Poplar Tree

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Poplar.jpg (24200 bytes)                   Pop_Leaf.jpg (8715 bytes)

Stop 15 on Trail 1                  Spade-like shaped leaf

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 Lombardy Poplar                    Black Poplar

Poplar is common name for any of about 35 species of trees in a genus of the willow family. Poplars are short-lived, fast-growing trees native mostly to the northern hemisphere.There are several kinds of poplars.  Below is information on two of the more common poplars, The Black Italian Poplar and The Lombardy Poplar.  They have different shapes but both grow to be very tall trees.  The leaves of many kinds of poplars are shaped like the symbol for spades in a pack of cards.
The third poplar featured is a new breed which we planted. The soft wood of poplars is used for paper pulp, in light construction, and in crate making.

Hooverst poplar

We planted three poplar near the wall with the adjoining field to give shelter to our shrub bed.  This is a new breed of poplar tree which has been developed in the last ten years and released commercially just recently.  This is a very fast growing timber and can grow three metres a year.  It will grow to 120 cms in thickness in 18 to 20 years.  This is very fast when you compare it to the oak, for example which takes 300 years to maturity.  The hooverst grows well in wet ground.  
We are grateful to one of our parents Mr. Philip Little who gave us the poplars.  We planted the trees in 1999.  

The Black Italian Poplar

This tree is a hybrid (that is to say, a cross) between the common European Black Poplar, which is the most massive of the poplars in Britain, and an American black poplar called the Eastern Cottonwood. When full grown the Black Italian Poplar has a long bole and heavy, slightly upcurved branches, which have a tendency to bend away from the prevailing wind. The crown is broad and fan-like and the catkins more fluffy than those of other poplars. This is a very quick growing tree, and because of this it has often been planted to form a quick screen to shelter something else from the wind.

The Lombardy Poplar

The Lombardy Poplar was introduced into Britain from northern Italy in 1758. Because of its distinctive shape it is by far the best known poplar in Britain. Indeed, for many people the word Lombardy poplar. This is a tall and very quick growing tree; it will often reach a height of one hundred feet in about thirty years. It is erect and narrow, and this is because the branches do not spring away from the trunk (as is usual in most trees) but stay close to it and follow the same upward direction. The timber has no economic use, but, because this is one of the most ornamental of trees, it is much used in landscape gardening. 


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