Visit of John Quinn

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John Quinn’s Visit   
By Emma Morahan

It was the 1st of October and John Quinn was coming to visit Portlaw N.S. Everyone was feeling very excited because we were reading his book called “The Summer of Lily and Esme” and it was great. He spoke to 5th and 6th classes first. He told us a bit about himself and asked us a few questions. He is the author of many great books. He is in his sixties and he is a very friendly man with a great personality. He is a very tall man and is very funny. He told us to be four things if we wanted to become a writer: a sponge, a jackdaw, a daydreamer and a cat. A writer must be a sponge to soak up information, a jackdaw to collect words, a daydreamer to imagine stories and a cat to be curious. He told a lot of funny jokes to get his audience interested. For a book costing four euro in the bookshops he would get forty-cent. He is from Co. Meath. Before he became an author he was a teacher. The first book he wrote was “The Summer of Lily and Esme” in 1998. That book won the Bisto Book of the Year Award. He is a very successful author. At the end of his speech, he got a big clap. Afterwards I remembered that he said when you are writing you must make a plot, a problem and a conclusion. His visit made me feel happy because he was so funny.


Third and Fourth Classes
Fifth Class
Sixth Class


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