Alex and his dog |
Fr. Gear blessing pets
Brian and his hamster |
hamster is called
Will. He is very small and he eats sunflower seeds. His bed is fluff. We
have a big cage for him but I could not bring him in it. Jack’s dog
Tilly was sitting beside him. I brought him on the bus . He was hard to
get on the bus but I got him on the bus. I got him on the bus. I left my
little sister hold him on the bus and everyone came over to her. At the
end my Nanny brought him home. He got blessed on Tuesday as we had a
prayer service in honour of St Francis. We all brought in our pets to get
them blessed. |
Dav and dog |
Kim's Kat |
Lauren and dog |
pets name is Gill. Her breed is half Dalmatian half gundog. Gill is
11 years old in dog years. Once Gill saved my nanny when she fell into a
stream. Gill kept barking at my Mammy. Gill sleeps in a garage on a chair.
Gill chases mice and rabbits
and likes to be rubbed under the
pets name is Holly. She is a border collie dog. She
is five years old. I
know Holly since she was two years old.Her sister was found a stray.
Holly’s favouritefood is dog food and her favourite drink is water.We
had a prayer service for the animals.On Tuesday Fr. Gear blessed each of
our animals.She
lives with my Nanny and loves the outdoors |
Nicole, sister & dog |
Melissa & dog |
P.J. and pup |
dog Spot is very small . He eats dog food. He is a little terrier he likes
to jump around .He is five weeks old. He loves biting me but he has no
teeth. He hates strangers. He hates Brians hamster. You have to feed spot
every day.I left my sister hold him in the car .He nerly jumped out of the
box.I got him blesed on Tuesday.Then my mother brought him home.
Una & her dog |
Aoife, Siobhán & dog |
Jack's Dog |
have a dog called Bica his breed is a Hungarian Puli. His curls were down
on the ground when we got him. He is black and has a white spot on his
chest. I said we should have called him spot. Bica means small black
coffee in Hungarian. Well he is small and black but he is a dog not
dogs name is Blackie. His colour is all-over with some white down his
neck. His breed is a mixture of all different breeds. His favourite
food is chicken and ham. He loves to lie in the sun and fall
asleep. You may think this is strange
but my dog Blackie and cat Fluffy are best friends. Blackie is very
caring and a very big hearted dog he wouldn’t hurt a fly. That’s why
he’s the best dog
in the world!
pet is
a West Highland terrier
I got
her in Wexford.
My dog’s
name is Tilly . She
is two
years old. She
likes to
eat dog
biscuits and
nuts. She has a whitecoloured coat. She
lies down in
front of
thefire .I bring her
for walks
and she
rambles off
on me.She
is very
giddy and playful at times .She
likes to
get her belly
stroked .She sleeps
in the bed with
my Mother
and Farther. She
gets really
giddy when
she can
see the
lead. She
plays soccer
with me
sometimes the
couler of
her eyes
are green.
She sits
under the
dinner table
and gets Food.In
may the