31st May |
High Heath in the morning and Bog in the afternoon.
Bright and sunny. Updated lichen definitions on May 23rd, 24th and 28th. One Small Copper. |
I was hunting for Small Heath butterflies when this Small Copper stopped me in my tracks. The grey underside is typical of Irish specimens.
I also saw this rather speckled moth, and it turns out that's what I've been following for a week or so, now. It's very well camouflaged on the dead Brambles. A Carpet Moth, I think. |
There is a theory that the glandular hairs attract ants which protect the caterpillar, but it's not generally agreed. |
I love the resilience and sheer persistence of some plants. This Brooklime was growing on a dry path instead of in water. The entire plant shown is about 15mm tall. |
I think this is the Common Vetch. I haven't seen it before, but it looks right.
Growing on a verge to the north of town. |
I paid a very quick trip to the bog on the way back from a customer. The
Sundew is only just developing, but as you can see, it has started
catching little insects already. Leaf on left specimen about 1 cm across.
Also in the bog, I found this tiny (1cm. cap) mushroom. Spores rust and almond-shaped, so maybe Galerina sphagnorum. |