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This Spring
we produced our first school newsletter. The editors were a group of sixth
class pupils. Our editors collected articles from many of the classes,
decided on layout and then had to decide on the articles which would be
included. After much hard work the newsletter was completed. The
editors then had to photocopy and distribute the finished product to all the
children in the school.
Their hard work received much praise and you can catch up with all the school
news in the newsletter below.
Portlaw N.S.

Spring 2002
Our website address http://homepage.eircom.net/~portlawns
Read about all the latest
school news from the articles written by the pupils
The Green School Committee
By Julie O Hara & Dervla Walsh
The Green School committee started four years ago. We
started the committee because we wanted to promote Environmental.
Awareness. This year we started the committee in November and have had
a meeting every two weeks. There is a suggestion box outside the office
and if any body has any suggestion about how to improve the school
environment we ask them to write it down and put it into the box. We are
trying to cut down on paper and extra wrapping on sweets, chocolate, etc.
The committee are putting a lot of effort into keeping the school in
proper condition litter wise. The committee consists of the following:
Michelle Hallissey, Shane Foran , Kate Hennebry, Carrie Walsh, Darren
Rockett, Aimee Nolan, Ruth Howley, Mr. Curran, Mrs. Hally, Miss. Cotter
and Mrs. Martina O Donoghue.
The chairperson is Carrie Walsh and the secretary is Ruth Howley.
Waste - Our Problem
Every year we produce over 20 million tonnes of household waste. A
quarter of this is garden rubbish.
current solution is to dump most of it in landfill sites, but this can
result in water pollution and the build up of dangerous gases such as
methane. Composting organic waste creates valuable material for the garden
and home, saves peatlands and saves money
too. |
Bread, bread, I like that,
It would fill you up
And make you fat
But if you don’t like bread
Try something else instead.
By Richard Coe
The process of composting occurs naturally. Successful composting
largely depends on the correct balancing of ‘Green’ and ‘Brown’
materials. ‘Greens’ are those, which are soft in compostion, e.g. grass
clippings and vegetables. ‘Browns’ are
dry, fibrous materials such as paper and woody prunings.
Improving Our Community
We are again participating in the Irish Independent "Building for
the Future" project. This year the name of the project is "Improving
Our Community".
year we were county winners with our project "A sense of
Community". If parents have any ideas or are willing to support the
project in anyway, please let us know.
In the meantime keep collecting The Independent tokens!!!
Last year we received a video camera and this year we hope to get a
digital camera.
Mrs. Hally’s class are responsible for collecting the tokens. |
Book Fair
The School Book Fair was held from the 4th of February to the 8th of
February. It brought great enjoyment and satisfaction to the students of
Portlaw N.S. There was a wide variety of Junior and Senior books, from
comics to classics from pictures to features and the Harry Potter
collection was most popular among the students of Portlaw N.S. The Book
Fair raised over €2090. All in all we think the book fair was a great
By Jason Cahill , Stephanie Cowman , Sean O’Neill & Darren Clarke
INTO / EBS Handwriting Competition
It`s that time of year again when we are all very busy practising for
the Handwriting Competition. We take
part every year. It’s good fun and we
all try to write more neatly and carefully. There
are some good prizes to be won as it is sponsored by INTO/EBS.
There are five sections in the competition
2.First/Second Class.
3.Third/Fourth Class.
4.Fifth/Sixth Class.
5.Special Education.
The winners from the Waterford area then go through to the National
We’ve had many winners through the years and we even had a National
Winner in 1998- Grace Howley.
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Here is a list of past winners;
[if we’ve forgotten your name on our list please let us know]
Feana Walsh
Derek Larkin
Zoe O Donoghue.
Megan Walsh.
Saoirse Power.
Jimmy O Donoghue.
Kate Hennebry.
Niall Fitzgerald.
Nadine Cullen.
Dervla Walsh.
Shane Fitzgerald.
Stephanie Cowman
This year we hope we’ll have more
winners, so ink those pens, sharpen those pencils and get cracking! You
might even get your picture in the paper as well!!!
Portlaw Credit Union Quiz
In October last the Mental Health Quiz was
held in WIT. A team from Portlaw were first runners –up and won a lovely
trophy. This year on January 18th the Credit Union Quiz was held in
Portlaw school. The questions were supposed to be easy, moderate and
difficult, but a lot of people thought that the easy questions were quite
The winners received plaques and vouchers
for Alfie Hales Sport Shop and the runners – up also received vouchers .
The next round of the Credit Union Quiz
will be held in Clonmel at the end of February so best of luck to the two
winning teams who will be taking part!

The people in the four teams are
as follows:
Under 13 winners
Dean Murphy
Dervla Walsh
Ruth Howley
Patrick Kearns
Under 13 runners up
Ruth Kelleher
Shane Fitzgerald
Sarah Louise Butler
Triona Cullinane
Under 11 winners
Carrie Walsh
Aoife Dunphy
Darren Rockett
Dawn Prendergast
Under 11 runners up
Emma Morahan
Natalie Moore
Megan Walsh
Laura Nolan
School News
Last year Portlaw NS raised enough money to send a goat to Africa. Kate
Hennebry won the raffle last year and
named the goat Clodagh. This year there’s another raffle.
1st prize is a Samba Soccer Kit,
2nd prize is a leather football,
3rd prize is another leather football
4th prize an Easter- egg.
First class are having a hurling blitz in their class for the next
three P.E. days.
Last year we collected £ 175 (€220) for children in poorer countries in
our mission globes. So far this year we have collected € 114 so lets
continue making an effort
Fraya Little won an art competition run by hot air balloon people. She |
called it Rainbow Balloon.
Now her painting has been sent off to Switzerland for another competiton
Aisling Kelly won a poetry competition run by Environmental
Awareness held in the Park Hotel.
Martina was in hospital and we all wished her the best of luck and we hope
she gets better soon.
Fifth Class raised €50.79 for Trocaire. This €50.79 will be used for
clean water, wells, food, medicine and education. Hopefully that will save
some people’s lives. We are doing a concert at the end the year
hopefully we will have another donation.
Welcome to Chelsie Hill who moved to Portlaw from England and is in Senior
Healthy school lunches
Our school has been selected to participate in a healthy lunch
programme, which is run by the South-Eastern Health Board. It has been
suggested that students bring a healthy lunch on Monday to Thursday and
confine treats to
Friday. We would ask parents kindly to try and give their children a
good healthy lunch.
My Dog Monty
My dog Monty
He is white and brown,
But he does not have a frown,
He would fight,
Day and night,
In the dark and in the light.
By Rachael Kelly.