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Dear Visitors 

Welcome to the web site of Saint Anne’s National School.

This website  has been developed by our sixth class pupils (with a little help from Mr. Newman and the Parents Association) and the idea is to give a flavour of all the activities that take place, along with some general information about our school .

We are very proud of all of the success that St. Anne’s N.S. has achieved, due largely to our pride in ourselves and our environment and the co-operation and healthy relationship between Board of Management, Teaching Staff, The Parents’ Association, our auxiliary staff , support groups, general parent body and last but not least all the boys and girls in the school. 

I hope you will find this website informative. A big thank you to everyone who has contributed to developing our website... 

Taímid an-mhórálach as an scoil seo againne. Más sár-scoil í - ‘sé an príomh-chúis ná cách a bhfuil páirteach leí.

Go n-eirí linn.

Risteard Mac Coitir



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St. Anne's National School is located on Stonebridge Road,  Shankill, Co. Dublin, Ireland.  There are over five hundred pupils attending St. Anne's.  The school  has eighteen classes, from Junior Infants to 6th class.  We have  a P.E. Hall  and two play yards.

The school still awaits a new extension which was promised by the Education Minister for December 2002, but we are still waiting!  When built it will have a new staff room , better library facilities and two new classrooms . We also await a car park/extended play area.  See page on new Building Programme for more information.


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Vision Statement

St. Anne’s School seeks to provide a happy Christian environment in which children grow in self-esteem, learn respect and demonstrate care for themselves and others.

The school aims to foster  the intellectual, physical, emotional, social, moral and spiritual development of each student. We value and encourage co-operation between pupils, parents, staff, management and the local community.

Le chéile agus le cabhair Dé go n’éiri linn.

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Contact Information

+353 1 282 5565
+353 1 282 5565
Postal Address
Stonebridge Road, Shankill, County Dublin
Electronic Mail
General Information: info@StAnnesSchool.org
Webmaster: webmaster@StAnnesSchool.org
Send mail to info@StAnnesSchool.org with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 18 February, 2006