Chronology of Portlaw 1.AD Birth of Christ 563. Otteran went with St Columba to Iona 570. St Ita 637. Death of St Carthage. Roger first Baron 1169. Sir Robert le Poer joint Governor of Ireland 1185. St John’s Bridge built. 1197. John eldest son of Roger. 1212. Erection of Rocket’s Castle 1324. Sir Arnold defence of Dame Alice Kyteler who was prosecuted by Bishop de Ledrede of Kilkenny for being a witch 1327. Robert who was treasurer of Ireland 1345. Eustace hanged as a traitor and his estate confiscated 1483. Death of Richard Poer Lord of Curraghmore and Sheriff of the county 1535 Sept 13th. Sir Richard created Barron de le Power and
Coroghmore by Henry VIII. 1538. Richard was slain while on service for the crown by the "Traytor" Connogher O’ Callaghan 1545. Death of Piers Power 2nd Lord. ? John 3rd Lord 1607. Death of Sir Richard 4th Lord ? The Hon. John Power (oge) was killed by Edmund Firtzibbon, the White Knight. 1649 Aug 15. Cromwell`s campaign 1650 May 26 End of Cromwell’s Campaign in Ireland. 1654- 56 Civil Survey 1661 Succession of Richard 6th Lord 1673 Richard , 6th Lord became Earl of Tyrone 1679 Oct Richard 6th Lord created Viscount of Decies and Earl of Tyrone. Being in the service of James the 2nd , he died a Oct 14th 1690. 1662 Subsidy roles 1690 Oct 14th Richard 6th Lord died a prisoner in the Tower of London 1690 Beheading of Tyrone in Tower of London. 1693 Death of John 7th Lord 1700 Current Curraghmore House built by James 8th Lord 1704 Death of James Poer 8th Lord and 3rd Earl of Tyrone 1717 Marriage of Lady Catherine Power + Sir Marcus Beresford 1735 Birth of George 1st Marquis 1741 Clonegam church built 1746 Sir Marcus created Earl of Tyrone 1750’s John Roberts, constructed the forecourt 1750 Construction of the shell house 1763 Death of Sir Marcus 1783 Death at the age of 13 of Marcus the eldest son of George the 1st Marquis 1785 Erection of the Tower to commemorate Marcus's death 1798 Aug. 19th George created Marquis in Aug 1800 Dec 2nd Death of George de la Poer Beresford 1st Marquis 1811 April 26th Birth of Henry 3rd Marquis 1814 April 27th Birth of John 4th Marquis 1825 April 12th Malcomson takes over flour mill in Portlaw that had previously been an Iron Foundry 1826 July 16th death of Henry de la Poer Beresford 2nd. Marquis 1826 Election of Villiar Stuart 1835 Jan 5th Dr James Martin appointed resident surgeon to Factory 1844 May 21st Birth of John Henry de la Poer Beresford 5th Marquis 1845 Presbyterian church built 1840's There was an agricultural society in Portlaw 1845 Nov. Waterford board of guardians were informed that Portlaw area was not badly affected by the famine 1846 Oct.
Quaker relief - Joseph Malcomson 1848 Malcomson's sold cotton to the workhouses 1848 Attack on Portlaw police barracks 1851 Feb. 7th Guilcagh church consecrated 1852 Sept. 6th Holy Trinity church consecrated 1855 July Mayfield female and Mayfield male schools started 1858 March 28th Foundation stone layed of St. Patrick's church 1859 Henry 3rd Marquis killed 1861 American civil war 1866 Nov. 6th. Death of John 4th. Marquis 1867 Battalion of Fenians was marching and drilling at Henebry's, Mount Bolton 1874 Last election when the Marquis of Waterford provided a candidate for the county was the parliamentary election of 1874. This was Lord Charles Beresford. 1875 April
28th Henry de la Poer 6th Marquis 1882 Death of Rev. J McGrath P.P. who bequeathed his entire property towards the establishment of the foundation of the Mercy convent in Portlaw 1883 June 9th.
Arrival of five Mercy sisters from Cahir 1884 Aug. 6th. Birth of Nicholas Wall who was elected TD for Farmers Party, son of Ellen Power of Ballycahane and William Wall of Mount Bolton moved to Kilowen. Later elected for Fine Gael 1927, and died Dec. 3rd 1939 !896 July 4th
Marriage of Mary Hearne and William Organ in Portlaw Church. 1896 Alms Houses built 1903 Aug. 24th. Birth of Little Nellie of Holy God 1904 Last bobbin of Portlaw Spinning Co. ceased 1908 Feb. 2nd Death of Little Nellie 1909 April Woodlock Nursing home opened by Sisters of Cluny 1910 Building of convent school in Flemings field 1916 Death of
Rev. Michael Hickey at Coolfin 1932 Boys national School built on its present site 1935 Sept. 26th. Official opening of Tannery by Seán Lemass 1945 Construction of new Tannery factory 45,000 sq. ft. 1950's Milford House ( St. Philomena's ) destroyed by fire 1954 Dec. 8th. Blessing of the Grotto 1969 Closure of Vocational school 1984 Closure of Tannery 1991 Amalgamation of Boys National school and Convent girls school 1993 Opening of Michel Irl. Tannery |
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