Green Flag Presentation

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After all the hard work, our school was presented with the Green Flag on Tuesday, February 22nd 2000.  Niamh O'Connor, co-ordinator of the Green School project from An Taisce came from Dublin to present the flag.  Representatives from The County Council came from Dungarvan and a large number of parents and well wishers also attended. Unfortunately the day was wet and the presentation had to take place in one of the classrooms.

                                                                         Green flag presentation
   by Nessa O'Conner and Cllr. Paddy Kenneally to the committee




Helen McInerney from RTE covered the presentation and we featured on the 2FM news and the national news on television.  The weather cleared long enough to raise the Green Flag on the new flag pole which was sponsored by the Credit Union.  Elaine Murphy and Laura Corcoran were chosen to raise the flag on the day.


  The Flag is raised for the first time.
 A very proud day for everyone.


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