thanksgivings, Methodist Church, Bray...........Bray Court - disputed ownership of land between DWWR & sea at Shanganagh................Thos. Kenny & Laurence Keenan, dispute over proper stand...........Rly. buffet licence............John Morley, present in Bray Land Court...... Leader on Mr. Stryhe & the W. pier...........Halpin memorial note.........Arklow elections..........Fire at Hawkstown.... Gypsies frightened horse of Mr. Segrave at Ashford.........Carnew Races............Deserter arrested at Shilelagh. |
20.10.94= |
Bray Drag Hounds meeting.............Licensing prosecution at Ovoca..........Elections in Arklow & Bray.........Delgany Children's Home meeting............Viscount Milton's coming of age celebrations...........Details of offences in the Co.. Roundwood fair..........Glendalough farmer fell off horse twice...........Wicklow breakwater in bad state.... Capt. J. Neill, T. C., Wicklow injured in his house.............Son of former station master, M'Sweeney, Rathnew, died in Bray... Snow in the county..........Plea for Arklow, leader in the "Weekly Irish Times".............Arklow Sick Poor Fund.. |
27.10.94= |
Wicklow harbour Board - special meeting.............Bray Commrs. - Mr. Breslin elected Chairman despite division amongst Unionists members..........Leader on Mr. Stryhe & redeemable stock scheme............False suicide alarm in Wicklow.........Runaway horse in Wicklow.........Condition of W.harbour - dep. to Mr. Mosley........Inquest on Surgeon Lt. Col. Michl. Quinlan, who died rather suddenly in Green Tree Hotel...........Severe storm in Wicklow, lifeboat seized by volunteers...........Baker named Jas. Brown died as result of fall fr. van near Laragh............Percy French entertainment in Wicklow..........Serious charge against late W. gas manager...........Dt. Inspr. Williamson to be C. I..... Arklow herring boats enaged for Donegal. |
3.11.94= |
Qr. Sessions - full report...........Proposed dynamite factory at Brittas..........Subterranean buildings discovered at Arklow.....John Morgan, C. Gd. Wicklow, transferred to ![]() Action against "W. Star"..........Rathdrum N. T. meeting...........Newtown & Delgany Races..........Ld. Meath & fair rents at Irishtown.........W. lifeboat meeting.............Death of Father Healey, Little Bray..............Herring fishing "fair" at W. & Arklow.........Shooting party at Glenart.............Death of Geo. ![]() (Mr. Phillips) ashore near Chemical Wks..........Boots stolen in W...........Clever arrest by H. O. Scanlon in Arklow..... Schooner "Emile", Barnette,Kearon & Tyrrell 220 tons, in gale in English Channel. |
10.11.94= |
W. harbour board & Hibernian Bank..........Bray Commrs. - regret expressed at death of Father Healey. W. G. Twomey not to resign, but proposed intemperate language not to be used by board...........Luscombe mortgage leader... Runaway horse in W.........Judge Keane in car mishap nr. Tinahely.......Car accidents at Rathdrum.......Coolkenna Church renovated......Mrs. Parnell to start umbrella handle factory in Shillelagh..........Earl Fitzwilliam very ill at Coollattin.........Rathdown Gdns. site for Bray burial ground at Vallambrosa..........Bray court - Honor Bloom fined 5/- for assault with umbrella..........Sale of Parnell quarry........Sudden death at Ballinapark, Ovoca .... Cordite factory - rumoured selection of Arklow site...........Arklow Commrs. - election of chairman........Old woman found dead on Askinakea mt. |
17.11.94= |
Row at harbour board meeting in W..........Wicklow N. T.'s meet..........Text of bill Bray, Dalkey, etc. water supply.. Leader on the Co. W. question........Open air preaching in Arklow...........Narrow escape of Arklow fishing boat... Rathdown Gdns. - proposed cemetery at Thornhill, Old Conna.........W. Scott, clerk in Northern Bank, Bray, arrested while on leave in Liverpool for taking considerable sum of money..........Mr. Thynne, Asst. Inspr. Gen. R. I. C., inspected Bray force, & also Wicklow where 16 constables, 10 sergts. & 3 acting sergt., etc. paraded: also Arklow......... Jas. Kavanagh, farmer, Ballymurtagh, drowned near Ovoca Lodge...........D'Arcy's sawmill sold to Pim's... Mr. Chamberlain & Mr. Cocking representing Kynock, inspected site at Arklow...........A. Price, CE., Greystones to make plans for B. of Wks. for grant for Wicklow harbour. |
24.11.94= |
Farming in Leinster - Co. W. position.........At Bray court Nath. A. Scott, clerk, Northern Bank, got six months for robbery of £205 between 1/10 - 5/11. People respectable in north. 3 yrs. in head office & over a year in Bray. Money to be replaced.........Wicklow C. C. dinner......Schooner "Jilt" ashore on Arklow ![]() Murray & the breakwater........Jas. Kavanagh, car driver hurt in collison in W........John Wall owner of lightship tender, apptd. coxswain of W. lifeboat vice Ed. Condren.........Herring fishing.........Man burnt at Laragh... |
1.12.94= |
Arklow shipping dispute Kearon v Reilly.........presentation to Mr. Long, Bank of Ireland, Arklow... Run of Bray Drag Hunt to Kilmacanogue..........Death of Visct. Monck.........Death of Mrs. Passent, Wicklow..... No smallpox is reported in N. T. M. K..........Sudden death of woman named Redmond in Kilpedder........Big hay fire at Priestnewtown, Kilcoole...........Rowdy conduct at night by tin whistle players in W...........Sudden death in Tinahely.........Article on conditions in W. town..........Mr. Monahan, S. M., Kingstown, to retire - 27 yrs. there, 40 yrs. in co's service.........Arty. man in court over Enniskerry scenes. |
8.12.94= |
Case of Jos. Smyth, Abbeyhill, W., in court on storage of explosives...........Rathdown Agri. Show meeting........Protest against holding of Leinster Winter Assizes in W. - too much duty for Jurors..........Accident to Mr. Alfred, farmer Ashford..........Death of army pensioner suddenly in Tinahely...........While removing ballast fishermen hurt in Arklow........Assizes - full account.........Arklow take boat house - new slip with patent rollers etc. |
15.12.94= |
Col. Tottenham selected as Unionist candidate to contest East W. at next general election..........Arklow Harbour Board; important meeting...... |
22.12.94= |
Arklow Presentment Sessions.........Young man hurt by fall from horse at Barnaclay...........Arklow concert for poor & sick...........Man hurt by machine at Coolkenna........Mr. Allen, N. T., Wicklow, leaving for Carysfort, Blackrock. Schooner "Jewess", lost if not able to shelter in Wicklow harbour, showng need for some..........Fisherman - John Carty, Strand road, Bray, died suddenly...........Newcastle farmer knocked down by car driven by Louis Brager near Bray station & badly hurt.............Car accident to Mr. Tombe, Capt. Wicklow C. C.............Bray Commrs. - Esplanade sub-committee reported on condition of lower portion - new sewer & boatslip recommended...... Mrs. Alice Roche (wife of Dr. Roche), Glen of the Downs, arrested for being drunk in charge of pony & trap. |
29.12.94= |
Powerscourt Arms Hotel, Enniskerry, destroyed by fire on the 22nd............Gift to poor of Kilcoole by Col. Tottenham...........Kearon's "Elterwater", Swansea for France, with timber, lost off Appledore..........Sudden death of Jos. Byrne, carowner, Murrough............30/- taken fr. house in Ovoca...........Mad dog at large, Ovoca... Christmas in Co.............Act. Sergt. Neill, well known on Bray platform promoted Sergt...........Storm - anxiety in W... 10/- taken fr. Bryan's publichouse, Bray, slates removed..........Capt. Kearon, Arklow, drowned new Ross. |
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PAGE 346 | |
5.1.95= |
Separatist quarrel at Carnew..........Ballyman ploughing match..........Father Healey fund.........Wicklow vessels in mishaps near Liverpool.........Cordite factory site in Arklow corrspondence..........Woman arrested for larceny of shawl in Coolkenna........Convention in Arklow school........"Active", Arklow, ashore near Carlingford.........Dr. Byrne, Arklow, Wicklow, hurt by horse.........Aughrim school fund.........Lifeboat appeal, Wicklow.........Old & new year in Arklow.........Arklow vessel wrecked at Lahinch..........Fund raised for Mr. Buckley, Enniskerry hotel fire victim. |
12.1.95= |
Proposed cordite factory at Arklow - stoppage of theworks - important public meeting........Bray Commrs - bills passed in parliament. Annual statement of accounts. First section of intercepting sewer fr. Bray Hd. to Cockbrook. Little progress with harbour due to gales, but no damage done.......One passenger only by 8.30am ex Wicklow recently, but great outcry if taken off. One of crew of brig "Wilson", Arklow, hurt at sea.... Letter - Capt. Halpin Memorial Fund (London) 1894........Action against Shillelagh Gdns. |
19.1.95= |
Rock quarries, Arklow, lately purchased by J. Parnell, to be formed into Co......"Star" newspaper: bailiffs in possession.......Sudden death in Kilcoole........Horse of Lady Wicklow dropped dead under her at Shelton Abbey. John Davis, Wicklow, injured unloading vessel........No case at Arklow court.......Geo. Lawson, new contractor for W. breakwater........Work resumption by 36 men at Arklow factory........Carnival in Arklow.........Severe snowstorm & gale-damage to W. breakwater. .....rly. damage - Kilcoole station in bad way - Bray front flooded. Fitzwilliam gift of 5 cwt. of coal to Shillelagh poor.......narrrow escape of "Orphan Girl" of being wrecked outside Arklow.......Sudden death of Michl. Molloy, Church Terr., Bray, on Q. Rd. |
26.1.95= |
Bray Hilary Session report.......The cordite factory at Arklow - sale of the Chemical Wks......Thos. Nangle, guard, DWWR., killed at W. old station.........Qr. Session report........Bray Commrs. Engr. reported two waste interested, asked when harbour be finished. Storm damage - works not impaired. Two iron posts broken by timbers. Beach lower at north end between first & second set of steps - 175 yds. Depth fr. top of coping to beach 15' 6" bringing it within 2' 3" of bottom of wall. Recommended repair by constructing of toe of concrete & facing should be strenghtened. |
2.2.95= |
Action of Mr. J. D. Mulhall against W. Commrs........Roundwood ploughing match........Runaway at Tinahely..... Sheep stealing nr. Aughrim.........Death of Mr. Ruskell, Avoca........Suicide attempt in Bray by Thos. Redmond.. Portion of stained glass window broken in Bray catholic church - alleged sacrilige. |
9.2.95= |
Bray Commrs. - Messrs Stryhe & Comber reported little work done to harbour due to weather. Capt. Patrickson said he heard crack had occurred in north breakwater. Engr. to inspect. Plans for new building at Sidmonton Rd. etc. Balance in favour of Board £1663.7.4.........Rathdrum ploughing match postponed....... Leader on the Township affairs.......Cordite factory note......Rev. Michl. Clarke, C. C. Wicklow, recd. fr. DWWR villa ticket Wicklow-Dublin, in consideration of new Presbytery recently erected in Wicklow. Great snowstorm - reports fr. Wicklow, Ovoca, Aughrim, Arklow..........Distress at Rathdrum..... Returns - health of the county.......Fire at Croneybyrne....Engr's action against Shillelagh Gdns.....Strange charge against ex police sergt. at N. T. M. K. |
16.2.95= |
State of W. breakwater....leader on accounts...Ashford Agri. Society meeting.....Writ of Mr. Stryhe against Harbour Board for £600....Tobaoganning accident in W......County N. T.s met....... Coal given away to poor in Arklow.....Distressed poor in W. ...influential meeting held in T. hall - Jos. Smyth in chair . Qr. Sessions |
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Action against DWWR by Mrs. O'Keeffe, Parkmore, Ashford, injured by sudden starting of train (report) at Rathdrum....Michl. Breen, 19, crushed to death at Tigroney....Bad condition of N. T. M. K. courthouse Leader on the breakwater - Sea inroads Kilcoole to Wicklow...Large number of vessels in Wicklow... Mr. John Clarke, making road for milty., disturbed old bones at Irishtown - report went? out of skeleton... Accident to English vessel at Arklow .....Small boat picked up by Arklow sailor 1 1/2 miles out...... Death of Miss Smith Dunbar.....Runaway horse & ice accident at Shillelagh....Coal given to poor at Rathnew Cordite factory at Arklow account of progress of works.....Wicklow corn dispute - costs of litigation... Bray Commrs. - new sewers: See Light Lights wrote to effect their sanction must be got for lights to pier. |
2.3.95= |
Co. Infirmary subs.....Leader on T. Commrs. & unemployed in W..........Louis Bryan, fairly wealthy & respectable in Bray court for repeated furious driving - 14 days in Kilmainham....Trever's? old stores, N. Quay, Wicklow to be pulled down by unemployed....£50 fr. Carysfort for Arklow poor.....Wicklow & Woodenbridge station to be connected by phone....Breakwater piling started.....Assizes postponed on account of weather...Lady Wicklow helped to get cordite for Arklow.....Horse mishap in Carnew...Death of John Ravell, Newcastle... Louis Pomeroy, 19, nephew of John R. Fowler - Duncairn Tce., Bray, killed at Waterfall by fall fr. cliff on 26th.... Ruffianly outrage at Arklow......Arklow vessel overdue - the "Levinia" arrvd. in port...Arklow fishing notes.. |
9.3.95= |
Letter fr. Ld. Powerscourt on Waterfall accident......Bray Commrs. rate 3/11 & special harbour rate of 1/-.. South pier of harbour extended to within 200 ft. of full length, & 57 ft. of W. Pier remained to be done. Bridge crossing river & portion of south quay finished - paid out £27,395, estimated cost £37,500....Cordite works - partial strike by the labourers.....Jew? charged in Arklow for obtaining food & lodging by false pretences....Repairs to W. breakwater......List of movements of Arklow vessels....Arklow sailor drowned at New Ross......Final meeting of W. relief committee....Bray Water Bill.. |
16.3.95= |
Arklow harbour board - strange allegations.....Bray Commrs. - site of G. P. O. discussed, some members wanted Q. Rd. - others thought Main St. commercial centre of town....200 employed at A. cordite works...Leader on W. harbour steamboats....Mila recruits to assemble 25/3/95.....Mackeral boats (40 out of 82) left Arklow.... Fire in Arklow.....Religious issue in Delgany - letters....Jas. Cotter, army pensioner, arrested for murder of his infant daughter, aged 7 months, in Maitland St., Little Bray, by drowning her intank in yard....Alderman Meade summoned for rates on new house on Bray Strand....Bray court - spirit license of Mr. Tierney, Q. Rd., transferred to Mr. Merrigan....Probable re-opening of Ballymurtagh Mines. |
23.3.95= |
Arklow footbridge - reference....W. harbour repairs - strike.....Shocking accident at Rathnew - playing with gun powder....Retirement of Mr. Burns, I. R. O.Wicklow....."Levinia", of Arklow in terrible Cadiz Bay hurricane.....Ornamental railings for Leitrim Place ordered....S. Quay wall, W., complete |
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