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messiah operation band site(we love u)chats - dave
dave, under red Want to find out how Dave is, or why lemons are so symbollic in music to him, or just have a MAD Hazey Laugh? You've come to the right place.
[select "listen now" to stream the answers, select "download + listen" if you have problems with streaming, or want a pure un-broken sound. select "text-popup" for a text-popup(javascript enabled browser required)]
1) So Dave, How are Ya?
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2) What does "The Claret" mean to you? [Claret was the name that Dave originally wanted messiah operation to be called]
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3) Rumour has it that you believe that Lemons have Sybollic signifigance in Music. Is this true? What does it mean?
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4) What was the first album you ever bought and where do you get your inspiration?
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5) Are you queer? What is your response to Leech's comment that you enjoy a bit of a gang bang?
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6) How much of the input to messiah operation do you really have and how many songs have you written?
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7) You, The Leech and Paul,? What about the main Mentler himself Enda Byrne?
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8) Where do you and messiah operation hope to be in five years time?
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9) And what about America?
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10) So all in all messiah operation as far as you're concerned are taking the Millenium with confidence and will be the Best New Rock Group of the 2000's?
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And a bonus surprise for all of you who want to hear and cherish Dave's breath one more time!
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